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"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, "WOW, What a Ride!"

  • can i wire accent lighting this way?

    i just put a subwoofer in the back of my truck and want to do an led light strip in the back for accent lighting just so it looks cool. my thinking was run the light bar off the amp where the speaker comes out. that way when the bass hits the light pulses. so really my question is - does the amp put out more than 12 volts?

    1 AnswerCar Audio1 decade ago
  • boat wont rev up all the way. what could be wrong?

    she usually runs around 5000 wot but yesterday would only hit 4000 barely and didnt want to go any higher even with the throttle all the way down. she runs fine up until then and at that speed runs ok but wont go beyond that. its a 2.3 omc (ford block) and is in a 1988 bayliner capri. im thinking something in the fuel system? idk...

    any help is greatly appreciated!

    4 AnswersBoats & Boating1 decade ago
  • what axle do they put under a 1999 ford explorer sport?

    its a 1999 explorer sport (the 2dr) with the 4.0 OHV engine in her.

    i need to know the axle ( i think its the ford 8.8) and i need to know the spline count. im trying to find locking hubs for her so if you have a link for ones that work/fit? :)


    4 AnswersFord1 decade ago
  • what rated winch do i need for my ford explorer?

    i know they say i need a winch rated at 8000 pounds or so on the websites. but those same websites sell those winches. last time i got my car stuck (and i mean really stuck) the rope we pulled it out of was rated (safe load) at 550. so actual break strength would be 1100. if that rope didnt even come close to breaking under that force wouldnt a cheap 300 lb winch be enough to get my explorer (the lighter 2 door model) unstuck?

    2 AnswersFord1 decade ago
  • pics of vending machines turned into furniture?

    ok me and my mate pulled an old (70's) coke vending machine out of the woods today dont ask) its shot ta hell, rusted up, and is missing most parts. so we plan on turning it into a free standing mini bar! if anyone has ANY pics of vending machines into furniture then please send them to me at or post me a link. thanx!!

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • advice on fabricating shackles?

    tmrw i am going to adjust my front torsion bars and then weld a new set of rear spring shackles to lift my explorer about 2 inches. any advise on making the shackles? its pretty basic but any experience would be appreciated. im going from a 6 inch shackle to an 8 inch shackle on the rear

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • tired of all the younger kids on this site?

    seriously. if i have to click on another legit looking question, only to find it is misspelled, grammatically incorrect, and using hundreds of text msg shortcuts from some whiny 10-13 year old about some boy or girl or even worse. a photo bucket link asking if she/he is "like omg am i hot or not i think im ugly plz help?!?!". this site used to be great. but the level of intelligence being exhibited is kind of bringing it down. am i alone, or are there others noticing the trend in younger kids on here?

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • what should i do?

    ok one of my girlfreinds best freinds moved tuesday, i feel bad and all but its all she talks about now is him. she talks to him for and hour a night and i dont know what to say, i meen he has a girlfrend and i completely trust my girlfreind so i think it is just he is lonely and bored, but every converstion i have with her ends up depresed and talking about him. i want to know if i should say something, or just wait a week and see if it calms down a bit. i just want to be able to have fun and not go all oprah depresing story mode about her freind

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • good way to deal with stress?

    ok, i have a ton of stress right now and im trying to figure out how to deal with it effectivly? i got

    parents divorse im going thru (mom pissing me off ALOT!)

    freshmen year of hs started tdy

    ive got to worry about brother (hes takin the divorse hard)

    and i want to let my mom now how she is making me mad without making her mad so she will still come by (pathetic 5 minutes every couple days) that way my brother is ok and its like i got to be the dam adult with her! i just need an easy way to deal with stress right now

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • is this a legit ebay store?

    there is this store called the guitarfactory direct. they sell guitars, basses, and keyboards dirt cheap (not name brand) but unlike the bad ones you read about they have ben open for 2 years, not a day or two and als they have 100% positive feedback fom hundreds of people. i just want your openion on the legitamentness of this and if i should buy from them or not

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • my dog got bit or scratched and is limping?

    ok, we were at the dog park last night and this lady brought her dog that imediatly started growling and stuff and all the dogs piled and we got my dog out of it but she had a scratch on her leg, we put antibacterial spray on it last nite and this morning. she is limping and hesitates to jump on the couch or bed. also she goes up the staires slow (usualy races) and dosent put much presure on it. my dad said its probaly just sore, but im worried about her and want to know if there is anything i can do to help her or make it feal better for her

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • what is this bump?

    i have a bump on my chin that is about 1/2 centimeter in diatmiter, hard and wont pop but it isnt a zit

    what kud it be?

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • kayak rack for 3 kayaks?

    were getting three otterxt kayaks and need to carry all three on top of a mercury mountianeer. what is the best way to do this?

    1 AnswerBoats & Boating1 decade ago
  • dog in kids bike trailer?

    i got a kids bike trailer at a yardsale and reinforced the bottom and took the seat out of it. ive started taking my dog for ries in it behind my bike and she seems to love it, is there anything rong/dangerous with doing this?

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • wy are we adicted/attracted to controvercy/arguing over differences?

    look at the news and you c mostly/only the bad

    and look on hear, all the questions about politics/racism/religion get the most answers and the answerable questions that need answers more like ones about fixing something usualy get less answers. is it just human nature to have all differences and argue over them

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • could this couse damage to me?

    over the past year ive been shocked by household current 4 to 5 times fixing/unplugging things. i usualy feel fine but was wondering if this has lasting efex

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • how do i make an end post for a zipline strong enough 2 not sag or break?

    i have the cable and stuff for a zipline and have made a short one but wana make it longer(more fun) the problem is were i have room for it the is no available trees and im guna have to make the end posts to hold the thing. my problem is how do i make the posts to were the wont sag inward or break? any kind of cheap(not over 20 bucks) ideas that could hold about a 500 hundred pounds(not fat, just safe) and take it

    2 AnswersToys1 decade ago
  • how can i connect my printer to my other computer?

    we have a computer upstairs with a pronter and our new one dosent have a printer. how could i network the computer downstairs to the computer upstairs without running a wire all throught the house?

    4 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • what the heck is my moms problem!?!?

    me and my brother have marshmallow guns(blowmini marshmallows out of) and were shooting them off the deck and my brother starts shooting me in the head so i shoot him from across the deck and the woos gets a little red mark on em so my mom goes balistic on me when the brat has bean shooting me in the head! then she is like "you dont have a red mark now doo ya!" when i told er that! well no der im not! you canty get a red mark on hair smart one! so wtf am i suposed to do when my little suck up of a brother whines and i get all the fu^^in blame for it

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago