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  • Could a broken bones from nearly 2 decades ago be causing the pain I have today?

    I was run over be an SUV 18 years ago. The vehicle was on top of my back and close to crushing my head before the operator heard the screams of witnesses and stopped the vehicle. As I was very young I don't remember exactly where I felt the pain, I do remember my leg being in excruciating pain and not being able to walk. My leg was broke and I had to wear a cast that wouldn't allow me to bend my leg for an extensive period. All seemed well, I would get pains in that leg that was broke close to a storm. However, lately I have been noticing the pain in that leg is more frequent along with pain in my back on the same side my leg was broke. Could this daily pain be related to that incident that happened 18 years ago? I am going to be making a doctor's appointment but in the mean time I am curious if they could be related. Thanks

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management5 years ago
  • Should I call a plumber, and how much would you estimate this to cost me?

    I live in Pennsylvania, recently I discovered the one part of my yard smelling sewer like, the area that smells like that is always super wet and kind of like a black tar type of look. Last year, a decent sized hole developed in my yard (a distance away from the area that smells foul), it looks as though the sewer cap collapsed or something. My basement is always wet so I don't know if there has always been an issue with the septic systems or if there even is one. Do you guys think these two things are linked? What should I do regarding it? (I suck at handy work and plumbing, I've called out one company that screwed me over so I am worried) What is the lowest price it typically would cost and the highest? I don't want to get screwed from any plumber or contractor. Thanks

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • What prepaid cell phone plan works the best and is the cheapest?

    I need to get a prepaid cell phone plan for my father. He doesn't want a cell phone and won't use it enough to need an actual plan. Currently I have a plan with Verizon. I need to get him a basic phone (preferably one with a larger screen) but also a prepaid plan. This phone will only be used for emergency purposes so I don't need a month to month plan. Basically just minutes. What plans are out there that I could get? Which ones work best? How much are they? Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • How can I tell UPS where to leave my package? And where NOT to? Have had bad experiences before! Please help quick!?

    I'm getting a package from UPS tomorrow.. They've delivered to the wrong address multiple times. Most recently they left my package full of items that cost 100 dollars TIED to my mailbox which is a half a mile from my house. It broke my mail box and could've been stolen. Funny thing is they said on their report that they left it at the front door. I'm getting a 200 dollar car seat and don't want it delivered to somebody else or left near the road for a person to steal or somebody to wreck into it. How can I give UPS specific instructions? Do I call any number with UPS?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance6 years ago
  • Can I use an evenflo crotch buckle on a Graco Argos car seat?

    I currently own an evenflo booster car seat and I love the crotch buckle on it. I would like to purchase a Graco Argos 65 but I've read that the crotch strap digs into the kids and can sometimes be hard to press open. Would it be harmful to use the crotch buckle from my evenflo on a Graco seat?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby6 years ago
  • Quarter sized lump on leg. Noticeable when sitting but bulges out while standing. What could cause this?

    Hello! I ve had a quarter sized lump on my left leg for almost 8 years now. It s not normally painful but occasionally it ll feel as though I am having a muscle spasm right where the lump is. I broke the same leg about 17 years ago so I don t know if breaking it could ve been part of the issue. I am 20 now and this lump has me stumped. I plan on asking my family practitioner about it the next time I go to the there but in the meantime I was wondering what it could possibly be? If anyone has any ideas that would be greatly appreciated. Obviously many years has passed and I ve ignored it so far. It seems though that it is getting bigger than it used to be and now I am starting to worry.

    1 AnswerInjuries6 years ago
  • eBay help please! Bidded on an item that claimed to have shipping calculated but shipper won't ship because shipping is too much?

    Won an auction on eBay. Shipping was "free" and already "calculated".. I paid through PayPal but shipper said they are just refunded because it costs too much to ship. I was told I was in a binding contract when I started bidding.. What if anything can I do about this? I'd much rather want the item than the refund and think it's not fair that if they claimed the shipping was calculated then I should be getting my item. Can eBay do something about this or is this the sellers right? What can I do?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet6 years ago
  • Dog killed fawn brought it back to house. Doe now in close range and she's not moving even though I am driving and she's in front?

    A newborn fawn was in my field and my dog killed it and brought it to my garage. I feel awful that the dog did this but I suppose it is the wild in them. However a doe was in my driveway today and acted as if she was looking for something. Will deer mothers continue looking for their child? Can they sense that they're close by even if they are dead? I love seeing the deer around me so I don't want them to be scared off by my dogs stupid act.

    2 AnswersOther - Environment6 years ago
  • Does anybody else feel guilty when they go out to enjoy themselves without their kids?

    If I go to go do something the kids would enjoy without them or something that we've all done together as a family I then feel guilty that I don't have them. I've got over shopping without them since they don't like it too much anyways lol.. But going to a theme park.. Going to the beach.. Going on a mini vacation.. Just the thought of going without them makes me feel guilty.. Why? Does anyone else feel guilt when they leave their kids? I have 4 all under the age of 7

    9 AnswersParenting6 years ago
  • What could be causing pain in husky's back hips that goes away and then comes back?

    She has been checked for Lyme disease and X-Rayed.. Both things came back good. She is a husky under a year old. Her back hips have been causing her trouble for about a month. She was prescribed pain medication and when she starts showing signs of pain I give her one and the symptoms disappear up to a week and then she's right back to not being able to stand up. Anybody else have a dog that does this and what is the issue? Could it be degenerate disc disease even though the pain isn't there all the time?

    5 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • What solution would be best for controlling.. Maybe getting rid of thorny bush?

