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  • just a couple of questions please???

    For the last 4 days I have been experiencing EWCM and my cervix has been high and then low then high again... I have already ovulated this cycle!! I'm confused b/c I thought that after a woman ovulated her cervix returns to the normal position and the fluid dries up??????? What could be the cause of this? I know a woman rarely if ever ovulates twice in one cycle, right? My temps have also stayed high... I'm so confused... Any opinions would be great, thanks...

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Question about BBT charting???

    I just recently started charting my BBT every morning around 10:30am... I can't seem to fall asleep even around 5:30am!! I fall asleep around 7am... Then once I take my temp. (which my BBT thermometer sits not 2 inches on my bed side table from me) I fall back asleep b/c I didn't get much sleep the night before... I know they say to get at least 3 hours of sleep before each time you take it, but if I don't fall asleep until around 8:00am that's not enough time for me to chart my temp. that morning... If I skip a day it would totally throw off my chart... I need any advice I can get on how i should do this??? thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • career diploma for a freelance writer??

    i am looking into freelance writing, would a career diploma help me get a good paying job? i don't want to waste my time and money if it's not as good as i thought it would be...

  • First OBGYN appt. what to expect??

    I have been having trouble getting pregnant and I have my first OBGYN appt. today. What kind of tests are they going to do? What should I expect?

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • please reply...???

    how long after having sex can a doctor pick up the HCG in a woman's blood? would he be able to pick up the hormones after a day or maybe two days?

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what is normal bleeding during pregnancy??

    I have taken several pregnancy tests that come up with very very faint pink colored lines... a couple days later i noticed some spotting, pink to brown then it stopped... the next day the bleeding was a little heavier... i thought i was starting my period or having a miscarriage... i had some cramping that would come and go (like when a women is on her period). then yesterday i thought the bleeding would get heavier b/c it always does on the second day for me... it didn't get that much heavier but it was still red... i have not soaked through any pads... and i usually check every half hour or so... then today it seems like the bleeding is just about gone... the blood is only there when i wipe... i have only had a few small clumps, not everytime i wipe though... what could this be??

    i know i should be talking to my OBGYN, which i have an appt. on tuesday, but i was wondering if any of you have had this and were still pregnant???

    maybe it was just a really light period, idk...

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what do you do when you are ttc and your husband can't keep it up?

    my husband and i have been ttc for over 4 years now... we just got medical insurance so we have made appt. to see a specialist, but when i want to BD he can't ever get it up and keep it up... i have been dealing with this for 4 years now, and i am to the point where i just want to stop having $ex, that way i wont be disappointed again when i find out i'm not pregnant... has anyone experienced this??? what can i give him to take (until we get to the doctor) to help his problem???

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • PCOS and pregnancy test question?

    I took two answer pregnancy tests and onedollar tree pregnancy test... the dollar tree pregnancy test came back with a very faint line which you could see without to much trouble, and the answer pregnancy tests came back with a very faint line (more faint than the dollar tree test). Have any of you ladies who have PCOS ever had the test come back with a very faint line and it took longer for the line to get darker? If I hold the test up next to the light you can see the test line, but it's harder to see the faint line when you don't hold it up to the light... If the test would be neg. would the line show up if you hold it next to the light? I remember when I had neg. pregnancy tests and I would hold it to the light it didn't have the line... I am just wondering if the two tests I have taken when I hold it next to the light if the line that I see is really a positive test... I have been TTC for over 6 years with 5 miscarriages... I don't wanna get my hopes up to be pregnant, thanks...

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Ovulation and PCOS question??

    If a woman has PCOS does that mean she never ovulates? I have PCOS and missed my period for a year and 2 months... I finally got my period two months in a row on the exact date... My hubby and I had intercourse on the dates that I would have ovulated (if I even ovulate at all)... I still have not recieved my period and I am almost two months late... I have taken a HPT and it had a faint second line but you have to really focus on the stick to see it... My pregnant cousin (5months) looked at it before I did and seen the second faint faint faint line... I have an OBGYN appt. this month, but I was wondering if anyone knows if I would have even ovulated being the fact that everything I read about PCOS says that women with PCOS do not ovulate... All answers are appreciated...

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • moving, what can i do about my dogs?

    i am moving and can't keep my animals with me. i don't want to get rid of them, i have tried to call dog kennels ect... anyone have any ideas?

    10 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • I need some Bible verses about marriage and divorce?

    What are some verses in the Bible about a man and a woman being married who want to get divorced?

    Ok, my husband's family are christians, but they want my husband and I to get divorced!! They wont even give me a chance to prove myself!! How can they believe in the Bible but still expect my husband and I to get divorced? What are some verses from the Bible that I can show them? I am just now beginning to read the Bible, and I don't know everything yet. Any help would be great. God Bless You All!

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what happens when u donate plasma?

    what happens when u donate plasma?

    can someone give me a list of questions they ask you? I want to go and donate plasma today, and I have checked out the website, but what sort of questions about ur medical history do they ask you? I am 22 yrs old, weigh around 200lbs, have tattoos and peircing but not any new within a year, and take vitamins for iron. What can I expect? What do I do with the time while I am donating? Can I bring a book to read? Listen to my MP3 player? I have been drinking water since 4am, and will continue to drink it all day. What do I need to eat? This is my first time, what should I expect? Any details u can give me would be so great...

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Digital Camera SD memory card problems?

    Digital Camera SD memory card problems?

    I got a new digital camera for christmas and a lexmark SD memory card to go with it... I had taken over 200 pics with it and then copied them to my computer, but after that it glitched and the screen went all fuzzy... I had to turn my camera off to get the fuzz off of it, but it had deleted all of my pictures... I didn't think that it messed anything up so I took more pictures, and they saved to my memory card/camera just fine, but when I went to save them to my computer it said my files had been corrupted... Now I need to get these pics off my memory card, but it wont let me... I plan on getting a new memory card, but need these pics off the old one... Is there any where I can take my memory card to get my pics printed out and saved to a disk? Any advice would be great.

    3 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • more energy???

    I feel weak all day long!!! What can i take, vitamin wise, or what can I eat to make me wake up and want to do something other than sleep all day? I am so tired of feeling like this... I don't ever wanna do anything, and when I have to do something I am always in a bad mood b/c I am so weak... has anyone been through this? What can I take? Please Help!!

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • what is the difference between section 8 housing and low income housing?

    if u want a low income apt. do they base it on ur income or credit history?

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • checking ur rental history?

    how does a rental office preform a check on ur rental history? is there any way that i can find out what an old apartment said about my contract/lease?

    my friends and i are getting an apartment and we want to look up our renters history to see what they will find out........ we have never been evicted, and haven't done anything wrong while leasing an apt. we have for forfieted - moved out before lease expired... will this effect our effect on getting another apt?......... how can i find out what is on my renters history?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • renting a house?

    renting a house in ohio, in the dayton, miamisburg, centerville, kettering area... my husband and i are wanting to look into renting a house, but don't know how to get started... are there any good websites that i can look into?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • 5 months pregnant, sleeping on ur stomach?

    when u are 5 months pregnant, but not showing much, is it ok if u lay on ur stomach and not really feel anything? have any women noticed this?

    7 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Low income apts? pets?

    Are there any low income apts that allow pets? if no, why not?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • how do i know what's on my credit report?

    My husband of three years filed bankruptcy before he met me, is it on my credit??? How do I find out what is on my credit report... I have done a free credit check a few years ago, and now I can't do it again unless I pay to have it checked... anything I can do to find out???

    6 AnswersCredit1 decade ago