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  • Adam and Eve...Homo sapiens to Homo divinus?

    Any thoughts on the theory that Adam and Eve did in fact come from an evolutionary line, but were chosen by God to be receivers of a soul and have a personal relationship with Him? It is one way to explain Can't resistance to be banished and killed by other men.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Double rainbows...what does it mean?

    and what if it becomes...a triple rainbow?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is this more proof of media bias...?

    ...or did these Obama supporters just bury their heads in the sand?

    "Survey finds most Obama voters remembered negative coverage of McCain/Palin statements but struggled to correctly answer questions about coverage associated with Obama/Biden"

    In this survey, "94% of Obama voters correctly identified Palin as the candidate with a pregnant teenage daughter", but "83% failed to correctly answer that Obama had won his first election by getting all of his opponents removed from the ballot".

    Quite a discrepancy.....I would think the ballot issue would be way more scandalous.

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do you believe doctors should have the freedom to choose?

    If FOCA (Freedom of Choice Act) is passed by Obama, as he has promised to do once in power, one of the provisions in it is that all doctors must either comply with the law (in that they are required to either perform the abortion, or refer the individual to an abortion provider) or end their services completely. Since Catholics see abortion as murder, and cannot assist in the practice, even thru referral, they will have to shut down their hospitals.

    Catholic-run hospitals often help those who cannot afford services on their own, and it is estimated that over 90 million people benefit from over 550 hospitals and 400+ clinics around the US that are run by Catholics.

    Do you agree with this measure of the law? Why are doctors not allowed the freedom to choose what services they provide or where they refer their patients to?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you believe doctors should have the freedom to choose?

    If FOCA (Freedom of Choice Act) is passed by Obama, as he has promised to do once in power, one of the provisions in it is that all doctors must either comply with the law (in that they are required to either perform the abortion, or refer the individual to an abortion provider) or end their services completely. Since Catholics see abortion as murder, and cannot assist in the practice, even thru referral, they will have to shut down their hospitals.

    Catholic-run hospitals often help those who cannot afford services on their own, and it is estimated that over 90 million people benefit from over 550 hospitals and 400+ clinics around the US that are run by Catholics.

    Do you agree with this measure of the law? Why are doctors not allowed the freedom to choose what services they provide or where they refer their patients to?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Atheists, how do you reconcile the fact that....?

    ...some innocent people will never receive justice in this world, while others abuse and hurt many people, yet live in comfort and ease until they die? Is it something that you accept as part of life? Does it get you angry, or is it something you don't tend to dwell on?

    I'm not saying this is a reason to start believing in any particular religion...I'm just interested to hear how you deal with injustice, or lack of justice.

    RedQueen (not sure what her beliefs are, but her post struck me) wrote about a 12 year old who was wrongfully shot and killed some years ago...his life was cut short, and the men who killed him were aquitted. Guess that got me to thinking about this...;_ylt=AkjMW...

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, what are your thoughts on Ray Boltz & Clay Aiken coming out recently?

    Will you view their music differently now that they have admitted publicly that they are gay?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there such a thing as pure altruism?

    Hello! I just posted this question over in R & S, but figured I'd post here to just to get some more viewpoints on it... :)

    An English teacher I had at one time insisted, during a book study (perhaps for The Red Pony...don't remember exactly) that no person has ever done anything out of PURE altruism...that there is always a spot, be it ever so small, somewhere in our mind/heart/spirit/what-have-you, that is motivated in part due to the benefit of our own self.

    I've pondered this on and off over the years....and wonder, what are others thoughts on this belief...that we are always, even in a small way, looking out for ourselves in whatever we do?

    6 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Is there such a thing as pure altruism?

    An English teacher I had at one time insisted, during a book study (perhaps for The Red Pony...don't remember exactly) that no person has ever done anything out of PURE altruism...that there is always a spot, be it ever so small, somewhere in our mind/heart/spirit/what-have-you, that is motivated in part due to the benefit of our own self.

    I've pondered this on and off over the years....and wonder, what are others thoughts on this belief...that we are always, even in a small way, looking out for ourselves in whatever we do?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If helping others in need usually makes one feel happier...?

    ...why do we usually have to motivate ourselves to do so, and it doesn't just come naturally?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Wishing Well question?

