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  • Abortion and the Zika Virus .?

    There is now a new Virus called the Zika Virus. It causes brain deformities in newborns and results in them having smaller than normal heads. All of South America has already been infected and it's also been detected in the USA and Africa.Some of the Mothers would like to have a abortion rather than have the child go through life with this terrible condition. But in South America and especially in Uruguay where this disease has already had over 4000 instances the government and the churches refuse to allow it. This leads Me to ask ,If a Woman decides She does not want the child and gives it up for adoption ,will the government and the churches offer to look after it for the rest of it's life? Will they give it a loving home and the care it needs till the day it dies ? What do You think ? And are You personally willing to give such a child a loving home for the rest of it's life ?

    8 AnswersCurrent Events5 years ago
  • Why does Facebook bully people?

    Sometimes I'll read a story and want to show My approval by using the Thumbs Up icon . Then the Facebook item comes up and tells Me I have to sign up before being allowed to show My approval. Obviously I just move on and forget about it. I have no intention of ever becoming a Facebook member and have no desire to give Them all My personal information which I find to be intrusive and manipulative. I know many of You have been manipulated by Facebook into becoming a member of Their site and giving Them Your personal info . But why did You ever do it and what do You think about it ? Would You have done it if Facebook was a known Russian site and all Your info ended up in the files of the KGB ?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Do You trust the Cop's?

    Currently in Ontario there are 50 Policepersons on suspension with pay for a number of offences committed by Them. On average They are receiving about $90,000 per year while awaiting Their day in Court. Do You feel this is right that They are being paid by Us Taxpayers while charged with a Criminal offense ? Also how do You feel about the Police in Your neighborhood? Do You trust Them ?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • What kind of animal lives on Donald Trumps head ?

    Do You need a license to own one like a Dog or is it like a Cat which requires no license? Has it been trained to attack like a Pit Bull and is that why He always keeps it with Him ? And what exactly is it called and who sells them ?Also , why does He carry it on His head ? Shouldn't it be in a cage like a Cat or any other small animal ?

    1 AnswerPolitics5 years ago
  • Why have the true Muslims not banished the false Muslims from Their faith and condemned them to eternal hell and damnation?

    Every day We see ISIS and other so called Muslim terrorist organizations terrorizing and murdering and raping and committing other numerous atrocities and yet it seems no one does anything about it. I've also seen other Muslims saying this is not really what the Muslim religion is about and that Muslims are actually peaceful and non violent. How can We believe You if You continue to acknowledge these scumbags as Your fellow Muslims? In the Christian faith We excommunicate anyone who uses Our religion for personal gain . Will We ever be seeing You do the same ?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Trump the Sissy ?

    At a recent Trump convention two attending Muslim Women were requested to leave . What's He afraid of ?

    9 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Why Catholic Girls are better.?

    My friend and I were trying to figure out which Girls are easier to get into the sack with.He says it,s Catholic Girls because They have to have lots of Kids so They can,t use Birth Control and They need to have lots of Kids so They can get into Heaven later on .So the sooner They start the better.Is that for real?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How do my get My Girlfriend to unconvert and go back to being normal?

    Here,s the problem.My Girlfriend has a friend who invited Her to Church.She got converted during the service and came home all excited because now She,s going to some place called Heaven.Next thing I know She tells Me that I have to convert also so I can go to Heaven.She tells Me this all happens after I,m Dead.So I asked Her if My Dad and Cousins were there .She says No because They were never converted.I asked if My Mom would be there and She says No because My Mom ain,t converted.So then I asked if anyone I knew would be there and She says No because nobody I know is converted.To be honest I don,t think I want to spend until the end of time with a bunch of people I don,t know.So how do I tell Her I don,t want to be converted and would rather spend eternity with the people I know and care about?And since I really care about Her ,How do I get Her to go back to normal?This is causing Me a lot of sleepless nights so please give me some intelligent answers.

  • How to get the Wife to be more cooperative.?

