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I'm a 25 year old full-time mom.And I am active in my church where i am in drama,dance and choir.And I love my son with all of my heart.

  • What To Do With An Industrial Piercing?

    I got an industrial piercing on December 18,2010. And its still a little sore but not as bad as it was yesterday.I asked my cousin what did he do to ease the pain and/or swelling that was on the top of the ear.So he said to use Bactine Pain Relieving Cleansing Spray. But I also called my piercer this evening and asked him if there was anything to put on my piercing if I was still feeling a little bit of pain and/or swelling. He said its fine just keep cleaning it with the antibacterial soap(Dial)...So this for anyone that is a tattoo/piercer artiest or anyone that has an industrial piercing..Do you think I should use the Bactine on my piercing to ease some of the pain on my ear? Cause my skin complexion is like a medium caramel and I can see a little swelling and I know I'm supposed to get pain cause I just got my ear pierced.

    6 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • What can I do to stop this problem?

    My yahoo account is sending out unknown emails to my contacts that I am not sending out.So the question is what can I do to stop these unknown emails from being sent out from my yahoo email to my contacts in my email address folder.Cause I have gotten these unknown(blank)emails to myself.And there was an email also sent to my boyfriends email address about sex pills that I never emailed to him...There some way I can change something in my account?

    2 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • What are some way my friend can get rid of these pests?

    My friend just found she has bed bugs. She has already seen 3 bedbugs in her room and killed all 3 of them..And she wanted to know how long would it take for these bed bugs to go away if she gets an exterminator to come into her home.And she has a child in the home but the childs mattress is plastic. So she wants to know would his bed be ok and will he get bit as well.Any suggestions will help

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • What are some other ways to get rid of Mosquito bites?

    Other then rubbing a banana peel(from what I seen online) and mixing baking soda together.What are some other ways to get rid of Mosquito bites? because I have a ton of bites all on my right arm,right hand,right leg and a few on my left arm and left leg.HELP PLZ...These bites are KILLING THE HELL OUT OF ME...

    5 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • What Weight Lose Exercises Can I Do With 5 lb Weights?

    I am a 25 year old mom and I weigh 161 lbs and I am 5'2"... I want to know what exercises can I do with 5 lb weights to lose my stomach by time the summer gets here or during the summer. I want to try and get down to at least 120-135lbs by the beginning,middle or end of June(2010)...So I would love so help here on what exercise I can do at home or on the weekend while my son maybe with his father I can do alone...So HELP PLEASE experienced Gym Trainers will be a BIG PLUS and websites that can help me would be another BIG PLUS....

    11 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What Would Be A Good NickName?

    What would be some good Nicknames?

    I'm trying to join this motorcycle club here in my town and I need to come up with a nickname. And I wanted to know what would be some GREAT nicknames with the word "SHY" in it? So please help me out..Cause I was thinking Shy-Shy but Im not to sure about that one.And a friend said Suga Shy and Im not to sure about that one either...SO PLEASE HELP

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What should I do about my leg?

    last night I was bitten by something around mu ankle area...And today I tried to walk to the bus stop to go to the mall...And my ankle area and my inner leg by my thigh started to feel numb and feel like I was sitting on my leg and it fell asleep and I tried to walk on my foot..And every time I walk my right ankle and inner leg starts hurting pretty bad..What should I do??Should I try to call the doctor in the morning and get in as last minute or go to the hospital?

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • would I be able to drink warm milk?

    Ok last night I was sleep and woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I had to vomit..And today I had gotten some crackers and ginger ale to take..But I want to know would a glass of warm milk also help or would it make it worse and just stick to the crackers and ginger ale?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • What can I do to stop the itching from my C-Section?

    Ok I think I tried cocoa butter on my c-section mark because at one point it was itching.And my son will be 2 yrs old next month..So basically I had this c-section 2 yrs ago and its still itching what else should I do to stop the itching?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Where can I find a website for?

    I live in Long Island,New York and I wanted to know where can I find a website for Police Car Auctions. Cause I am going to be filing my taxes soon and I'm currently working and I want to find a good car for me to drive to and from work so I don't have to take the bus no more to work....Cause I have been trying to search for it in google but no luck....So any help would be appreciated....

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Where can I find the lyrics to this song?

    I am trying to find the lyrics to this song title below:

    Song: I am A Worshiper

    Artiest: Rodnie Bryant & CCMC

    So if anyone can help me out and find a website with the lyrics I would appreciate it..And thank you in advanced.

    7 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • My 3 year old nephew seems to be going.?

    My 3 year old nephew is go at going pee-pee in the potty but when it comes when he has to go poop he goes on the floor in his bedroom.And when he does this he gets really quite. And my sisters calls for him and he would answer her and she would ask him is he going poop,and he says no. And when she goes to check there is poop on his bedroom floor.What she do about this?Cause I don't want him to think its ok to do that. And its like she tells him not to go on the floor and go to the potty when he needs to poop....So is there any suggestions on how we can get him to poop in the potty like he does when he goes to pee-pee??

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What age do most toddlers?

    What age do most toddlers start going to the potty? Cause my son just turned 19 months(11.2.09) and I wanted to start getting him to use the potty around 20 months or 21 months before his 2nd birthday. Do you think that 20 or 21 months is to early?Cause I know most babies do things a little faster then others. And I read on these emails I get from that when your baby always wants to follow you into the bathroom that is somewhat a sign that they are ready to start using the potty.And I know with them playing in the toilet is completely different. So what age do you think I should start him on the potty??And also with a toddler bed??Cause this one bed at my local says it starts at the age of 18 months.Well let me know everyone....

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Where can I find the court officer exam?

    Where can I find the court officer exam online for New York State?Cause all the libraries in my area says the books are already taken out.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • How do I get this virus removed?

    I know that Im an *** but someone told me about this website called and told me that this should work on my computer to get viruses removed from my computer. and it wont allow me to go on anything on my computer such as internet,skype,aim,yahoo,windows media player, I wanted to know would anyone know how i can get this threat fire program removed from my computer??

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • What does everyone think of Kanye West?

    Ok on Sunday September 13,2009 on the VMAs Taylor Swift was nominated for an award and won..So why does Kanye West come out and say that he thinks Beyonce should of won..See it was Taylor Swift 1st award and Kanye West had to come and mess it up for her..See if he would of kept is mouth shut until the end of the show he would of seen Beyonce win...

    So what do you all think about what he did if you watched it.

    16 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • What am I to do about a C-Section Scar?

    Ok I had my son 17 months ago by C-Section and once in a blue moon the scar where I was cut at itches...What is the best way to make the itching stop??Cause I am worried that I would scratch the scar to much and tear the scar open.So I want to know when it does itch what am I to do or to use to make the itching stop..Please Help....

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What would be a good place?

    Ok my son is 17 months old. And I want to know where would you take a kid for their 2nd Birthday??Cause I am thinking Sesame Place or Disney World. And the cost for Sesame Place for the birthday thing is $3,000 for 50 people. But I don't know 50 people so I have to call to see how much it would be for less then 50 people.. But for Disney World for the birthday things its $15.00-$15.99 per person....So any other suggestions on taking a 2 year old to for their birthday??Cause I am trying to get thoughts going ahead of time before April 2010 gets here....

    5 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • What is this considered?

    What is this situation considered?My friend went into a store today and stole 1 bottle of Lacoste Perfume(which cost 68.00- and will get a ticket in the mail for the 68.00 or 5x of the amount of the perfume)...Would that be considered a petty theft or a misdemeanor theft?Cause when she told me she was looking over the guys shoulder when he was typing in the information she wanted to say something but didn't...So what kind of theft do you think this is??




    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What I did do you think I was right or wrong?

    Well me and my son's father has been going through so much since June,2009 and we broke up back in June,2009. And he was really getting on my last nerve. So he got mad at me about a status I wrote(I guess) on face book about me asking my friends if I should get his name removed from my arm. So he sent a message to them and they all told me that he did that(and he told them that I wanted to have S** and that he wanted me to change and get a job) but I dont understand how he wanted to change me all the way around but I couldnt change him for nothing and he told me if I cant take him for how he is I shouldnt be with him(but that was when we started dating 2 yrs ago). So I told him not to do that again to leave me alone and not to email me and he will never see our son again.So he kept emailing me and I told him stop playing games with me and told him if he doesn't leave me alone and harassing me I would call the cops on him.Cause he said he was going to post a video onto face book about my personal information. So I called the cops and they said if he emails me again to call them back and I did and ever since they went to his job I haven't heard from him again. Cause I am assuming the cops must of told him if he kept emailing me I can get a restraining order/order of protection against him and most likely press charges on him for harassment.So do you all think I did the right thing or the wrong thing?Cause he is like 45 years old and I am 24 years old and he wants to sit at work on his IPHONE and play games with me and send me crazy emails when he is supposed to be working and not talking to me.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago