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  • Why is the cross important for renewing a relationship between God and Humans?

    What does the cross mean for Christians?

    For homework and I have no clue where to start.... the question is so broad.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Please Help school advice and opinions?

    I work as a daycare teacher, and back in May our boss signed up us for an Adult studies Cohort from a Christian College to get our Bachelors in Early Ed.. they offered to come to our work and teach us there. Its a new class every 6 weeks the classes are alot of work but as of now I have an A in every class. My issue's are I am a mother with a med-low paying job. I only recieved the Pell Grant and didnt qualify for the Mass grant, that everyone else did because even though I work in Mass I live in Rhode Island. I still have no clue where the money is coming from. I am very hesitant on taking out a loan because a few years back I owned my own bussiness which I closed and have recently just finish paying off my debt. I do not have good credit and I have no clue what to do. Our next class is a Bible class and I have an issue paying for a class that I will need again however for this school its a requirment, I am Catholic not Christian however my main issue is money. I have been contimplating leaving school and taking classes here and there when I have money, but that means getting my degree will take forever and if I stay in the program I will be done in 2016. My fiance and I are planning another child and a wedding and have set a deadline of buying a house within the next 5 years. What should I do?? and does anyone know of any grants or loans without alot of interest that I may qaulify for. PLEASE HELP sooooo stressed!

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid8 years ago
  • PLEASE HELP-Need advice and opinions about college!?!??!?!?

    I work as a daycare teacher, and back in May our boss signed up us for an Adult studies Cohort from a Christian College to get our Bachelors in Early Ed.. they offered to come to our work and teach us there. Its a new class every 6 weeks the classes are alot of work but as of now I have an A in every class. My issue's are I am a mother with a med-low paying job. I only recieved the Pell Grant and didnt qualify for the Mass grant, that everyone else did because even though I work in Mass I live in Rhode Island. I still have no clue where the money is coming from. I am very hesitant on taking out a loan because a few years back I owned my own bussiness which I closed and have recently just finish paying off my debt. I do not have good credit and I have no clue what to do. Our next class is a Bible class and I have an issue paying for a class that I will need again however for this school its a requirment, I am Catholic not Christian however my main issue is money. I have been contimplating leaving school and taking classes here and there when I have money, but that means getting my degree will take forever and if I stay in the program I will be done in 2016. My fiance and I are planning another child and a wedding and have set a deadline of buying a house within the next 5 years. What should I do?? and does anyone know of any grants or loans without alot of interest that I may qaulify for. PLEASE HELP sooooo stressed!

  • I need ideas for an intermediate / advanced Acro solo...?

    anymusic ideas????? I have some, but nothing has really hit me yet.

    2 AnswersDancing9 years ago
  • I need help with my windows media/itunes, I know I should have this in a diff category but so far no answers.?

    Im trying to get my music on a program to burn CD's. I have I-tunes with all of my music on it and I was trying to transfer into my windows media player. ok so first I realized you had to download each individual song and it would show up in the "other media" in windows media....but I didn't press save and when I Xed out of it, and later went back it was gone. So I attempted to go back into itunes and try again now knowing to press save..... But on itunes the songs that Ive already downloaded wont let me do it again....... I don't know how to undo this, or is there anywhere in the windows media that it may be? Ive tried to get to my itunes music through windows but I cant find it anywhere....

    1 AnswerOther - Music9 years ago
  • DOOL???? I haven't been reading the spoilers lately and just recently realized a lot of people are leaving?

    Does anyone know what the plan is with all of these main characters leaving? Does anyone one who else is leaving? Lexi,Melanie, Ian, Carey Austin

    I heard Nick is coming back

    Is the show over?

    4 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • One Tree Hill Fans only....?

    So I finally had time to watch the series finale..... I thought it was good and I was happy with the way it ended. However the whole time I was watching I couldnt beleive that Peyton and Lucas werent there. They were such a big part of the show the least they could of done was come back for the farewelll!! Does anyone what they are doing now? I miss the old characters and for some reason it didnt seem right with out them. I love the show and will miss it.

    just like Nathan said at the begining "all of a sudden one day is today"

    I wish I had realized what type of experience I could have had in High School instead of trying to rush through life. I wish all high school kids would watch this show before they make the same mistake most of us did.

    2 AnswersDrama9 years ago
  • Is there way to retrieve a show in the history folder?

    I have Verizon Fios, my DVR has been deleting things by itself " to make room"

    even though there's been room and I'm not happy about it. I had whole seasons of shows on there that I never have time to watch and all of a sudden I'm missing half the season. This has never happened before, and I can see it in the history but I'm hoping someone knows a way to get it back. When I click on it the only options it gives me is delete or remove all!!!!!! Please help

    1 AnswerTiVO & DVRs9 years ago
  • I'm buying a labtop for school and I don't know where to start,?

    I only need it for simple things like homework and Internet, but don't want anything too big. I just need to know what brands are good and which ones to stay away from. My plan was too go to best buy and ask them this question but I've been told they will sell me things I don't need. Please give me your opinions I start school next week.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • What is Simons problem with the dancers on Xfactor?

    I'm a dance teacher and was a dancer for 18 years, 98 % of the time they enhance the performance. I understand it's a singing competition but why is he always putting them down? It's rude calling them zombies, they work hard and so does the choreographer.

    6 AnswersReality Television9 years ago
  • How do i find out when they replay part 2 of "Sons of Anarchy"?

    (part two of the finale) My DVR messed up and I only have half. Ive been looking for some type of FX line up, for the next two weeks it's basically Xmas stuff.??????

    1 AnswerDrama9 years ago
  • How can I watch tonights Xfactor?

    I was at work and my DVR screwed up and it was in the middle of Rachels first performance and then skipped to the end of the show!!!!!! I'm sooooo annoyed right now. Any way to watch it?

    2 AnswersReality Television9 years ago
  • Does anyone know when the bass pro shops opens in Foxboro, Massachusetts ?

    I cant seem to find it on the website

    2 AnswersFishing10 years ago
  • DOOL: Is it true that Billie Reed is coming back?

    I've seen a couple people post that she is but I cant find any real confirmation??

    6 AnswersSoap Operas10 years ago
  • What in the world is going on with Days?

    The entire episode Ej was pushing Sami around and blaiming her for johnny's death when he knows fully well that he was behind the thing with John (which at this piont they think is the reason for johnny's death). And yet by the end of the episode they're making out!!! Way to go Days that's adultry, physical abuse all in one hour, makes Sami look pathetic. I was getting even more mad everytime Ej said this is your fault!

    It would have been better if they were sitting around consoling eachother instead of beating eachother, and ended up kissing.

    8 AnswersSoap Operas10 years ago
  • I need a new career ASAP!!!!? I would love to do something that make a difference.?

    I have no idea what I want to do with my life, I opened my own dance studio when I was 19 and unfortunately it closed two years later due to peoples lack of money for extra curricular activities. Since then I have a three year old son and two part time jobs as dance teacher and at a sub shop. I just need a new direction that's more long term, also I have an issue with making time to go back to school. If I do I either need to go during the day and pay for daycare or go at night and cut way back on my hours at work and won't have money to pay bills. Please help!!!! Any ideas????

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • Dool: did anyone expect Ej in th blackmailing of John Black?

    And how did no one notice that Johnny was missing?

    Ps; this is the second time Ej was behind one of his children being kidnapped whether it was intentional or not.

    5 AnswersSoap Operas10 years ago
  • Does anyone have any reviews on the Vtech inotab and the Leappad explored?

    I've been looking at both options for my son and I've only seen two major differences. The vtech has a mp3 and the leappad has a camera but I've noticed leappad has more game options. Let me know what you think?

    1 AnswerToys10 years ago