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A pit bull will steal your heart

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I love singing and I love animals. All the animals I have had in my life or still have in my life: betta fish, goldfish, fiddler crabs, budgies(parakeets), cockatiels, rats, dogs, cats, red ear slider turtles, silkie chickens, a blue-tongued skink, and leopard geckos. Animals I have now: Dog-german shepherd mix, 8 years old, female, Kudos Dog-chocolate lab mix, 4 years old, male, Choco Dog-chihuahua, 1 year old, female, Chloe Dog-cockapoo mix, 3 years old, male, Elvis Dog-blue heeler, 5 years old, female, Kyla Cat-3 or 4 years old, and a male,Elliott Cat-not sure age, female, Momma Cat-2 years old, female, Faith 2 cockatiels-4 years old, male, Charlie 2 or 3 years old, female, Aussie

  • Should I get my best friend this?

    I'm thinking about getting my best friend this:

    She loves reading thats why I thought maybe this. You can also watch videos on it but you can't get on the internet. I am not spending any more on her present than this so If you have an idea for me please make sure Its less than that. Please answer and thank you!

    Oh and If this helps she loves the beach, dancing, cats, singing, and reading

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • How were knights appointed?

    Why were they appointed?

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • What were the Wergeld Fines/Laws?(World History)?



    And please give me some information on it! :) Thanks for your help

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Why did they have the Treaty of Verdun?

    And can you please give me information on the Treaty of Verdun?

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • What does scriptororia mean? (World History)?

    How did it start?

    And why did it start?

    And please give me some information on it thank you :)

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • What can you do on 2 acres of land?

    Me and my parents might be getting a farm that has 2 acres on it what could we do with it? And no we are not raising animals to kill.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • What are a bunch of youtube tags to put for a cat video?

    What are some youtube tags that you can put on a cat video.

    This is one of mine that I am trying to find a bunch of tags to put on it:

    1 AnswerCats9 years ago
  • Anyone want a free dog in the area Tomball, Tx?

    She is a lab mix. She is okay with some animals. (Not good with animals during feeding time though she is not agressive with humans) Though she is not good with all cats and dogs. She is great with people and kids. She is not fixed but we ask that she is not used for breeding. If possible we would want someone that has the money to fix her. (But its okay if you can't) NO BUNCHERS!!!! If interested please email me at ( I will send you a picture of her)

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • I need a disney song for soprano?

    I am a soprano 1 and there is this pop show for choir and I am thinking of trying it. I can sing really high. But I can't sing that low. I can choose ANY disney song.( the theme is Disney) and if I do try it it would be my first time is there any way I could help my nerves.

    1 AnswerOther - Music9 years ago
  • What are the major developments in transportation and how did they impact development?

    What type of ecosystem is found in the middle of most continents?

    History of Settlement

    1st Humans

    1st civilizations---Where and why?

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • What do we call the filtering unit in the kidney?

    What do we call the proteins that the endocrine system makes?

    Describe the function of a virus.

    3 AnswersBiology9 years ago
  • What kind of images are produced in an SEM? In a TEM?

    What kind of lab tools measure volume? Measure mass? Measure length?

    What ions have a higher concentration in an acid? What ions have a higher concentration in a base?

    The nervous system and the endocrine system both work in response to environmental stimulus. Which system works faster and why?

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • A good song for sopranos?(high notes)?

    I am a soprano singer wanting to find a good song to sing. I am horrible at low notes. Mid-range I can sing. Please tell me a good song u can sing in front of ppl.

    1 AnswerSinging10 years ago
  • What kind of chicken sounds best for me?

    I am wanting a chicken that lays a very good amount of eggs. I want them not to be that loud and flighty. I don't want them to get broody often. I want chickens that would he good in confinement. I already know of one chicken a Rhode island red but I want to know if there's any others. Oh and it has to be heat hardy. I live in a very hot place when its summer. The coldest its ever gotton is about 20 degrees. Also I have a question do chickens NEED grit?

    1 AnswerBirds10 years ago
  • How to convince my parents to get me a third dog?

    First off one of the dogs is not mine its my sisters she is old enough to move out she doesn't have the money yet though. Okay I have a german shepherd mix(7 yrs. old) and my sister has a blue heeler(around 3 or 4 yrs. old). I have in all 2 dogs, 1 cat, 2 rats, and 2 fish in our house. One of the fish is also my sisters. Then my grandma she lives two doors down from us. This may seem like it doesn't matter but I want to tell you my grandmas animals. She has 2 dogs(a cockapoo mix and lab mix), 2 birds, and 2 cats. I want to get this one dog from a shelter she is a very sweet dog. She is a dachshund. Please don't make any rude comments. How should I ask my parents?

    9 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Is this against community guidelines?

    This was what I was asking : How to convince my parents to get me another dog?

    And this is wat it was saying :sadly my other one of these was deleted. and it was so long so i am gonna sum it up from last time. I have a lot of animals 2 dogs(sometimes none when grandma takes to her house she is 2 doors down from us), 1 cat, 2 rats, and 2 fish. My grandma has 2 dogs(sometimes 4 as told earlier), 2 cats, and 2 birds. Well I volunteer at a place called aar and there is this certain brown dachshund who is very sweet she kept kissing me!!! She put her paws and head on my shoulder. Well she also wouldn't let me put her back in her cage. As soon as I left I started missing her. I have never had a small dog(and i always have wanted one) Well my sister had a minature dachshund before but she died before she turned one because of intestinal problems. Well the dogs we have now are a chocolate lab mix, german shepherd mix, cockapoo mix, and blue heeler. I have not even asked my mom or dad yet. I don't know how to ask them. If you are gonna comment plz help me and plz no rude comments. Any thing else you need to know plz ask.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers10 years ago
  • Why do my questions keep getting deleted?

    Well i keep adding the same question it doesnt go against the community guidelines at all I am sooo mad right now!!!

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers10 years ago
  • My grandmas female cat just got back from being spayed?

    My grandmas cat was fixed this morning well we got her back and she is very drowsy but does not want to sleep. She keeps walking and falling down from being so drowsy. She looks confused her eyes are very open. She keeps trying to jump up on the window to look outside. We are trying to not let her get on it. Any way to calm her down? When do we start feeding her? The vet said to not feed her today do we feed her normally tomorrow? How are we suppost to hold her? Are we allowed to hold her?

    1 AnswerCats10 years ago