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Honestly, do you really care? I'm just a guy who watches too many movies, playes too many video games, and is lucky enough to be married to a wonderful woman.

  • Who is right, me or my wife?

    My son is 5 years old and no matter how late we keep him up is a very early riser. We've tried black out curtains, white noise, etc. and nothing keeps this kid asleep past 5:30 or 6am. He also seems to be of the opinion that everyone else in the house should get up when he does, which isn't a problem on weekdays but gets annoying on the weekend when the rest of us (me, my wife, and his two older sisters) like to sleep in a bit.

    He has had this remote control robot for the past 2 years and has recently decided it creeps him out. He says it's eyes follow him around the room and he wants to get rid of it, so my wife put in a bag of toys to donate.

    Now, I see a potential solution to keep my son quietly in his room until a decent hour... I want to pull the robot out and put him in the hallway like a sentry knowing my son won't walk past him. My wife, however has a problem with this. She's convinced it'll emotionally scar him, he'll have nightmares, I'm cruel and a horrible father for thinking this... you know, blah blah blah. What can I say, sleep deprivation does things to a guy.

    So, what's your opinion, who's right on this one?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • iPad Vs Galaxy, which should I get my wife?

    My wife's latest Nook recently bit the dust so she's been having to read her ebooks on our laptop. We haven't had very good luck with the Nook devices, (been through 4 in the past 2 years, all due to manufacturer defects) so I'm planing on getting her a tablet for Mother's day. I've done some research and all the reviews seem to be split 50/50 on which is better Between the Galaxy and the I-Pad. So, as a tie breaker I thought I would ask the Y!A community for feed back.

    This will strictly be an at home device using our home network. We won't be needing 3G or 4G. She might play some games, do some at home finance stuff, watch NetFlix, but won't be using business applications, graphic arts, or other non-entertainment apps. We don't plan on using it for pictures so the Camera feature and Retina display aren't make or break features. We also have 3 kids who are all under the age of 7, so hoping for something that can take a little abuse, they're usually good with tech and at following the rules but accidents still happen.

    So, what's your opinion on the iPad vs. the Galaxy? Also, should I get the previous generation or the newest models? Let me know what you think and thanks for the input.

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds9 years ago
  • In a movie, what is more disturbing to you - violence or sexual content?

    Opinion Poll - what bothers you more, or what are you less willing to allow your kids to see? I'm curious to see what you all think.

    For the record, I don't have a problem with either and enjoy movies that have elements of either one or both of those things. I ask because I've noticed a lot of questions here on Y/A asking if such and such horror/action movie has any nudity in it. This got me wondering... why is a parent who feels their kid is mature enough for an R rated movie okay with their teen watching the brutal beating and/or murder of another human being but not okay if they flash a little skin?

    I picture a parent sitting there saying "Hey kids, check this out! This zombie is about to eat that guy! That's awesome! Oh... wait... Good Lord they just flashed a breast while that woman was taking a shower! Look away kids! Cover your eyes! What kind of sick movie is this?"

    So, what's your opinion on the matter? Let's here it!

    13 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Is my PS3 toast or is there hope?

    I have a 1st gen backward compatible 60gb that I bought 3 months after they just released the PS3. I have many happy hours logged on the machine and my kids have just started gaming on it so the old boy was getting more of a workout these days.

    My wife had the kids playing on it one morning, turned it off for lunch and was going to let them play it again. She went to turn it on and it went green like usual, flashed red twice, yellow once, then blinks red and doesn't power on.

    Is this the dreaded "Yellow Light of Doom" I've been reading about if it just flashed once? Is there any hope for my poor system?

    5 AnswersPlayStation1 decade ago
  • Burning Plastic/Oil smell from 2005 Ford Mustang?

    I just had my fuel pump replaced about a month ago in my 2005 Ford Mustang and now I've begun to notice a burning smell when I get out of the car or roll down the window in a drive through. The smell reminds me of burning tar when they repave the road, which initially I though was due to the 110 degree plus August weather in Las Vegas melting the tar patches on the road. Now, I am noticing it every time I step out of the car, so I think it is coming from the undercarriage. Any ideas?

    4 AnswersFord1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite Oblivion Mod?

    I've been playing TES Oblivion for years and am looking to change things up a bit. I've already done the OOO and have all the DLC. What is your favorite Mod that will breath a little life into my favorite game?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • If you're driving a bus down a large intersection, and have a total of 15 passengers on the bus with you,?

    then at the first stop 5 passengers get on and 3 passengers get off, at the second stop double the number of passengers from the first stop who got on, get on and three time the number of passengers who got off from the first stop get off, then at the third stop, the square root of the total passengers from the 2nd stop get on and the total number of passengers who got off from 3rd stop minus the total number of passengers who got off the bus from the third stop, multiplied by the original number of total passengers before any stops were made get off.... then what is the name of the bus driver?

    2 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago
  • Deadliest Warrior - Miyamoto Musashi Vs. William Wallace, who would win?

    I was watching Spike's Deadliest Warrior the other day and they had an episode of William Wallace vs. Shaka Zulu. This didn't seem like much of a match up to me. (Steel weapons and Chainmail armor Vs. Wood weapons with a little Iron and Oxhide shields.)

    What I would like to see would be Miyamoto Musashi Vs. William Wallace. I'm talking about if the actual historical figures met head to head. Not Mel Gibson Vs. Toshiro Mifune, try to discount the hollywood glitz. Who do you think would win, and why?

    2 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • In a duel to the death, who would win? Miyamoto Musashi vs William Wallace?

    I was watching Spike's Deadliest Warrior the other day and they had an episode of William Wallace vs. Shaka Zulu. This didn't seem like much of a match up to me. (Steel weapons and Chainmail armor Vs. Wood weapons with a little Iron and Oxhide shields.)

    What I would like to see would be Miyamoto Musashi Vs. William Wallace. I'm talking about if the actual historical figures met head to head. Not Mel Gibson Vs. Toshiro Mifune. Who do you think would win, and why?

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade ago