    I have a ton of these thorny bushes around me.. They are taking over my yard and I want them gone or at least controlled. They are red thorn bushes.. I believe at sometime during the year I see white flowers on them. I'm looking for some sort of spray for them.. What works? I also have trees growing around and in my swimming pool.. How could I get rid of these? I've pulled up a lot and believe I took out their roots but is there anyways to prevent this? I do not want holes all through my pool! Thank you!

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape6 years ago
  • Why do fat people opt out of walking? Wouldn't it make more sense to get some exercise?

    I have an aunt who is close to 500 pounds. I do think that some of her weight issues come from a medical background but when she has the chance to walk she decides not to and gets a scooter or something instead. I don't get it. Walking is the easiest exercise we could do for our bodies. Just walking around the store shouldn't be that hard. Why do obese people decide not to walk when it could help them lose some weight even if it's little?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Can I bid like this on eBay?

    The normal price of the item that I want is over 100 dollars.. It has a starting bid of .99 cents.. There are 2 days left to bid.. Could I bid 1.00 right before the timer runs out and get that item for 1.00? It just doesn't sound right since it is a new item.. It can be returned though. Never did bidding of any sort so someone please give some advice

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance6 years ago
  • Need help figuring out what is wrong with my husky.?

    My pup is 7 months old.. She has been having a lot of pain in her back area.. She was having trouble getting up and would cry when she'd attempt. I took her to the vet and they tested for Lyme disease and luckily she did not have it. They did X-Rays and said everything looked good. The vet felt a spot on her back and she started crying and went to bite. He admitted she was in pain so he prescribed some pain meds and said things should heal up in a week. She was better the next day and has been since.. That was a week and a half ago. Now the pain has started all over again. What could be wrong with my pup? I read about hip dysplasia but wouldn't the vet have been able to catch this on the X-Ray? I am thinking about starting her on some hip supplements. What could be wrong with her? Anybody else have a husky that has issue with their hind legs/back? What should be my next move? Thanks!

    3 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Is it possible to smooth very very rough walls fairly easy and if so, how?

    My walls are very very rough.. They have jagged edges too.. I'm making it my kids room and don't want them to get injured by the wall as I've woke up many times with blood all over my hand from going to move and banging my hand into the wall. What do I got to do to fix this? I've seen some people say about sanding the walls.. How well will this work? I'm looking to get an extremely smooth wall but I at least want the very jagged edges gone! Thanks in advance

    5 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling6 years ago
  • Would Lyme disease cause a dog pain when trying to lay down or stand up?

    I have an appointment at the vet but I can't get in till Wednesday. In the meantime, my pup had a tick a few weeks ago and is now crying every time she goes to lay down or stand up. She has a little limp when walking. Could this be related to Lyme disease or is something else the cause? Should I give her dog aspirin to ease the pain until she can get to the vet? I hate hearing her crying in pain when she goes to sit/lay/or stand up!

    5 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Will neutering only 1 out of 2 male dogs fix the fighting issue?

    I have two male dogs.. 1 that is a sherpei and a second that is a husky. Both are intact. There is a neighborhood female dog that is not spayed. Every time she goes into heat my sherpei attacks my husky.. There has been quite a bit of blood drawn out in these battles. Any other time they get along great just when the female is in heat. I don't know what to do. I hate watching them and not being able to do anything. I've yelled at them.. Sprayed water on them.. Tried to pull the sherpei off the husky (but quickly backed away as he tried to bite me).. Keeping them separated at all times when she is in heat is not an option. People have told me that neutering can fix the aggression there. My question is.. Can I just neuter my sherpei and not my husky and the issue be fixed? I'd love for my husky to breed sometime so I don't really want to neuter him but will if I absolutely have to. My second question is.. Is neutering a gauruntee fix for the fighting since it only happens during the times she's in heat?

    5 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Do you need a ticket to enter fun spot in orlando and kissimmee fl?

    My husband and I don't want to ride anything in the park but would like to go with our kids. I don't want to pay the 40 dollars though if I won't be riding anything.

    5 AnswersOrlando6 years ago
  • Is there anyway to quiet a screaming 1 year old who likes to hear voice?

    He screams at a very high pitch that I swear make my ears bleed! He'll do it for 20-40 minutes straight if I try to ignore him. He typically does it when his sister is annoying him or he wants something that he isn't allowed so he does the high pitched scream. I've tried telling him calming to stop but he doesn't.. I've put my hand over his mouth and that doesn't stop him.. I've ignored him.. It's worked once but he does it so many times a day. I can get him to stop by raising my voice at him and if that doesn't stop him I will tap him in the mouth and say firmly stop but then those methods lead to him crying.. Is that healthy? Any suggestions on how I can stop his screaming? It gives a person an instant headache and is very embarrassing when we are traveling and stop to eat.

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler6 years ago
  • What to tell a 6 year old to do when bullied after being bullied?

    My niece hates school! She loved it when she first went to pre-k.. She loved it during kindergarten but now she just hates going. It didn't make sense as to why she hates going until the other day she blurted a bunch of things out. Two kids have been insulting her on the bus every day. They've really got to her.. She's to the point that she wants to change her hair style.. Go on a diet (she's not even close to fat.. I'd actually say she's underweight for her age and height).. I'd love to tell her to tell them off but I know that's not wise. My sister talked to the school and all they said was they'll try and keep a watch for it. In the meantime I don't know what I should tell my niece to do. I was at a loss for words when she told me.. I mean she's 6! The kids that have been bullying her are in the 5th grade.. Any advice on what I could tell her? How should she respond when they insult her? I've asked her to just ignore them but that's easier said than done.

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago