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Favorite Answers8%
  • What's your favourite version of the song 'Time after Time' ?

    Tons of artists have done their own covers of the song. So what's your fav??

    I love 'Quiet Drive' 's version!

    8 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • BMS College of Engineering or Ramaiah Institute of Tech.?

    Which college is better?

    I mean overall including the campus, hostel, academics....

    I plan on taking Biotech Engineering... I'm just a bit confused....

    Thanks !


    5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • I just found out my best friend's brother sells cigarettes ...?

    He pulls out the logos of cars (you know the silver symbols on the front of cars or on the boot) with a blade and then goes off and sells them in the city for 30-500 bucks(!) but wrong...

    He buys packs of cigarettes from small supermarkets(they dont check for ID here.. they agree as long as they get their money)and then sells them to people on the streets. He sneeks liquor out of their house to sell to other people...

    I found out where he hides all this stuff.. behind an old school..

    Should I tell my friend about this? I'm not sure how.. I dont think she'll believe me..

    but he is on the wrong track.. he's only 14!!

    What should I do.. Help!

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Symantec 'Virus'?????

    My dad downlaoded this Symantec Anti virus software about a month ago. It's been doing fine up until yesterday...

    It said that I had 42 viruses on my computer and that to remove them I had to register a license or something... i didnt get the license

    Anyway after that the messages kept popping up saying my computer is at risk and so on...

    Well I scanned my computer using a different anti virus software and it said that the Symantec Antivirus IS the 'virus'..

    so i tried deleting symantec anti virus but it wouldnt delete..

    So is it really a virus?? what should i do??

    i cant dowlload any new antivirus software coz its like installs up to 99% and then suddenly shuts down saying there's a problem...


    not sure if this helps but its a bit more about the verison i got..


    Scan Engine :

    10 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • The 'D' string of my guitar makes this weird buzzing sound when I play it open...?

    This never happened before.. its only since last Saturday...

    And its only the 'D' string..

    I tried detuning it and then tuning it back but it still makes the werid sound.. I thgought that maybe it was like touching the fret board but it wasnt..

    Anyway.. does anyone know wats wrong..?

    Do I need to replace the nut of my guitar?

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • My friends mother died...?

    She died on Friday and I found out just now... I feel terrible.. We live about 2 hours away and hardly ever see each other these days..

    I knew she had blood cancer, he told me a month ago about it.. but he said she was getting treatment..

    What do I say to him? I want to show him that I care eventhough I can't be with him right now..

    Its pretty tough on him right now.. 3 sisters, the only son, father aint doing too well either.. and he's got his final exams coming up next week..

    What can i do to help him...??

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • I dreamt that me n my sister's bf were together.... :s?

    I had a dream the other day about and my sister's bf wa sin it and we were together.. like I was stroking his hair.. and we were gonna kiss or something and then this lady comes and yells at us saying that this is not allowed or something.. it was kinda messed up...

    But now I'm worried..

    I'm positive that I dont like the guy ..but is my dream tellin me otherwise???

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My ear hurts......??

    It'll just start hurting all of a sudden.. and I feel like this stabbing pain inside my ear.. I can't even touch it... it hurts even when I open my mouth wide... it'll last for like 10-20minutes and then it'll just go away and come back after a couple of hours...

    I've been to 3 different doctors already and they say they cant find any infection. This was 2 months ago...

    They said it was probably coz the pressure is not balanced and advised me to blow balloons(??) to try and level them up... I did do that and I thought it worked but then it kept coming back...

    But its hurting again, alot more than it used to...

    I must admit I'm worried that I might've damaged my ear drum or something....

    Please help me... what's wrong with my ear??

    How do I get the pain to stop??

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Balancing a basketball on your finger......???

    I've noticed that you cant just simply balance a basketball on your finger.... but if you spin it, it balances pretty well.....

    Is there a reason why a ball balances best, on your finger, when its spinning???

    3 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Real Family Laughs.... !?

    Anything funny happen in your family today (or yesterday, or a week ago, etc....)???

    How bout I go first.....

    Well today my mum walked into my brothers room and looks at his clothes spread all over the floor and goes "When will he become a man". My little sister who was standing near her just laughs and says " He already is!"

    It wasnt REALLY funny but I guess sometimes you just gotta be there....

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Why is the second electron gain enthalpy of Oxygen positive??

    I need a basic explanation. Simpler the better.

    Thanks guys!!!


    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Did snakes evolve from Lizards????

    I think it was on TV.. probably Discovery or something, where there was this guy and he turned this snake over and you could sorta make out legs on its back but like they were squashed in to be part of the body. I wasnt paying much attention so I could be mistaken.

    I'm just wondering whether snakes did evolve from lizards....

    Thanks!! :)

    14 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Ddi anyone else on here recieve a sms about winning some money on Yahoo! Mail Wrap???

    I got one about 3 weeks ago. They said I was gonna win $9500. I'm starting to think its a scam so I just wanted to know if there was anyone else out there who got this sms. If you did, how much did it say you were gonna win??

    Also, could you please tell me where you are from, like where you live, which region???

    5 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • I want to watch the Asian drama 'Marry me' but with English subtitiles...?

    But I cant seem to find it anywhere. Ive tried Crunchyroll n Youtube but they only have it with chinese subs. Anyone know a site where I could watch it with English subs????

    It would be great if you could provide the link as well......



    3 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • What can I write on the inside of a 21st birthday card????

    I want it to be thoughtful and if possibly with a bit of humour.

    It's for one of my friends whose turning 21. We aint really close, just friends.

    All answers will be appreciated.



    8 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • what kind of games can you have at an 8 year old's party???

    My brother's having a birthday party, he's turning 8 and his friends are 8 - 12 years old. Coz of the age difference we split them into two groups : one is for the 8-9 yr olds and the other is for the 10-12 yr olds. The bigs kids arent really a problem, they'll probably just laze around anyway.

    But I'm not sure what kinda of games to hold for the 8-9yr olds. I mean I wanna do something fun but that wont end in something breaking....

    Any ideas?? stuff that you did for your brother/son/friends birthday.....

    All answers will be appreciated!


    4 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • I got really good marks in my Physics test but my friend did really bad....?

    She's really upset about it. And to add to all of this the teacher yelled at her infront the whole class, saying stuff like she got the lowest in the class and all.

    How do I console her???

    A part of me is really happy coz I did really well but then the othewr part of me is like I shouldn't be happy because my friend did really bad. I dont know what to say to her??

    9 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Okay, so your in your bathroom taking a shower.........?

    and your washing your face ( you gotta imagine this in your head as you read this..) so naturally your eyes are closed.

    Okay so now you've rinsed all the soap of your face and you open your eyes and BAM you see a face staring back at you....

    What does the face look like???

    .... this is just to test how good your imagination is....

    Best description gets 10 points!!

    4 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago