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  • Is this argument logically sound? If not, please specify or elaborate.?

    Meant to counter the ontological argument for god:

    1 Imagine a maximal being.

    2 Things that have more capabilities are more maximal than things that don't.

    3 Can this maximally excellent god you have do evil and good?

    4 If your god is only good, it either cannot be the greatest god; as a god of good and evil has more capability, Or can only be maximal if good and evil are decided by god.

    5 Different humans evidently have different and contradictory perceptions of good and evil

    Therefore a god which is the source dictator of good and evil is evidently, either not the god of men, or is limited in capacity or both.

    6 Since this god is limited in capacity it is not the greatest maximal being you could imagine,

    7 Since you have just proven you could not possibly even imagine a maximal god or that a god does exist or demonstrate either in the natural world or your imagination, There is nothing to prove

    8 since you are man, then God, by your own proof, therefore, is nothing.

    9 If god is nothing, there is not a god.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Is this argument valid?

    Meant to counter the ontological argument for god:

    1 Imagine a maximal being.

    2 Things that have more capabilities are more maximal than things that don't.

    3 Can this maximally excellent god you have do evil and good?

    4 If your god is only good, it either cannot be the greatest god; as a god of good and evil has more capability, Or can only be maximal if good and evil are decided by god.

    5 Different humans evidently have different and contradictory perceptions of good and evil

    Therefore a god which is the source dictator of good and evil is evidently, either not the god of men, or is limited in capacity or both.

    6 Since this god is limited in capacity it is not the greatest maximal being you could imagine,

    7 Since you have just proven you could not possibly even imagine a maximal god or that a god does exist or demonstrate either in the natural world or your imagination, There is nothing to prove

    8 since you are man, then God, by your own proof, therefore, is nothing.

    9 If god is nothing, there is not a god.

    4 AnswersPhilosophy4 years ago
  • If god is guiding you:?

    Why do atheists do better on tests? Do you have connection issues when paper is in front of you or are those really the answers your god gives you and he is just quite a few points below the average intelligence of non religious people... I don't know. Ive never had the creator of all things talk to me. Surely there must be a reason. What do you think it is?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Do you think others would reach skepticism?

    If we had a perfected modern translator that showed the same (lets just say presuppositional) questions in all of our native languages?

    For instance (does Baal get displeased with the starfish as an offering and will this make my wife barren)?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • What is wrong with this girl? (is there a name for it)?

    Constantly interrupts and pays so little attention when spoken to, she can't even remember what was said (but claims this most when she is called on it, like "i told you you had to be ready by this time if we are going to make it there at all") Criticizes me even worse while i am actively going out of my way to help her. For instance: she said she needed brakes on her car. I bought them at her local auto store and asked her to pick them up to bring to a mechanic I had arranged. She bemoaned this and showed up 1.5 hrs late for this guy to do me a favor. He took off the tire in front of us both and we all could clearly see she did not need brakes. I then got blamed for trying to help and she claimed that the car was now handling funny and the wheel was on wrong. I told her it wasn't as we all were there when the 40+veteran mechanic and I put the wheel back on. She kept complaining, so I went out and took her tire off and put it on again. She said the next day it was still on wrong and I had done nothing. Again, I told her that this was incorrect. She told me to do it (again). I told her she was going to watch me do it, otherwise there was no point. The next day when we were supposed to take my son to the pool before dropping him off with his mother, I asked the girl to be ready 15 mins before normal so i could change the tire in front of her. Well, she didn't. after 4 hrs prep she was ready and blamed me for the delay of changing the tire. Kid got 10 mins swim time. I had enoug

    1 AnswerMental Health5 years ago
  • Whats up with protestant christians acting like roman catholics aren't their predecessors?

    Do they seriously not know the history of your own religion?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Ok. I found only 2 christians that actually understand an atheist is someone who doesn't believe in god, no more, no less.?

    Since your principal charge, your prime directive as a christian is to convert atheists, would you enlighten your fellow christians as to the definition so they stop looking like drooling mouth breathers?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Christians only, please.?

    I'd like to see if it is possible: Would you be kind enough to tell me what an atheist is?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • So, the supposed ultimate sacrifice...?

    The guy's body stopped functioning but he can't really die. How is even the worst 100 year long torture session a big deal to an eternal being? He would have had to be around for at least 17 billion years if he created all of this. 34 years isn't even a fraction of a second in our limited lifespan by comparison, much less 3 days of hardship. The closest analogy would be "i took one particle of an X-ray for your mistake. Why is this a big deal?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Anti-abortion christians:?

    Do you support the tactics that are widespread at the fake clinics which offer no medical treatment, spread false information and serve only to deceive? Do you have a suggestion to alternatively propel the anti-abortion stance/agenda which doesn't rely on deceit? Do you also support sex ed-which has been shown to reduce unwanted pregnancy? What are your thoughts?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Weird problem I'm having cuz of religious material.?

    Since I kept being shown abortion videos by these clinics (which i found out later weren't really clinics) I couldn't get the images out of my head. Now on my 4th abortion, I can assure you that isn't how they go. But I'm having a weird problem. about 2 years ago the images in my headfrom the movies they show begun to turn me on. It wasn't long before I found out I wasn't the only one. Abortion pornography is now a thing. But its not yet popular. Ive exhausted all the "normal" abortion porn i can find and have started to pretend I was pregnant again at the fake clinics to get alone time with the videos. Does anybody know who makes these videos because they have started a market and now don't seem to supply the demand they created. Please don't judge. I didn't ask to be this way. They told me sexuality is a choice and they made me watch that junk. Now nothing else works for me. Please tell me somebody knows who makes these films.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Did Muhammad delight?

    More in the screams of the merchants as he murdered them or the wives he violated while they watched or was it the pleas of Aisha to take pity on her tiny parts that mostly inspired the illiterate retard to get up and do it all again the next day.

    1 AnswerRamadan5 years ago
  • Christians do you run out of gas a lot?

    I keep hearing questions on what faith atheists have and i wonder if you just run out of gas and say. "what kind of gas is that I have now"? While your puzzled passenger tells you in 500 different ways that you now have no gas.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture5 years ago
  • Why aren't even more paedophiles muslim?

    The rest of the world loathes them but in islam, the holy prophet was one and it goes into graphic detail about when to use a child and how and for what. I don't find it "enlightened" but who am I to question the final revelation....? Except for all the other ones. So, muslims. is there a type of Paedo you actually condemn? or do you guys just say, hey "thats normal"

    8 AnswersRamadan5 years ago
  • Whats that one religion?

    Where they want to go to war with everyone because they think they are superior but don't manage to invent anything, so they use 2nd hand stuff and technologies exclusively developed from everywhere else in the functional world in order to take it over but only really manage to kill the crap out of each other?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Christians: Join me in fighting this powerful group that promotes abortion!?

    I have uncovered secret literature from the most powerful pro abortion advocacy group on the planet! They even have written a manual on how to do it without formal medical treatment and need your help stopping it. I actually found the answer in scripture: Numbers 5:11-31 It really tells us all we need to know.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Worried about my eternal fate, HELP!?

    My thetans are are coming back due to some non-clear thought patterns. Im worried that lord XENU will put ME in that fiery volcano for eternity. Sound silly?

    Ok, Im worried that my soul is going to go to hell because I can't stop lusting, no matter how hard I try. Which one is a more reasonable question and why?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Have people actually accepted this as fact?

    Non Catholic Christian gas station clerk complained to me today that she "never knows who to say merry christmas to anymore". She seemed genuinely shocked when I said, "I am an atheist. Merry christmas"... Blank and shocked stare ensued. I went on... "if I were in Europe i would probably have said something about 'pleasant boxing day' or whatever, since they often celebrate christmas on the 24th. You do call the 25th 'Christmas, right'? She nodded. I asked if she was catholic, she said "no". I don't think she got what I was getting at. So I Wished her merry christmas again and left. Anyway, Do christians actually think that most non believers in their sect have a problem with calling it that when they themselves (non catholic christian sects) don't even subscribe to having mass? Serious question. I Actually thought this was an invented problem by Bill O'rielly

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago