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  • Hypothetically, can women in wheelchairs get pregnant?

    If so, are there any extra complications?

    Is it different to regular pregnancies?

    5 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Which titanic characters are in the "final dream" (finale) scene?

    Does anyone have a list of characters Rose sees when she dies and goes to the Titanics heaven? I saw a few characters, but couldn't make out most of them.

    Is Cal, William Murdoch and Fabrizio there?

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • What do you think this could mean?

    For around 3 months now, my 11 year old cousin has been suffering some strange symptoms and we do not know what they mean. We have booked a doctors appointment, but it's not due until next week. Untill then, we'd like some idea of what he might be suffering from. Or maybe he's just going through a phase, we don't know. We are very concerned and dissapointed in him though, for the suffering he's caused to his class-mates and family. We find his behavoir unexceptable.

    His symptoms for the past 3 months have been:

    - Talking to object as if they have a concious. (Asking them questions, threatening them, shaking them, blaming them for strange things.)

    - Frequent talking to himself.

    - Smashing plates when angry.

    - Threatening people over small things. (A friend was round his house the other day and the friend lifted the remote while he was watching TV and he shouted at him that if he changed the channel he'd "smash the TV with his head"...We were pretty horrified. He flips over trivial matters a lot.)

    - Rapid mood swings/split personality.

    - A obsession with work and organisation.

    Does anyone know what this could mean? All help much appreciated. :)

    5 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • How do i let her down gently?

    I have this "friend" who's 2 years younger than me. I became her friend because at the time she was getting bullied and didn't have any friends. I knew what it was like to feel isolated, so i let her hang out with me and burrow my dolls (which i haven't used since i was 10) and she seemed happy, which was nice to know i helped. I also stood up to her against her bullies. A few months later, she changed schools because the bullying was so bad and the teachers wouldn't do anything about it because her bullies had "special needs". She started trying to hang out with me nearly every day, always coming round without invitation, and i wouldn't get to hang out with my other friends closer to my age. When i was too busy to hang out with her, she wouldn't be mean or anything, but put this sad look on her face which made me feel like a b****. She isn't bullied in her new school, and she's got other friends but she says she'll "much rather hang out with me." But as much as i'm happy i helped her, i kind of don't want to be her friend. She's younger and it's much more like i'm baby-sitting her than hanging out with her, i use my money too pay for lunch out and to go to the arcade because she always can't afford it and says she wants to go there, my other friends are getting isolated and i don't really enjoy her company, but i don't want to say "I don't want to be your friend." how can i drop her without hurting her feelings?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I'm going on Holiday and have a question-?

    I'm going to Whales for 3 days and will be missing one of my favorite tv shows, I'm planning to record it, but----

    1. Can you record things while your TVs off?

    2. Can you record things while your DVD/recording players off? By which i mean, does your recorder have to be on while your TV show is airing?

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • Help! A sleepover which got out of hand!?

    I am 12 years old.

    Last night i went to a sleepover with six of my best friends and it was awesome at first.

    But then, at about 2 in the morning, one of my more wild friends-Gina (Not real name) suggested we play a game of spin the bottle. 2 of my more sensible friends May and Lola (Not real names) thought that was dumb and went to the corner, as they didn't want to be a part of it. I didn't;t want to play spin the bottle either, but they heckled me until i felt like i didn't have much of a choice. they said it will just be a "Joke."

    I was really, really reluctant to kiss my friends, but when it came to one of my other friends, Kiki (Again, fake name) i actually ENJOYED IT. Then she giggled and said: "Your a good kisser" Which made me feel a bit uncomfortable, but almost pleased with myself. Lola felt very uncomfortable about this and was worried that we'll regret this in the morning, but i dismissed that thought.

    Then, Kiki asked if she could speak with Gina in private and then me. She “admitted” to me that she’s fancied me and Gina for a few months now, and she really wants to be with one of us. If I’m to be brutally honest, I felt a bit messed with by that----- Why can’t she just choose one girl? Secondly, what was worrying me the most is, when I came to this sleepover, I was pretty sure I liked boys.

    I’m not homophobic, but there was something unsettling about having a crush on one of my best friends….And also, I had just been rejected 2 months ago by one of my best boy mates.

    I asked: “Well, who are you going to choose?”

    She told me she’s thinking about it.

    Then, a realization hit me: “Since when were either Gina or Kiki lesbians?” They never told me anything like that. And even worst: “Am I a lesbian? Didn’t I like my best boy mate?”

    After half a hour, Kiki asked: “Well, I’ll rather go out with both of you, and I think your both totally gorgeous, and Michelle’s a much better kisser than Gina, but…….I choose Gina. However, if Michelle’s cool with it, I’ll like to kiss her again some time.”

    I said I was “Fine with it.” But actually: I felt a bit played with. I didn’t understand why someone would just kiss and leave you. And then make you feel pitted against another one of your best friends. And then make you question sexuality. And then reject you in front of our whole friendship circle but is still up for another kiss?!?!?! What the hell?!?!

    And worst still, it took loads of courage to tell the girls about being rejected by my best boy mate and I was still pretty upset with it. After all that time getting over it and getting my confidence back, it was just shattered…So much for some stupid joke! I went to have a few minutes alone in private to cry and then Lola got worried about me and came to get me, she said “I was worried this might happen. But they’ll be other girls”

    She didn’t understand. I used to like boys. It wasn’t fair that I had to adapt to suit my friends….She gave me a hug and told me that your one of the kindest girls in our year, they’ll be both male and female options. Well, she's supposed to say that. she's my best friend.

    I apologized for not listening to her, Kiki said she “Sorry, but I’m just a bit confused now. I’m not the only lesbian in school though. I’m sure they’ll be others.”

    I felt like punching her in the face, but all I managed was “Then why do you want to drag your two best friends down with you?”

    “That’s really homophobic!” She said.

    “I’m so sorry…” I apologized and felt terrible but then she said something which made all traces of sympathy fade; “It’s not like with Josh (Not real name of my best boy mate), he didn’t fancy you at all. He just kissed you for the hell of it. I really like you.”

    I said nothing. But now I can’t face my friends any longer. I can’t believe kiki would be so cruel and I can’t believe my two best friends are “Together” (I have a horrible feeling that in a week or two they’ll like boys again.) and now I’m only brave enough to talk to Lola....What do I do? I don’t want to lose my friends!

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How many child do you have, what age are they and what gender are they?

    I'm a bit too young to be having children, but i just wanted to know out of curiosity

    My mum had two girls, me and my older sister!

    18 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How to solve a sister-hood problem?

    My sister is 15 and she's SO annoying. She has a nasty boyfriend who's nice and sickly-sweet to her but seems to have it in for me for no apparent reason....they are so sickly together and i cant really deal with it anymore...

    my sisters also always invading my privacy, breaking my cds, reading my emails from friends and being nasty about my friends....and whenever i try and tell on her my parents tell me to leave her alone!

    But whenever i do something like that (once) i get told off and shouted at while my (without using various profanities) stupid sister gets loads of sympathy....but when she does stuff like that to me its apparently fine.

    She akes pride in showing me up in front of her friends without me saying anything accusing me of having the mental age of a nine year old and enjoys chatting on the phone at 11pm- 1am to her fiends whilst im trying to sleep. once i ended up sleeping on the sofa. O.O

    Im really sick of my sister. i never say anything to her, but she takes pride in making my life a living hell........and my parents dont mind.

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts on Xfactor's Katie Waissel?

    I personally, don't think she gets enough enough credit. She's constantly trying hard with a sweet tone in her voice, but everyone seems to hate her why? For being quirky and original?

    Please send in your thoughts about katie, we'll love to here it, but please don't dis=respect other people op pinions, everyone has there own view remember!

    8 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • I missed the X factor last week can someone please give me a recap?

    1.What category did Louie get and who are in his catagory?

    2.What category did Simon get and who is in his catagory?

    3. What cataory did Cheryl get and who is in his catagory?

    4. See above only with danni. :)

    Thanks! :)

    2 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Please help! I think i must be going mad!?

    Im a complete wreck, i cant sleep, i always worry about things, stupid little things in the night. I often struggle to sleep and if i was to go to bed at 10 pm, i would most likely not fall asleep till' one thirty. My family all hate me, and im to blame, because im always getting up in the night, downstairs and crying my eyes out. Im sick of my mum and dad shouting and swearing the house down at each other, im sick of my sister always trying to put me down, and im sick of not having a proper life! I cant think straight anymore, and im pretty sure i have some mental problem because im afraid of everything, im always hungry, tired and confused and at the moment i cant stand things at night. Im really scared please help, im sick of crying myself to sleep!

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Should i try out for the team?

    Ok, my towns local cheerleaders squad, the "dorset dragons", are awesome. I wish i could be a cheerleader because the only sports im good at are surfing, body boarding and skateboarding so i would like to try something different and learn about it. But ive seen the videos for them at their competitions in bournemouth and they look really, really good! I think i could live up to that standard as ive never done cheer leading before and im a bit nervous of what my mainly tomboy friends will think of me if i joined. Or weather i'll be terrible at it and i'll make a fool of myself. I'll also like to join because i hear its a great way of meeting new people, teamwork skills and the like but im fairly shy with new people....Will that be a problem?

    Thanks. :)

    2 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • Can you become an theatrical actress even if you have a speech impediment?

    I have trouble pronouncing words with "K" and "C" vowels at the start. I wanna audition for this production of hairspray, but im afraid i'll get rejected, or that they won't be able to understand me. I've tried speech therapy, but i just can't seem to pronounce them propperly, after months of it.

    4 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Am i old enough or should i wait?

    I am 11 years old. All my mates are allowed face book except for me because my parents think im too young, so i didn't really argue with it. But im starting to feel a bit left out.....All my mates are banging on about face book as well a mizz and sugar (Two teen magazines) I use to borrow my big sisters in a deal we made (If she didn't tell mum or dad then i wont tell on her 'permanently borrowed' mum's bracelets.) But then she stopped reading mizz and started on glamor which i am totally anti-glamour. I don't even bother reading it......But i like reading mizz but my parents say wait until your 13......And stick to pink or beano.......I know its only because they care but i cant escape feeling out of element compared to my friends. What should i do?

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Kinda worried. Plz reply if you've got the time...?

    Soon me, my big sis and my parents are going away to the greek islands for 7 days, which is brill, seeing as its the first time i'll be leaving the uk (Im 11). But i can't help but feel a bit worried about our immediate future....Firstly, my soppy puppy, Olly, i'll miss like hell when our next-door neighbor looks after her while we're gone, secondly, i'm scared the plane might crash, or explod, or do something.....Freaky...What happens on a plane all those who've been on one? And travel sickness, i get that sometimes......And midges, when we get there i'll hate to get caught up in a cloud of midges!

    The thing is....Its already booked, and although im excited, im really nervous.....

    2 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • Should i carry on playing it?

    I play the saxophone and used to enjoy it. But then practicing got harder because i get more homework, tests, 'lady' problems etc. its hard to practice and i don't get a good sound from it, i also don't like the after school lessons, as they prove to be quite a handful. Also, there's a school play i'm in called 'joseph and the Technicolor dream coat' and rehearsals are on most days after school. I tried asking my mum to quit the saxophone but she gets upset and says that i'll regret it and that i'm too lazy. But she's so nice i feel guilty about not bothering, i have no time to myself anymore to play it......What should i do? Please reply!

    1 AnswerBoard Games1 decade ago
  • Should i forgive him?

    Every day and i get home from school, thinking 'hes gonna explode again' Dad has always had some kind of issue, because i remember when i was being screamed by at him and he threatened to lock me in my room along with my big sister izzy: I cant remember what it was over, something to do with a vase, i think. He sometimes locks us in the house, nd hits us hard, but lies about it to mum, saying that we've been 'naughty' and that he didn't touch us. But what really scares me is what he does to mum: Once, he banged a wok on her heel, luckily mum was okay but what was it over: The meals being too soggy. I hate what he does to Izzy, my big sister also: Sometimes for a cheap thrill he just randomly shouts at iz, for 'fun'. To think when i was younger....i used to trust him....but now all i do is hate him....All he ever does is fight us...i get so scared i just lock myself in my room and cry, and when mums out, that's when he makes it the most hard, i can recall him shouting at me because i was on the computer why it was doing a weird recalibrating thing, and he chased me into my room and slapped me....and when mum came back and i told him what he did (Dad calls t snitching) dad says that he didn't touch me. But he always rying to make up with us when he feels guilty and i always say "As long as you wont do it again" but i know he does...........What do i do, i cant tell anyone at school because i think they might tell, and then im in trouble........I know he'll never severly hurt me and that im safe but i feel like i dont belong...

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • A problem on the sims 3 computer game?


    please help, i was on the sims and i have this toddler in the family, whos hungry, i put "Feed in highchair" in Mononokes (The mothers) action quque (Which is empty) But she just stood there still, but time still ticked and the toddler (Bell) hunger got worst.. (Although her mother doesnt have absent minded traits!) So i tried the father (Who has no absent minded trait either or like mononoke, no dislikes children one either), but he just stood there, is it a glitch i should report, a error i've made etc?)

    Thanks for reading please reply.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Plz answer ASAP, growing up is getting between me and my best mate.?

    Lately, i've been noticing i'm changing...I sweat tons even on cold days, i'm getting loads of spots, i cry over practically nothing and i get tired more easily. and sometimes for no reason i feel on top of the world. and its getting kinda awkward, especially since, i'm growing hair 'down their'. (I haven't had a period yet thank god, in sex edge at school we learned about it last term, which doesn't necessarily mean we wanted to! Me and mate have been best friends for almost 4 years and we're closer than close. Lately shes been asking me round, and i usually ask her round back, but today i turned her down because i needed some alone time to think things out. She gave me the sad puppy voice. I felt so guilty coz lately ive been needing this time, and shes starting to get a bit sadish with me, if i don't tell her shell think i dint like her anymore, and if i do she might tell, should i tell her? or should i just invite her round and make it up to her, i mean there's no unakward to say, "Its my hormone's fault!" plz reply as soon as possible!

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I have autism, and I'm always getting pratonised over it.....?

    I have a form of autism called aspergers and I never really use to mind much, i mean, i had friends, and although i problems meeting knew people and sometimes i can't understand sarcasm (although quite a while in the making, i'm getting better at it) my mates always know what to do when i get all 'strange' on them and don't take the mic. I also can't always speak properly and end up saying words wrong but it didn't matter, they could understand what i was saying. (I have to go to a speech therapist for that, not much help to be honest.......)

    so my life with autism didn't really matter up until recently.

    this guy i know is starting to mimic me when i get my words wrong and laugh, asking me to say certain words like "cat" or "catapiller" because he knows it will come out as "tat"/"tatapiller" my friends told him to back off, but more and more people are starting to take the mic, its always people who don't know about my condition, so i tried to explain it too them. some didn't give a dam and continued to tease, but some just pratronise me now and treat me like I'm two. I. Hate. that.

    what do i do?

    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago