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I'm Leon. This may or may not be my real name >.< I am in a relationshipe with an angel :) xxxx I am currently questioning my sexual identity :S!!! Oh, and I like chocolate :)!

  • How can I sing without imitating an american accent?

    I am from England before anyone asks... I'm sure that a lot of people have noticed that when we sing a song originally sung by an american singer, we tend to slip into that accent.

    I am doing a song by Owl City in an upcoming showcase, and I keep slipping into his strong northern american accent, (but not enough to stay in it). I want advice on how to stay entirely in my own accent (northern England, slightly scouse) when singing american songs...

    I will automatically thumbs-down anyone who claims that I am "losing" my accent when i go american, because it is arrogant to think that American accents are "accentless"... Need I remind you that Britain existed before the states were founded, so therefore our accents both developed from a different accent... meaning that neither is "accentless"... there is no such thing as accentless!

    Sorry about ranting, but anyway, thank you for any advice, much appreciated :)

    2 AnswersSinging10 years ago
  • How do I add a third Guitar to a cover?

    My band plays with three guitarists (Still looking for a bassist, but we think we have one now...)

    We're new to this world, and so at the moment we are working purely on covers.

    Anyways, what I want to know is if there's any easy method for adding a third guitar (preferably a second rhythm guitar) to a cover. For example, to add a guitar to Paramore's "The Only Exception" I had the third guitarist play the same chords as the acoustic, but to accent the first beat of every bar...

    If that makes any sense then any advice is greatly appreciated... However if you don't know, then it's an easy two points :)

    3 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • I think that I am bisexual, How can I talk my girlfriend about it?

    Okay, so this is pretty much me accepting what's been going on with my mind for the last year or so... I relaise that there's a chance that this will get out all overe t'internet, but i'm not really sure if i care what people think about me anymore :)

    I've been fighting with an anxiety disorder, and other problems, and so i've been going thinking that the only reason i think i might be bisexual is because it's another thing to worry about.

    but i'm no longer sure that this is the case. I am not fairly sure that i am bisexual,m and i just have a preference for women...

    The hard part now is that i have a Girlfriend. I know that she's accepting of all sexualities.... her sister is gay, her best friend is gay, she has plenty of bisexual friends. But i don't know if it'll be different for her to be in a relationship with one of them.

    My girlfriend also has issues with anxiety, depression and pessimism, and so i don't want to upset her any more, but i need to tell her about this...

    the question isn't about my sexuality. I can make this on my own, and i have plenty of support from friends if i need it, but i want my girlfriend to be the first i tell (although i'm sure that a certain online friend will notice this question... but i know he won't tell anyone... i guess he was right about taylor lautner >.<).

    i just want advice on how to talk to her about it... and remember that i'm still not 100% sure about if i am bisexual... so this could all be a false alarm...

    I'm sure you can all remember being heavily confused when you went through your own sexual identity... It seems that the bisexuality is winning, but it might be curiosity, and i don't know... all i want is advice on how to speak to my girlfriend though :)

  • Question for/about Self Harmers: Why do you do it?

    Let me explain: I'm writing a story about troubled teenagers, Including bully victims, self harmers and orphans. I want to understand why people self harm... or try to as best as i can...

    I need to know:

    a) Do you cut yourself because you're suicidal, or is it just a form of relief?

    b) what kind of help do you want from a boyfriend/girlfriend

    I understand that all people are different, but I'm looking for common answers. I understand that this may be a personal question, and i also understand that it is quite a controversial topic. But either way I'm writing this book to help people that I love, as well as close friends. So please, help me out?

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Can I order like a customised dictionary or something?

    Hey fellow answerers :)

    So Me and my girlfriend (One week tomorrow!!) were talking, and she doesn't think she's beautiful... I told her that she was the very definition of Beautiful (I'm cheesy like that) and that got us thinking -

    Is there anywhere you can get custom dictionaries, with personalized definitions of certain words printed in? And if not, WHY NOT!!!...

