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  • Raid on Bungling Bay?

    Anyone remember this game? I was a helicopter that flew from a carrier and you had to destroy factoies before they built a battleship that would destroy your carrier? Mid 80's time frame for the Commodor 64/128? Is there a version available to play in windows or of the sort?

    Looking to relive some childhood nostalgia!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Terrorists and peace?

    Anyone still think there can be peace?

    Bleed your heart out all you want about how we treat terrorists, they still hate you.

    14 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Baseball box score?

    Why does the box score in baseball include hits and errors?

    4 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • WWII and Hollywood?

    On several questions I have seen posts concerning how American's get their historical view of how America won WWII, saved Europe, England... defeated Germany... Some answers say these beliefs are from Hollywood making movies portraying Americans in the Savior role, even having movies made that show the US in battles that they were not in.

    My question is: What movies, that are stated as historical (vs. a story like Saving Private Ryan, that just happens to be set in WWII) concerning which battles, did Hollywood make that would make others think that Americans get their view from Hollywood vs. a history book?

    I've read history books, I've talked to WWII Veterans, and I've seen WWII movies. Movies are entertainment, not history. Some are historical, but its still a story.

    I see the 'accusations' but I never see a reference. Anyone have one? I'm not saying there are or are not any, I'm just curious.

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Playing Devil's Advocate... Deal with Terrorism with a very heavy hand?

    If the world dealt with terrorism and states that sponsored terrorism the way Germany, Japan and Italy were dealt with in WWII, would terrorism stop?

    Granted it is a different style of warfare, but 60 years later, Germany, Italy and Japan are successful, contributing nations to the world. All three are in the G8 (Group of 8 richest countries in the world).

    If terrorists and terrorist States were dealt with in a most severe fashion as to disuade them from attempting to terrorize, would terrorism stop?

    I'm talking full scale war, full occupation, full demilitarization of the people and state, complete destruction of anything that could, may, might, did or is a source of weapons making. Complete utter and total.

    14 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • When are people going to get over the Atomic Bombs that were dropped on Japan?

    If you sneak attack a country and kill thousands of people, all the while talking peaceful on the political side at the same time, should you not pay the price?

    Japan was warned before either bomb was dropped and they still did not heed the warning. They were even told which city was going to be hit each time.

    I personally think it says a lot about the US Military that only two were dropped in the span of 3 days, and warning was given prior to both. Any other weapon and it would have been used extensively, and without warning. The bombs were not dropped in hate, they were not dropped carelessly. They were dropped to stop a determined enemy that would not surrender unless faced with total annihilation.

    Estimates are that Millions of people would have died had the US invaded Japan, on both sides. This was a war started by a Japanese sneak attack against America. America's answer was more than Japan could handle.

    If you smack me and I smack you back, don't complain.

    12 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Question about Suicide?

    Concerning the prisioners at Gitmo who committed suicide vs suicide bombers. Why is it acceptable for a bomber to commit suicide but not for the prisioners? What is the difference? Isn't Suicide suicide regardless of how it is accomplished? Religiously the prisioners could not have committed the act (So it is said) as it is against the teachings of the Koran, yet it is acceptable for suicide bombers to commit the act and kill innocent people in the process. What am I missing?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Faster than Light?

    Is saying we can never travel faster than the speed of light the same as saying we would never go faster than sound? Seems to me that this is a barrier that exists for the sole purpose of existing and until someone disproves Einstein it will continue to exist.

    22 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Mohammed Cartoon question?

    If there are supposed to be no drawings, portraits or other idols of Mohammed The Prophet. How did people know that it was The Phophet that was being depicted?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why does the Discovery Channel Team have Yellow number backgrounds?

    I have noticed that Team Discovery has black numbers on a yellow sticker for their number designations, and all the other riders have the traditional black on white numbers. Why is that? Only thing I can think of it that Discovery is the reigning TDF championship team.

    2 AnswersCycling1 decade ago