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  • Desperate for baby name suggestions!!?

    I am scheduled for a c-section on July 5th. We still have no name!!

    We currently have 2 boys:

    Elijah William (we call him Eli)

    Isaiah Matthew (he gets called Izzy at times)

    They say we are expecting a girl this time!

    I do not want a name that is over-used now - I tend to like older names. We are not going with a theme, therefore, the name does not have to be biblical, does not need to end in

    -ah and it does not need to start with a vowel.


    13 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Searching for baby names....?

    My husband and I are expecting our 2nd child. We are not sure what gender the baby is since the baby was way too active to get a good view. So, I'm coming to you for name suggestions. We already have a son named Elijah William.

    14 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago

    I have one child, a son, named Elijah (Eli for short). We are currently expecting our second child. We don't know the gender and do not have plans to find out. What are some of your favorite baby boy and girl names. I don't care if it "flows" with our current son's name. I do not want something that is so popular right now that nearly every kid in his/her age group will be named the same name. I do like names from the older generation and I like names that can be shortened....ready? GO!

    8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • I need one word to describe these three words ::?

    Can you give me one word to describe Prayer, Fun and Fellowship??

    Our ladies group, at church, is looking for a theme for this year and we are wanting something to describe prayer, fun and fellowship.


    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • In your opinion, what's the best one?

    In your opinion, what is the best book in the Bible and why??

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is Cookie Monster really becoming.....?

    On Sesame Street, is Cookie Monster really becoming "Veggie Monster"?? I have heard this rumor and was wondering if anyone else has heard it or knows any truth to it....

    2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Y&R fans: what do you think -- Lily?

    Do you think Lily will ever get a break??

    First it was the divorce from Daniel. Then, Cain and Chloe and the baby. Then, the stupidity of Phillip and Cain. And now, she's not pregnant but something worse...when is she ever going to get a break??

    6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • What should I name him/her?

    I'm not expecting but hope to be some day in the near future!! I was hoping if you could suggest some names to me for a boy or girl. I have kind of grown fond of the older names (names of your grandparents/great grandparents) but also like many other names.

    Please, suggest all you can!! First and middle names if you want... I'm open to all suggestions!!

    My last name is Spring...


    13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Why is Bold and the Beautiful on now instead of Young and the Restless?

    Can someone answer this, please? I'm just curious...thanks!

    5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • How do you think I should cook this?

    I got some breaded chicken (kind of like you'd get from KFC) with the bones in but it never came with baking directions. I'd rather bake the chicken that deep fry it. I'm wondering how you would recommend I bake this...what should I set my oven to? How long should I let it bake? It is frozen, should I thaw it first?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Where can I get one at a reasonable price?

    Hello ladies (and men)!!

    Well, first of all, I have been well blessed (or cursed, depending how you look at it) with a good sized chest. I am in desperate need of finding a place that I can get a good bra and not have to spend an arm and a leg. I am currently going to a specialty store in Indiana but I have to pay $85-$100 for each bra, resulting in only being able to purchase one at a time. And my visits to the store are far and few between, sad to say.

    I measure wearing a 38GG--YIKES! I know!


    Thanks, in advance, for all of your help!

    (I'm posting this in pregnancy & parenting cuz they never got this big till after I had my son AND people in this category are most helpful!!)

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Need help with my name PLEASE?

    I've posted a previous question but I'm not getting any feedback.

    Anyway, I'm wanting some help with my display name. I want to use my name but I was the creative designs before and after it. I'm not sure how to do it. I'd LOVE some help from lots of people....all ideas are welcome (aside from vulgar ones).

    Thanks so much!!

    3 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • Creative MySpace name......?

    My name is Kate. I would like my display name to be Kate. However, I want the cool little designs people do..

    I hope you understand what I'm talking about...I'm not even sure how to do one to give you an idea.

    Please come up with a pretty design I can put before and after my name for my display name...thanks!

    1 AnswerMySpace1 decade ago
  • Christmas Dinner.....Please help!!!?

    I'm in charge of having Christmas Eve at my house with my extended family. Which also means I'm in charge of preparing dinner for the family (there will be 10 in attendance). Last year, my brother was in charge, and he and his wife had ham. I don't want to have the same thing. What are you having for your Christmas dinner? Do you have any suggestions for what I could make for my Christmas dinner? Please help! Thanks!!

    6 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • .................How did I do this??................................?

    My screen name on my MySpace is my name, Kate. However, it's upside down. I went somewhere, not on MySpace, and typed in my name and it converted it to be upside down. Then, I'm not sure if I copied a code or if I copied and pasted the name to be put on my page. I know there were different ways that the name could be converted but I can't, for the life of me, remember where I went to do this. Here is my MySpace page..

    2 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • Very hesitant....PLEASE help!!?

    I was invited to go to Arizona with my 'real' dad and step mom to visit with family. I live in Ohio with my family and my real dad and step mom live in Wisconsin. In order for me to go with them, I'll either fly out of Dayton, OH or drive to Tomah, WI to fly with them. I am not comfortable driving 9 hours to their house, with my one yr. old son, alone. I am also not comfortable flying from Dayton to Tucson, AZ. to meet my parents there and then proceed to visit with our family, alone with my one yr. old son. My brother has also been invited to go but he has not made up his mind about going. If he does go, we'll be going together (flying) which would ease my mind, some.

    Furthermore, in order for me to go to AZ and to bring my son, I would also have to bring his car seat, stroller and pack-n-play. I'm not so sure I want to bring all of that stuff on a plane simply because it's a lot of extra baggage and I'm so afraid it will be stolen or lost. Also, I've never flown by myself before, let alone with a one year old. As a matter of fact, I've never been on a plane where I've ever noticed a small child. How do people react when they see a small child on a plane? What do I do if my son starts to act out and I'm having a hard time getting him to calm down? All I can think about is the incident with the toddler that kept saying "bye bye airplane" and the flight attendant got verbal with them.

    Any advice you have or suggestions about flying with a toddler would be very much appreciated....I'm so hesitant to fly but I really want to go and see my family (I have never been to AZ and haven't met half of my family that lives there).

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Why do people ask these types of questions?

    Why are there so many people asking, "Does he like me?", Does she like me", "I'm so confused, does he/she like me?"

    Does it really take someone else to tell you to ask a person out on a date to really know that you should ask someone out? Or does it really take another person to tell you how another person acts when he/she likes someone? Get a clue people!!


    23 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • School Shooting.....?

    I have a friend who wants to make a film on school shootings. Do you think he should? What is your input? Good idea, bad idea? I think he's planning a move to CA after high school graduation to become a film maker and this is an idea of a film for him. He doesn't care if there are already school shooting movies out there, he wants to know if you think they are good ideas or bad ideas. Give me your thoughts...thanks!

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Wanna know what you think...who should I vote for? McCain or Obama?

    Wanna know what the rest of the world is thinking...I think it's gonna be a close one!

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Can a baby get an MRI or a CT scan done on them??

    I had a brain tumor removed when I was 8 and my doctor had said that it was probably a slow growing tumor and I could have been born with it.

    My question arises because I had a son 5 months ago and want to get a MRI or a CT scan done on him just to ease my worries of him having a tumor as well. I know that most brain tumors are not hereditary but I still worry.

    Any info you can tell me is greatly appreciated!!

    Thanks so much!!!

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago