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Born -1968 Faith - Christ Follower, but still a sinner Happily Married since 1990 I'm a dad, with two sons...born 1990 and 1991 Conservative beliefs Sports Fan - Cowboys, Rangers, Stars, Soccer Love movies - Lately my favorite is "Reign Over Me" - Dramatic movie with Adam Sandler...excellent movie!!! Love music - specifically 80's Heavy Metal but I listen to a ton of other stuff, recently getting into Country. Enjoy surfing the net - message boards and yahoo answers Also a fan of Shelley Lubben and her ministry!!!
Pre Divorce Question - planning if it goes this route?
Been married for 22 years. Single income provider for most of it. As we empty nest, she wasn't sure what she wanted to do, so I encouraged to give college a shot and to have fun with it. As she excelled, we struck up a plan for her to complete school, go into her career and for me to follow and finish my own degree.
Now she's in her last semester and has a great job lined up...making more than me...suddenly she decides the marriage is over. Actually emotionally she checked out over a year ago...only a couple of days ago did she decide to leave.
She refuses to have us go into counseling...she basically completely detached.
So yes, it hurts...but I have to move forward and if she wants to come back we can make a plan accordingly.
If not, and the Divorce comes into play...then I want to know if I can sue her for future earnings. She's breaking our contract as a couple and we had made plans accordingly that now can't be met due to her choice to leave.
So I am looking for legal advice on how to prepare for a battle...we basically have no assetts as everything I earned during our marriage, she she stands to make a great income and she is leaving high and dry. I don't plan on making this easy on far it has been.
I invested in us, in her...she should have to feal the financial pain of her choice, even if she refuses to feel the emotional pain.
So how about it...what are the odds of the Husband walking away with half and getting half of her future earnings?
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoWhen is enough enough? At what point do you parent via consequences...such as kicking an adult child out?
Here's the situation:
Child is 20 years of age.
Child is enrolled in college, year 2.
Child has failed at least one class in 3 of the four semesters enrolled. Child lost a full scholarship as a result of failing the first two semesters...had to transfer to Community and attend on a student loan.
Child, while in HS, got in trouble for stealing from his employer.
Child has had issues with honesty.
Child has forged signature to write checks out of parents account.
Child has scrounged around and stolen cash, stolen Debit card and used for small items.
Parents have had talks with child...child straightens up for a while, then goes back into a negative cycle.
Parents no longer trust child...
Child has not held a steady job since the one he had where he wound up stealing from the company.
Prior to this, he was a model student/athlete in his HS and even earned high praise at work.
Suddenly his want for stuff has lead down a path of stealing and dishonesty.
Parents offered to let child stay at home, provided child attended and passed classes at college.
Now this is not working...child sleeps in till noon, spends most of the time on his computer...chatting on social network, txting, then goes out...somehow finds money for gas and spends time with "Friends"
Room is a mess, child is rather slobbish...
Parents are at the end of their rope...first thought is that it's time to kick him out...he has no job, where will he go, what will he do...what are the options?
When do parents allow consequences to be the teacher?
Help, seriously frustrated!!!
3 AnswersFamily1 decade agoHow do I get from LaGuardia Airport to Metuchen Station in New Jersey?
Actually this is a two-part question.
Soon I'll be flying into LaGuardia Airport and I will need to take a train to New Jersey. I think I need to get to Penn Station to grab a New Jersey Transit to Metuchen...but first I need to get out of LaGuardia.
It looks like I have to either take a cab or take a bus...if I bus, what is the nearest Rail Transportation and what bus line do I need to grab?
I'm looking at landing around 5:30 PM on a Thursday.
Next, I need to figure out how to get back as my Saturday night stay will be at a hotel near LGA.
I think I can get a hotel shuttle from a nearby rail station...but if it's close enough I might just grab a will be a Saturday morning/lunch when i get there.
i'm dropping bags off, then headed into the city for the day on Saturday...again any tips here would help.
Finally, any tips on what to do on a Saturday (Day Time) and then at night...with my Wife?
I'm on a tight budget, but willing to look and various options to make a day/night of it.
We will head back to the hotel at night, and just relax on Sunday morning before heading to LGA for our return flight.
Any help or tips you folks can post would be greatly appreciated.
3 AnswersNew York City1 decade agoWould you take $4,000,000 or go to college and make no money?
Matt Purke the 14th pick in this years MLB Draft turned down $4,000,000 and has entered TCU to pitch in college.
So what would you do as an 18 year old, in this economy?
At least the Rangers get a compensatory pick in the 2010 draft, thus they should be lined up to pick up some more good talent for the future.
Best wishes to Purke, as a Ranger fan it's disappointing, but hey life goes on. Hope that Purke doesn't have a career ending injury while in could cost him more than if he had decided to join Professional baseball.
11 AnswersBaseball1 decade agoWhat happened last night in the Major Leagues for the first time since 1962?
A major accomplishment was made by a Major League pitcher last night (August 3, 2009) which hadn't happened since 1962.
It quite impressive, it's more rare than a no hitter, hitting for the cycle or even a perfect game.
However outside of my local coverage, I have seen little mention of it. Had this occured with a Quote "Major Market" Quote team...perhaps it would have been the lead story.
Best Answer to the person who not only gets the answer correct, but who does a fair job of promoting the player and the team completed this major accomplishement.
13 AnswersBaseball1 decade agoWhere do you draw the line? What would it take to give a lifetime ban?
Okay, given the recent activity concering M. Vick, I would like to take this in a different direction.
I'm not looking for a response regarding Vick's status, but rather...where do you as a fan draw the line?
What could a player do?
*They've committed a crime and sentenced to prison
*They've been released and are still young enough to try and resurrect a pro career
What crimes could someone do and get out of jail in time, that you would want to see a Lifetime Ban?
Basically, where do you personally draw the line?
7 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade agoLooking for legal advice:?
18 year old...still in HS, graduating this year.
Gave in to temptation and committed a crime:
Basically the individual stole merchandise from the retail store he worked in. $3200 worth of products. All of which was returned.
Now loss-prevention has not closed the case and has not stated if they will pursue any criminal action.
Recently a letter was received from an attourneys office with a 'Civil Fine' of $300 but with no guarantee that criminal charges would NOT be filed if the fine was paid.
I'm the dad...I'm trying to figure out where the boudaries are to end and close this case as quickly as possible and minimize the financial damage. The 18 year old has -0- money to their name, thus the fine will come out of my pocket or risk allowing jail time to take over.
This is an honor student who made a very critical mistake in judgement. I'm not for no consequences, but I also don't want to see a life wasted on one mistake.
What are some actions that I can do and that my 18 year old can take to ensure a positive outcome?
As a note, the 18 year old is and has been 100% cooperative once the crime was brought ot light.
I'm looking for your advice and possible referrels, thanks.
4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoAre you Rep or Dem, Conservative or Liberal?
Ideally we would like a government that is not run by labels, unfortunately it has evolved into label ideology. As such, I am asking a random poss try and figure out the dynamic make-up of Yahoo Answer members:
1) Are you Republican or Democrat?
2) Are you Conservative or Liberal on the following:
a) Social Issues
b) Fiscal Issues
c) Defense Issues
I am curious and looking to understand how people here on Y.A. see themselves.
26 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhy do your trust Obama to fix what he caused?
Here is a rather inlightening article regarding the current Economic crisis and how it all started, as well as key contributors who have added fuel to the fire to get us to where we are today.
Notice how instrumental Obama has been to enable this this really the Change that people want?
7 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhat are your ideas for a mini-Paris vacation?
What would you recommend for an 8 day vacation around March in Paris, France?
For Springbreak 2008, I am taking my wife and two sons (HS Seniors ages 17 & 18), my father-in-law and his Girlfriend to Paris. Now, my wife and I have been a few times and we have done the Tourist stuff as well as some local stuff.
I am looking for advice in terms of cool things to take and show my sons as well as some places and things that might be cool for my father-in-law.
My younger son is heavy into soccer...and he seems to like "History" when it's made fun and intersting.
My older son is into Tennis, along with his grand-dad (My father-in-law) - I'm thinking about a tour of the grounds and Roland Garros, I wonder if there is anyway to get them some court time in which they could play against each other?
I would like to take them to a day of cooking lessons, perhaps some wine tasting/lessons. Do you have suggestions that I can utilize in making plans and setting up events while for when we are there?
2 AnswersParis1 decade agoComments about the Charger - Bronco game?
I am NOT a Charger/Bronco fan...but I did get to see the end of the game yesterday.
I'm curious to see what other fans have to say about that the way, I am not talking about the 2 pt conversion...but rather about the reason the Broncos even had a shot at the end.
Are Bronco fans humble and keeping their mouths shut?
Are Charger fans outraged?
Will the NFL fine the officials?
Will this keep Ed out of the Superbowl?
13 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade agoDid Gene Simmons help Carlton?
I haven't watched Australian rules football, ever...but I did watch the recent two episodes of Gene Simmon Family Jewels. So did the KISS man, help give Carlton some exposure? Did he sign a quality player? Did his unknown involvment do anything for Australian football?
7 AnswersAustralian Rules1 decade agoWhat are some potential splash trades for the Rangers?
Last year the Rangers made some pretty strong moves trading away Lofton, Gagne and Texiera...In turn this year they have a very strong young up and coming team, but not one that can truly contend this year.
They did pick up both position players and pitchers who are still developing.
We find that thier are many teams interested in Ranger position players...with that in mind, what contending teams are out there with Blue Chip pitching to trade away in order to acquire some Top Ranger bats?
Will the Rangers make another splashin the trade market that could net them some Championship quality over the next couple of years?
5 AnswersBaseball1 decade agoHow do you respond to the actions of Mr. Horn?
Read the story...what is your reaction to Mr. Horn and to the entire incident as you see it?
7 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhy does Italy continue to get away with Diving?
Italy continued to demonstrate the proper technique for diving as they fell down left and right on the pitch today against France. Not only did they dive, but they drew a Red Card, PK after they where off-sides.
Why or how does FIFA allow Italy to get away with such ugly soccer?
When will FIFA do something to stop the cheating of Italy?
2 AnswersOther - Soccer1 decade agoIs Syd the kid also in Ice Age?
My wife noticed that Sydney Crosby looks eeerily similar to the Sloth for the animated movie Ice Age...are they the same or where they just separated at birth?
By the way, isn't the Sloths name Syd?
10 AnswersHockey1 decade agoWhat are your values and how do Liberals best meet your needs?
Please understand this question and the meaning or purpose is intended with the utmost respect. I am NOT here to debate or demean anyone. I simply want to understand your view.
As an added context...I am a conservative. I believe in freedom of choice. And I choose to be conservative. I believe in right to life. I also believe in justice and support legal consequences even if it means death. I support personal responsibility and believe that I am uniquely qualified to understand what is best for me.
I value my freedom.
So what do you value as a liberal and how does the liberal viewpoint or ideology best meet your beliefs?
6 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhat Country-Country are YOU?
All this Hyphenated-American stuff is annoying as all get out.
My mother is French, my father is American, I was born in Spain and I live in Texas...does this make me a French-American of Spanish descent living in Texas?
What about a black man, born of American parents living in Kenya...does that make him an American-African?
Then to boot on other racial issues of yesteryear...what about the white slaves and the endentured servants of Irish descent...will the NAACP fight for their rights as well?
When can we all stand up and simply be AMERICAN?
I am PROUD to be an American and I am proud to have friends of other nations...but they have no hyphen in their nationality... What will it take to stop dividing America by a Hyphen?
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoWhat issues can our government not control?
Think about this...those running for office, any office are all filled with promises and solutions for various issues. Yet, not a single one has come out and publicly said that they would NOT have the power to 'Fix' any specific issue.
So what issues do you believe that political officials can and can't control?
How great would it be to ask our Presidential Candidates..."What issue would you NOT have to power to do anything about?"
That would be one that could share their character...I would be interested in their answer.
8 AnswersElections1 decade agoHow should I vote and Why?
Here are what I believe and support:
I believe in the sanctity of marriage
I believe in life
I believe in just consequences
I believe in personal responsibility
I believe in helping those in need...domestic or abroad
I believe in the defense of freedom, with responsibility
I believe in protecting my right to my moral view
I believe in fiscal responsibility
I believe in a power greater than our government ...a higher power
I believe in self-sacrifice for the greater good
I believe in a parents responsibility and right to raise their child
I believe in taking care of my family...thus leaving an inheritance that can be passed on to future generations of my family.
I believe in my responsibility in taking care of this earth and being a good steward of what is within my own circle.
I believe that the Government can do very little, albeit something...National Defense is one of those things...outside of that it is up to us citizens and who we live before and after Nov. 4th.
5 AnswersElections1 decade ago