    Say for example, you Had Joe Bloggs, you could change the definition of "idiot" to:

    Idiot: /noun/ 1) Joesph Bloggs 2) (et cetera)

    See what i mean? it would be awesome!!

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Bands: Do relationships ever work out in bands?

    Hey guys

    I'm in love with my lead singer. I'm the rhythm guitarist, and one of the founding members of the band, and i invited her in, back before I fell for her. Through Her we met our Drummer and our third guitarist. I'm not looking for relationship advice or anything, but do relationships ever work out in bands?

    We're not aiming to be a famous band, it's more of an experience to put down on our uni applications, and so we can enjoy our mutual musical interests. So I'm not after all the "fan controversy" stuff, I just want to know if we can be together, or if it would interfere with the band

    Oh, and I know she's completely in love with me too... And i can't help but think that it will be worse if we just pretend not to like each other and bottle up all that emotion.

    Again, I'm not after relationship advice, i just want to know f band relationships work out

    Thanks guys :)

    6 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Would this potential relationship work out?


    So I'm the Rhythm guitarist. She's the Lead Singer.

    I'm 17, she's only just turned 16 (So about a year and a half age gap).

    I'm a tutor with my PA group, She's a student (Until next year when she moves up to teacher status too)

    About five months ago she asked me out, and I told her there was someone else. But that someone else left just before christmas without a trace... and for the last few weeks all i can think of is her. I think it's been long enough to be qualified as more than just rebound. She is still clearly in love with me.

    But All these things mentioned above seem to be getting in the way. Is this just because of my anxiety, or does anyone else think these things would get in the way of me and her ever working out?

    Thank you for your wonderful advice.... and for those of you that actually know me, IF YOU DARE SAY A THING YOU WON'T BE BUYING MY GUITAR OFF ME AFTER ALL!!!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between a Poll and a Survey?

    And where does lemon juice fit into the system?

    Please help, I'm totally lost here!

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Evidence for the possibility of Influencing dreams?

    Is there any psychological evidence out there to support the concept of influencing either your own or someone Else's dreams?

    I'm sure that hypnosis could influence someone else's dream, but you might have to plant a conflict in their mind through suggestion, and I'm worried that that could mess them up, and I wouldn't want to do that at all.

    I'm also sure that there is a way to influence your own dreams, but not on a major way.

    I'm looking for evidence to suggest dream manipulation, like studies, dates, names, or even anecdotes (personal stories)

    thanks guys, this is something I'm really interested in following up.

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Monologues for AS Drama & Theatre Exam!!?

    Hey guys!

    I need help finding a monologue for my drama exam - I have to read the whole play so i can understand the context.

    I would prefere to perform an emotional monologue, but I want to avoid Shakespeare, because as brilliant as his work is, it's too much of a cliche...

    but at the end of the day, I'm open to all :)

    Thankyou in advance

    4 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • McFLY fans! HELP ME! please?


    So I want to know which Mcfly song you guys would reccomend I learned to play... preferably one with a lot of rhythm (chords) guitar...

    I'm learning it for a girl I like, who is crazy about McFly, so romantic is good... but at the same time i don't want it to look like i've chosen the song purely to impress her... So any songs will do... Both New and Old :)

    Thankyou guys!! Means a lot to me!

    5 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • How come you can only be a LOVER or a HATER of TWILIGHT?

    Most people devote their lives to twilight.

    most TWILIGHT HATERS have never even watched or read twilight.

    Personally, I think it's good, but it has flaws. that makes me a "fan". remember a time where you could like a movie as well as love it, and where every movie was given a fair chance?

    oh, and as an after thought, how many of you clicked on this question, purely because they saw the word TWILIGHT in the title?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I Need Name Ideas For A Poem!! (opinions also very welcome!!) Help?

    Hey guys!!

    well, here's the thing... I have written a poem, i am rather proud of, and that has a lot of meaning to me... i want to post it online with the rest of my work ( ) but i am having a hard time coming up with a name...

    here's the poem:


    My love life is split

    my heart beats for two.

    Do I want her,

    or do I want you?


    I’ll love her forever

    And be with her never...


    I told her the truth

    and what did I get?

    our friendship in ruins

    heartbreak , regret...


    I’ll Love you for all time

    But you will never be mine


    What if it all happens again

    What if I lose yet another friend

    Should I delete this poem,

    Or should I click send?


    Could it be a new love that I’ve found

    Or are you the victim of my heart’s rebound...


    And now I have realised

    The true choice is this:

    it was never about with who I would share my first kiss.

    I’m not trying to decide whose love I should take...

    I am in fact choosing


    Whose heart I shall break...


    (sorry it's so long)

    anyway, I want suggestions for names... thanks for your time, (if you have read this far) and thank you all in advance for answers :)

    (Btw, this hasn;t been completely proofread so there will be grammar mistakes and such... and "-" simply indicates a line break)

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • iTunes refuses to acknowledge my music! HELP!!?

    iTunes is refusing to accept "Fireflies, The Saltwater Room, Hello Seattle and Vanilla Twilight" as music... it just won't appear whenever I drag it in! the rest of the album has shown up, but these four songs won't go in... i've tried converting them to .WAV using audacity, and i've tried turning them into stereo tracks (Because for some reason these songs are all mono...) and then exporting as .WAV... but it Still won't accept them!! it has before, because i have them on my iPod... but i have a different laptop now...

    does anyone have any idea what is going on!!??

    and does anyone know how i can fix it!?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • How would you describe these feelings?

    I'm 16 years old, and I feel depressed.

    I have four people in this world that I consider to be friends. I have had ONE girlfriend... and I was six at the time... so it hardly counts for anything.

    I am in love with a girl, but she has rejected me. i still can''t get her out of my head. i lie awake at night thinking about how i will never be with her... how i will never get to hold her in my arms, and kiss her, and brush her hair out of her eyes...

    I feel alone. I can't talk to my parents about it... they think it's all some stupid way to get attention, and last night, after drinking a couple of glasses of wine, my dad said "he's gonna go up stairs and type to his little friends about how he has insomnia like a little emo".

    i want to know, what would you describe this as... is it depression? anxiety? or do you think i'm over-exaggerating?

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Good Magazines to send poetry to- UK?

    Can you reccomend to me any good poetry magasines that i can send a few poems to, to try and get them published? i just want to be able to tell people like college and employers i have published poetry...

    i know i'll probably get rejected... but i want to try...

    i write "emotional" or "dark" poetry, a little love poetry, and more abstract "modern" poetry... if that helps...

    thanks guys ;)

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Self-publishing Poetry: Is This Considered Self Published?


    Stupid Question:

    If I have Poetry uploaded to a website ( is it classed as "Self-Published"?

    If not, what do i have to do? i don't care about getting any money... from what i hear it's only worth like 50p a month or something... i just want to be able to say i have published poetry... What's the difference between a publsihed and unpublished poem? or Book for that matter??

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • POLL: If The Airplanes In The Night Sky Where Like Shooting Stars?

    What would you wish for??

    My Wish:

    to fid that special someone, who's fingers fit between mine :)

    be as wild as you wish :)

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Girls: Is this the right thing to do? Need hep ASAP!!?

    Ok... a breif description... I love her more than anything, and i told her how i feel. she said she didn;t want to go out with anyone, and... well, i'm sure you can guess how things are now.

    it's been exactly 3 weeks since this happened, but i still feel awkward around her, and i can see she does.

    anyway, i really want to apologise to her. i feel lie it was selfish of me to say that to her, put her on the spot, without thinking about her feelings, and i feel bad about destroying our friendship. i still love her more than anything, which makes this whole thing worse.

    i have tried apologising to her face, but i can't. i mean, i feel like if i say anything it will just make matters worse. So i have written up a message to send her on facebook. Should i click send? or will this make things worse? i know that she feels guilty about "turning me down" (her words to my friend). i want to know if, in her shoes, you would want an apology, or if it would just make matters worse.

    i need an answer very soon, because i'm ready to click send right now...

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago