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  • Health care reform and Insurance companies?

    I want to know how revamping the health insurance is the way to get good health care and make it cheaper. My question is, how is revamping health care and insurance going to do anything if we as a society keep being stupid about how we take care of ourselves. We are getting fat, lazy and just plain old not taking care or ourselves, meaning we have to go to the doc more. That means insurance pays out more, meaning they have to charge more to make money. So, even if we reform the system, what will it do, we will still have to go to the doc more and insurance will have to pay more and charge more to cover the cost. Shouldn't they get to charge more to people who they know they are going to have to pay more for. Where do we have to step in and start taking care of ourselves. Revamping the systems is not going to make us healthier or make it cheaper...all it is going to do is redisperse who pays for it and in the long run the cost will come full circle and we will still be paying to much...and the only person who can make you healthier is you and the life style you choose to live.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Racism in the US........?

    Is there such a thing as reverse racism now. Think about it for a sec...there are hundreds of scholarship and programs out there for black, hispanics, etc....which will only be given out to the particular group they represent. My question is should that be allowed to happen. If a white organization wanted to give out a scholarship to a only white kids, the NAACP would be all over that. Is that not a form of racism...taking one ethnic group over another. Don't get me wrong, I am not racist, I firmly beleive in equality for everyone, except illegals or course not matter the race, but should that not mean equal everything. Meaning if another group can pick scholarships for only minority kids, why would a white group get sued if they only gave a scholarship to a white kid.

    PS..I am out of school so this is not my motives, but just thought this would get some people thinking and wondering.

    9 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Obama Supporters and Bush?

    Why do most if not all obama supporters blame bush for this entire economy. Do they not actually look at the last 12 years....

    1. Most economist blame the housing market as the key fire started for this "crisis". They say it was bad lending....which party wanted the back to give money to people who could not qualify for traditional morgages...the Dems under Clinton.

    2. Dems don't want people or buisness to take responsibility for thier own actions. They will just had out money and bail people out...that does not change the habbit its only a bandaid.

    3. They only thing bush did was a bad war...that I will give you, but as I stated before, most economist I have seen on every news channel from almost every news network says that was a small factory compared to the housing collapse...

    SO again, where is this all bush's fault? Don't get me wrong, I am a republican who overall was dissappointed in the performance of bush, but this things was not all him, there were many others...on things I see is for the last two years the Dems have been in control of has just over the last year the economy has really taken a who is it really. ITS everyone and their stupid choices....not just the government, or just Dems or Just Reps but everyone.

    13 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Where would the world be?

    Where would the world be in we in the USA still prayed in school. If we were still allowed the say "The Plege" in school. What would happen if people stopped trying to make "EVERYONE" happy and forced people to be responsible for thier own actions and mistakes...

    I ask because is seems the more we take these types of things out of schools and work, and whatever else, the worse this country gets. People seem to take less pride in it. It seems we were better off as a whole when we were allowed to do these things. Yeah, a few people were unhappy, buy is it not worth making a few people upset than ruin a whole country trying to make everyone "happy"...

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Obama and Gun Control?

    I read this morning that gun sales have increased by huge numbers since the election due to the fact that people are afraid Obama is going take all guns and gun sales away. Two questions, are people really that scared about this, and two, is that even take guns away. Personally, I think if the took away our 2nd amendment rights there would be civil war. To many gun owners who would not give them included...i enjoy my hobbies of hunting, target shooting, and pistol shooting.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • This election and health care?

    All through out this campaign we have heard several ideas in regards to health care, and keeping costs down. My question is, what is really making costs go up. Is it the insurance agencies, the actual cost of procedures going up for health care agencies, or is it the fact that people are going to the doc, for every little cold and sniffle.

    My thoughts some of agencies are there to make a profit, to they are going to do that however they can...the actual cost of everything is going up due to several things, and then you look at the people and how often they go to the doc....I mean take car insurance, if a person has a wreck, insurance goes up right, so if more and more americans are going to the doc for more and more things, and insurance companies are paying out for this, would they not have to raise prices to keep making money...what are your thoughts on this.

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Vulcan Seat question?

    I have a 07 vulcan 900. I want to get a differant seat...I also don't want to have to cut off an arm to afford one....what types are out there for a reasonable price. I have also heard of people taking the stock seat and just having it redone with the gel padding. Has anyone done this and how much did it cost. I just feel like I am sitting on my stock seat, not in it....any help would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Question for all parents?

    I see so many questions on here, with a lot of good answers...but it never fails, there are always two or three to every questions that say, take you chile to a specialist or doctor...I mean, the lost one I read, the kid would not eat anything but a specific type of most partents would say, they will eat when hungry, don't give in....but one said...development issue, take to specialist....what is up with that...why is there a desiese, or development disorder for everything anymore....when most of the time its the parents who have let their child take over on the issue...and yes we have all done that...maybe not every issue but at least one....what do you think about those parents who feel a doc, or specialist is the answer for everything.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Why do people insist on bashing what other ride?

    I have seen so many people just bash other for what they the fact they ride at all not enough....I ride cruizers...own a Vulcan 900.....I have friends who ride "Croch Rockets" and Harleys and Hondas, and Yamahas and what ever......we all ride together and we all have fun....sure I won't be able to go 170 down the road but I don't want to....I am happy for you if you do....and I like Harleys...just can't afford one....we all should just appreciate anyone who rides and truly enjoys it..

    11 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Passanger Floorboards?

    I have a 2007 Vulcan 900...I want to put passanger floor boards on it...what are some of the best looking, and best priced out there?

    3 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Vulcan 900 Classic LT???

    I am looking at buying my first true street bike. I have riden several smaller dual purpose bikes in the 350-500 range. I have heard these are a "1st bike" for people looking for a cruiser. Just curious as to what others think.

    3 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Value of a BOW?

    I am new to archery. I know a guy who is selling a PSE Fire-Flite compound bow. With it comes a release, 6 easton 2213 arrows, six tri lock broadheads, and a soft padded carring case. He is asking $150 for it. It this a good buy, or should I wait and find something better.

    4 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Pro Choice People?

    A common argument for abortion is "A fetus is not a baby" when you know someone who is prego, and has a miscarriage in the first two or three months do you say "they lost the baby" or "they no longer have the group of cells in there that might be a baby" or is only a baby when you don't want to kill it?

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who would you nominate for Pres?

    If you could nominate one person for pres, who is not already in the race who would it be and why?

    27 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion on?

    There are many people out there who thing that pornography should be banned in all forms because it hurts society and exploits women, etc....other think it can be a tool for a healthy open relationship....and even be fun for some couples to watch and see. What are your opinions? Should it be outlawed, should it be more out in the open, or stay the way it is now? And should the government step in to regulate it even more than it does?

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • How many of you are?

    I was just wondering how many of you are those parents who are what some would call overly clean and how many think it good for kids to get dirty from time to time.

    I am one of those who thinks its good for kids to get dirty and from time to time. Kids are suppose to get muddy, pick up frogs and bugs, and generaly have a good time while doing it.

    I know parents who won't even let their kids go swimming because other kids pee in the me that going to far.

    21 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Why do people not like this?

    This was an answer I gave to a question earlier...asking where all the role models for our kids are? I got like 3 thumbs down?

    " It starts with the parents.....They are supose to be the role models for their kids, not the people on tv or the latest sports hero....Granted kids need heros but many parents, not all, but a lot of them, are getting to the point where they are letting tv and video games raise their kids.....we have to be at the front lines, not the tv. And once a child is raised that way, they don't know anybetter, so that is how they will raise their kids....not good.....There are good role models out there, we as parents just have to get our kids focus on them."

    Do people really think that the parents have nothing to do with it, and shouldn't be role models for their kids? Just curious.

    19 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Why do hard core christians just pick and choose??

    What I mean is, there are many people in the US who pick and choose passages of the bible to defend their point of view....the say this is not right because the bible says its not right.....but the bible also says things like if a child disrespects at mom or dad then they are to be stoned or put to dealth.....and that we are allowed to have slaves if after so many years we free them.....WHy do so many people take some things to heart and not others....many people take the bible as literal text, but those same people would never even think about stoning or killing their child? The bible contridicts itself so much.....why are some parts to be taken literal and not others?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I have a couple different questions?

    1. If everything has to have a begining, where did GOD begin?

    2. Could it be that GOD and Nature are one in the same....could it be that evolution is happening so some degree because of GODS will.

    3. The bible was written by men, people have a tendency to change things to make it appeal to the people they are trying to it possible that this happened and the the stories in the bible do not reflect what actaul happend in some cases, but were changed to appeal to certain groups of people and get the to beleive?

    4. Every religion has some things in common with it possible they all came from one true faith, and has been changed, for example different denominations of Christianity...all with slightly different views and beleifs....over time those could become major?

    I do beleive in GOD, I just don't think that we should base our entire faith on one book, but look at many and always be seeking truth....and not blind faith in a book written by men.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you think parents are getting too soft?

    What I mean is, in todays PC world, are parents becoming to much like friends instead of parents. I see to many parents who refuse to make thier kids earn anything and just hand everything out and then wonder why there kids are such jerks when they get older. Are to many of us raising a generationg of kids you expect everything to be handouts? Parents need to be just that PARENTS first and friends second. What do you think.

    29 AnswersParenting1 decade ago