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Hi, I wouldn't want to mislead you so I have to say that the photo does make me look a lot more handsome than I actually am. I was born in 1955 and am an architypal underachiever! Having spent most of my life under the influence of alcohol and tobacco I am now miraculously clean.

  • How can I get album art onto ITunes?

    Generally I have no problem as I can click the 'Get info' button on a track and there is an Artwork box. However on some tracks the 'Get info' tab has the message 'No artwork available'. So --- is there a way around this? Many thanks!

    Software8 years ago
  • Does anyone know any amusing mistranslations?

    The older amongst you might remember Flanders and Swann translating 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci' (Keats's poem) as 'The beautiful woman who never said thank you'.

    They also set to work on 'Sic transit gloria mundi', coming up with ' My sister was ill on the bus earlier in the week'.

    I also have 'A la recherche du temps perdu', Proust's novel as 'In search of the lost secretaries'.

    If anyone has any I could add to my meagre collection I'd be most grateful.

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • How can I play tracks in the right order on iTunes?

    I download a fair amount of music and there is not a problem when it is a single album. However with opera I may download two or three c.d.s which I place in separate folders. When I go to iTunes it does not arrange them in Act 1, Act 2 etc. order. At present I'm trying to listen to Der Rosenkavalier but iTunes seems to want to play a bit of Act3, then a track from Act 2, then Act 1! I cannot work out how to get things in the right order other than creating a Playlist, which seems an odd way around. All help much appreciated.

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • How do I get rid of album covers?

    I've been using TuneUp Companion to gather album covers for my iTunes. ( I hate not having the covers). I've made a couple of mistakes and wish to remove and replace them. I admit to having only a basic knowledge of computers and cannot work out how to do it. Suggestions please!

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • Can you identify a band that supported The White Stripes.?

    A friend of mine (who is now dead ) went to see The White Stripes in London about 3 or 4 years ago. He went because he was a fan of the support band. I've lost their music from my computer and can't remember their name. All I can say is that they are often classified under Americana. The lead vocalist was a woman (possibly married to another member of the band). The band name was short . Long shot but can anyone help!

    1 AnswerRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Has anyone grown Honeyberries?

    Honeyberry (Lonicera caerulea var. kamtschatica) has appeared on the order list at our Garden Centre and I intend to order some. There seems to be little information on them so if anyone knows if they are worth growing I'd appreciate some comments. They seem to originate in Siberia so I'm assuming that hardiness is not a problem - but taste ? Size of crop? etc.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape10 years ago
  • Can anyone think of rhymes for Carol, other than barrel?

    A friend asked me this (he was writing some doggerel in a leaving card) and I really could not think of any.

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • Can you give me some tips for growing potatoes?

    I work in a Garden Centre and I have to give a talk about growing potatoes. I'm not really a veg. grower though I have grown pots. and can easily look up the relevant information to refresh my knowledge.

    What I could do with however is real 'tips' that you have found useful, varieties you have found good or disappointing - especially where you're experience has contradicted what you have read.

    Due acknowledgement will be given during the talk.

    Many thanks!

    8 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • If you can't fight, wear a big hat. Does anyone know the origin of this expression?

    My father used to say this and I have inherited it. Love it and usually apply it to jobsworths. But where did it originate?

    7 AnswersQuotations1 decade ago
  • Is this, or is this not a workable strategy?

    I work for a Company that has made certain changes in the working patterns of the entire work force. There is no Union and I want to make a protest. So .. if I and a few friends buy shares in the Company would it be possible to attend share holder meetings and try and force a vote of no confidence in the Board? Or .. would we be wasting our time?

    3 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • Who should be first against the wall come the Revolution?

    For me it has to be short people with large umbrellas, closely followed by those who can't walk, use their mobile and watch out where they are going. Any other strong contenders?

    21 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • What was the role of the moustache in Western Military History?

    I'm writing a book on this subject and have chapters on Hitler, Stalin, the German officer corps during the First World War, the role of moustache styles on promotion within the British army during the Nineteenth century, and the role of the false moustache in military intelligence. I'm also trying to write a chapter from a feminist point of view and have come across a few references to Mata Hari having a bit of a shadow on her top lip. Are there any other women whom I should mention? I've constructed an incontrovertible case that the Germans would have won the Second World War if they had had more moustaches. Can anyone think of examples I might have missed and which really need to be added. I'm hoping this work will make my literary reputation so ten points for the best answer!

    Also I'm considering bringing out a companion book I've provisionally entitled ' Fabulous Military Moustaches. A Pictorial Record.' which I hope will be on the bookshelves by next Christmas.

    5 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Which three songs you could not do without?

    I asked before about secret songs and had great fun listening to those I didn't know. Now, educate me some more. Three songs I won't know ( I am musically fairly uneducated!) that I will come to love.

    20 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • Do you have a secret song?

    This is really embarrassing, so I'm hoping to assuage my guilt by getting others to admit theirs.

    I love Bob Dylan, Lenny Cohen, Rolling Stones etc., etc.. Also, opera, Wagner, Benjamin Britten.

    But I also have a few songs I will not admit to in public.

    Wham! 'Wake me up before you go go'

    and Abba; 'Dancing Queen'.

    Tell me I am not alone.

    15 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • Which words do you miss and which would you like never to be uttered again?

    I ask this because I woke up this morning thinking of 'besmirched' and wondering if I'd ever get a chance to use it. Bedecked is another nice one. How about hither and thither?

    My least favourite word at the moment is blog. I never read blogs because I just can't address myself to something that has such a vile name. I'm not at all struck by 'cascade' to mean 'tell a few people.'

    Any other suggestions? Any bete noire?

    20 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • Help! I do believe I am growing wings.?

    I woke up this morning and noticed that my shoulder blades were sticking out more than they normally do. They look as if they are ready to burst through the skin. The only thing I can connect this with is that last night I reached level 2 on Answers. Are the two connected? As we achieve higher levels do we gradually transform into creatures of the angelic world? Is there a tendency to become adept at playing stringed instruments? Is it possible that as I rise up I will become even more pompous and conceited than I already am?

    Also, if I ask enough daft questions will I be able to return to level 1 and will the symptoms disappear?

    11 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • Is Barbara Flynn, in 'The Beiderbecke Affair' the most beautiful woman in the world?

    This was an opinion I shared with my mate Garry, but apparently with no one else. Does anyone have a similar infatuation with a woman or man that flies in the face of common opinion? I chose to put this in this category in the hope someone would know who I was talking about!

    3 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • Is "eating on the move" really as vulgar and bad mannered as I think it is?

    Oh for public transport free from the smell of chips and burgers and for shopping centres free of perpetual mastication! Or is it just my 55 years lumbering me with false memories of a more refined past?

    8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago