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  • My leg muscles keep moving on their owns?

    Sometimes it literally feels like theres something moving under my skin.... I can t control it, it just happens. My laptop is moving right now as my muscles move on my thighs. It s rather annoying and I ve never had this until a few weeks ago. Kinda freaky. Is this a cause for concern? I can find nothing online except about twitches but this isn t like a twitch, it s visible and my skin moves up and down like something is trying to escape!

  • how to get the details of a murder with little knowledge?

    now say someone has spoken to the only witness of a murder and has no other details except how it happened and the region of the country how would they go about figuring out the other details? Considering this happened before the age of internet in an area riddled with gang crime and the witness was involved so will give no details and the murder was never solved? Just asking for...a friend

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police2 years ago
  • Should I have sex with a heated radiator?

    My friend thinks I will get burns.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • How were the sexual scenes in Lolita legal if Dominique Swain was a minor?

    Lolita is raunchy enough already but the extra cuts show actual penetration. How the hell did they get away with it? I loved the film but the extra cuts are quite graphic. Is it legal or ethical to make an underage actress do that, like is it just a part of the career that should be accepted or is it unethical?

    4 AnswersFamily2 years ago
  • should I shorten the story I'm writing to make it an easier read?

    I'm writing a book which I hope to get published one day. I'm about a quarter in and over 30,000 words already. I don't want to simplify the story because I've planned it all out in great detail in my head, but I'm afraid that it will be so long that people will get sick of it half way through, or that publishers turn it down. Which risk do I take, simplifying and possibly ruining the story or writing a book so long that it becomes boring? Thanks in advance.

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors3 years ago
  • subtle halloween costume ideas?

    Going to be in college on halloween , so I want something which I can wear all day without feeling stupid (ie not a "sexy" costume or anything elaborate/bright), but I want it to be noticeable that it's not my every day gothic clothes. Im a short 18 year old girl with pink hair if that helps.

    3 AnswersHalloween3 years ago
  • should i delete my exes nudes if i have no proof he deleted mine?

    should i keep them as a safety net or should i cleanse my system?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • should i delete my exes nudes if i have no proof he deleted mine?

    should i keep them as a safety net or should i cleanse my system?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Should you take someones words that they have no stds if you have no proof?

    Like do people just ask or do they get the other person tested? I know it s a weird question but I worry.

    4 AnswersSTDs3 years ago
  • how to tell my boyfriend that im not ok with a polyamourous relationship without being controlling or bitchy??

    All i want is him. were both bisexual and he wants to try sex with guys. Im not ok with this, being bisexual doesnt mean you go out with a girl and still **** guys, you have to choose. Im ok having him and not having sex with girls. Its been 8 months and hes only sprung this on me now. How can i say no without being controlling? I really love him.

  • are all homophobic people religious?

    i know not all religious people are homophobic but are all homophobic people religious? If not then why are non religious people homophobes?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 years ago
  • long distance relationship tips??

    me and my bf live 250 mies apart and due to student stuff i only see him once every couple months. we usually talk a lot but i have no phone and cant take my aptop into college so hes messaging me and im taking like five hours or more to respond. I feel really selfish for only talking to him when the time suits me as he lterally always wants to talk to me. He says he understands, and even apologizes for getting upset about the lack of contact (i feel so bad, its my fault for breaking my phone, not his!). But i feel even though hes so amazing about everything its taking a toll on a relationship that weve maintained for eight months now! So I need advice, quick! I need tips on how to maintain this and show him how much I love him when we barely talk all day so that he knows that hes important and special and our love doesnt start fading away! Thanks for any help in advance (and apologies for my spelling, i am wearing false nails)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • why do people disrespect vegans so much?

    Online i try to raise awareness of veganism by posting animal pictures and the like. I don't completely shut up about it, because it is a strong belief of mine. But people online post about all kinds of things, and they are respected. I respect my friends/acquaintances views, when they post about things that i disagree with such as religion. I'd never wave ham in a muslim's face, or my satanic bible in that of a christian. yet on snapchat i get sent pictures of meat and dead pigs heads. I get people I barely know shouting "bacon" at me. My sister got ham forced down her throat by other kids till she was sick. Ive had peope throw bacon at me. Why? I get that people don't agree with veganism, but why does that mean that they feel the need to ridicule us and throw meat in our faces?

    29 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan4 years ago
  • How can we stop our 3 healthy chickens bullying the runt of the litter??

    We have rescued 4 battery hens, and when they first came they were all in terrible condition. Now, 3 are feathered, shiny and putting on weight. But one of them isnt. She seems terrified of the others. she has barely any feathers, and is too scared of the others to eat. She spends all day on top of the coop, doesnt eat, doesnt bathe, doesnt drink. we thought that it was just the pecking order (no pun intended) at first, but its been weeks now and shes getting progressivly worse. what can we do???

    thanks in advance.

    5 AnswersBirds4 years ago
  • How to deal with feeling like a slut for losing my virginity to a guy after knowing him 4 days?

    I know that calling a woman a slut and slut shaming is wrong etc, but I still feel awful. I'm not a promiscuous person, I wouldn't hop into bed with anyone usually. At the time I thought that he and I had a special bond. We f***ed in a tent at a festival of all places, not classy at all, and though it felt amazing at the time, a few weeks later now I loathe myself for it. I'm lying to all of the people around me about it because I'm so scared that they'll think that I'm a silly little whore, and I don't usually lie about anything, so the guilt of lying and fear of being found out is killing me. On top of all of the guilt is the fact that I can't even be in a relationship with him because he lives in Essex (very far away from me) and that just makes it almost a one night stand, even though I have strong feelings for him. I don't want HIM thinking that I'm some cheap easy girl who has just discarded him or just wanted sex. I genuinely like him, so much that now not being with him kinda hurts.

    How the hell do i deal with these feelings?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • I popped paracetamol pills onto next doors lawn, is this safe?

    i wanted to kill myself last night, and i changed my mind, halfway through a overdose, but was left with a load of pills. temptation. so i popped them out the window, and they bounced off the conservatory roof into next doors graden. is this safe for them???? they dont have dogs or kids. thanks!

    1 AnswerMental Health4 years ago
  • should i starve myself to death to prove a point to my non vegan house mate?

    He said that you cant make food without exploiting and animal, and nothing is vegan. i got really angry and was juts like fine, i will starve myself to death because it is better than letting an animal die. Now I dont know what to do. I mean, my life is in shambles anyway, dying is an easier option at any rate. But i kinda dont want to die. like anything but that. What can i say to him without making him think im weak? if i dont do this, he will torment me about it every time i eat my vegan palm oil free organic food.

    5 AnswersMental Health4 years ago