    So I got into a argument with the Wife and went out and bought a bottler of Shine.Needless to say I got Hammered and got into a little bit of trouble.Went to the local Whore House and spent all My money on the best Girl They had and had the night of My life.Then I passed out.When I woke up I asked to have another round with Her and turns out it,s My Wife,s Sister.Well,Don,t I feel embarrassed but these things happen.Well since I had already paid up front I had to do it with Her again ,and it was really really good just like the first time.So now My problem is ,How do I handle it when She comes to visit the Wife.?What I would really like is if She would teach the Wife to be as good as Her.How would You go about getting this to happen?Without upsetting the Wife?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Insurance for Pet,s that all Owners should purchase?

    Are Pet owners aware that there are a number of companies that sell Pet Insurance ?And that the information is available at Your Veterinarians office?And that all Pet Owners should have such a policy for Their Pet,s?And what would be a good way to make more Pet Owners know that this information is available?

    2 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • Where do Nudists carry Their spare change?

    Was planning to join a club and did,nt want to embarrass Myself by looking silly(Try answering this question without being silly)

    2 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • For all the psychics and visionarys?

    Have any of You ever considered reading the Skid Marks on a persons underwear?You read Tea Leaves and Entrails and Bones and Cards and anything else.Seem,s to Me that You can,t get any more personal than a persons underwear so why are,nt You reading them?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Whats the big deal about Kate having a baby?

    Every day all over the world people are having babies.What is it that makes this child special except for the fact that it will be born to royalty?What can it do that no other child can do?Don,t You think that in all reality the entire event is simply a made up event to impress the simple minded?

    13 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Aussies misunderstanding Canadians?

    I worked internationally for a while and became friends with a number of Your country-persons.One thing that struck Me was the comment that Canada still takes its orders from England. If You entered a Canadian Bar and made that statement You would get a lot of quizzical stares.Many Canadians would like to dump the entire British Monarchy thing but since but there are still a few sentimental holdouts .It,s not worth going to war over.So where do You get these ridiculous ideas from and why do You continue to believe them?Anyways ,have a great Winter and when will Australia develop a Ice Hockey Team?

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Christianity and Violence?

    Throughout the centuries Christians have had a long tradition of using violence to further their cause.Anyone who has given them resistance or cause for concern has been slaughtered or tortured or received some equally violent end.When do You see yourselves returning to your former practises considering how many persons are walking away from your teachings today?Then again what says that this is not happening today?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Are Atheist's better Americans?

    America was founded on the principals of Free Speech and Freedom of Religion.Atheists obviously practise both of these freedoms openly.But if You look at the persons whom practise religion on this site You will quickly notice that Atheism upsets them .Given the opportunity many of them would obviously enact laws that would restrict these rights and force Atheists to become practising members of their religions.Notice though that Atheists seldom get upset and have no desire to make anyone convert or quit their chosen religion.Does this mean therefore that in actual practise Atheists are better Americans than religious Americans because Atheists actually practise what Their Constitution entitles Them to?

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Do Americans Know that fresh vegetables and fruit for the citizens of Moore Oklahoma was refused entry by Amer?

    Today a 52 foot Trailer full of fresh fruit and vegetables from Heinz Canada was refused entry into the United States .It was a charitable donation and was bound for the people of Moore Oklahoma The American Customs said every item had to be itemized before entry.Therefore the food that was to be delivered was refused entry.What do the people of Oklahoma and other affected States think of this action?

    5 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Why was Obama's motion to put some restrictions onto the current gun laws overthrown?

    Considering the large amount of innocent Americans that are being massacred almost weekly .Why was there not more support among the citizens?And do They ever plan to get this issue under control or are they happy with the current carnage?And will Americans allways take their orders from the NRA and the Gun Companies?

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • How do I find out the value of a older(1986) LOTR Chess Board ?

    Not Metal ,Cast pieces and Board.Large set .Have it stored away currently but Board is approx. 2ft by 2ft.Characters are different than current sets on the market.Set has never been played on so there,s No damage .Dark Brown Board .Characters are Dark Brown for Bad Guys and Ivory colour for Good Guys.I enjoy looking at it as its quite impressive and different.But have started retirement and have no place in this house to show it off.

    4 AnswersBoard Games8 years ago
  • In Toronto ,Who does appraisals on Chess Boards.?

    I,m not interested in selling.I have a LOTR set 1986-7 .Bought in Germany.Excellent condition.Pre the movies so the characters are different than anything thats out there.Will only contact Qualified Appraisers for a need not apply.

    1 AnswerBoard Games8 years ago