    I'm attending a bridal shower on Sunday, and was told the theme of the wishing well is 'wine'. So I picked up a bottle, but now I'm not sure if I should attach my name to it.

    Normally I thought the proper way to do it was not to put your name with the wishing well gift, since it's usually inexpensive household items. But since the wine was in a higher price range, should I put a tag on it saying it was from me?


    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Spiritually Speaking, what would you do with this kitty?

    A little 3 month old kitty was crying in the cornfield across from our apt last of course I had to go comfort it! I think he had been hit by a car, because he was shaking when he stood still, and he seemed unable to control his bowel movemenst. He was super friendly, but pretty thin and hungry.

    So we fed him and petted him, and he's just the sweetest thing....he's still here today, and occasionally will cry outside our apt. door. He has a good appetite, definitely, and seems healthy (besides the bowel problem). Thing is, we are not allowed to have pets (the previous renter had a few cats that wrecked the place, so our landlord is staunchly opposed).

    What should I do with the sweet kitty? Does anyone want one? (and if anyone suggests anything mean, I'll send the kitty after YOU!)

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where do our rights come from?

    I often read and hear people talk about their rights...right to choose this or that, right to live a certain way, ect....

    So where do these rights come from? Who decides what rights we truly have, and what decisions should be taken from us and made for us?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why won't my 360º image show up on My Y!A profile?

    I've placed an image in the 360º profile, but when I go to use it as my image for Y!A, it doesn't come up (it just shows the generic profile image)

    Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • As the daughter, what is my responsibility?

    My parents are having marital troubles right now, and I am trying my best to stay distanced from the whole thing. Unfortunately, both my parents have a history of involving all of us kids (4 of us currently ranging from ages 27-33) by treating us as friends or counselors and spilling their guts emotionally to us.

    In the current situation, my older brother was asked by my mother to lecture my father about making right choices, ect, while my younger brother has had my father tell him, over many beers at the local bar, many of the sordid details (basically he has had a platonic relationship with another women for about 7 years).

    I have yet to offer my 2 cents about all of this, and I want to keep it that way. But since the news has broke, I have been feeling non-verbal pressure from my mom to side with her. She has already insinuated that I side with my dad, and I think she wants reassurance that I don't.

    My feeling is, it's not proper for the children to get involved with the parents' marital issues...but now I'm afraid that will come across as just not caring. If I refuse to get involved, it will just make me look like I side with the other parent..and if I mention the subject at all and say 'work it out on your own', I know I will get a whole lot of venting anyways that I don't feel I should have to deal with.

    So am I in the right? Or should I try to help them out and give them advice and listen to their frustrations?

    Thanks for any input!

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Do many Atheists agree with Marxist ideas?

    Do a large majority of atheists agree with the concepts of Marxism? Or are their political views greatly varied?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Animosity towards others...origin?

    Where does the need to prove ourselves better then others, and the resulting chaos, come from? Is it an instinctual drive? Something that developed over time? Is it something that has always been present in man?

    I recently read a definition of sin as not the 'fruits it produces (such as pride, laziness, ect), but as "...the great defiance which turns us again and again into the enemies of God and of our fellowmen, even of our own selves." [Karl Barth]

    Does this sound plausible? What are some other theories?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians & Divorce...?

    "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery."

    Matt 19:9

    What would you define as 'marital unfaithfulness'? Is that a clear cut sleeping with someone else, or can putting something ahead of your relationship with a spouse (such as alcohol, another non-sexual relationship) be considered being unfaithful? If either party does not get remarried, is it ok?

    What if you saw a couple who has been struggling for years, and things just continue to get worse, and both are Christians...would you find one party to condemn, or treat both sides with compassion?

    Something is going on with my parents right now, and I'm just trying to sort things out in my mind. God is faithful, but humans are fallible, and just mess things bad sometimes.... :-(

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Don't Liberals Want Separation of Church & State?

    Then why is Pelosi using the 'G' word in public?

    "[Obama] was warmly received by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who called him "a leader that God has blessed us with at this time."

    It's ok as long as it's an 'open-minded' liberal using the word, I suppose....


    20 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • "Fear-Based" Faith...How Does That Differ From...?

    ...the "shame-based" non-faith of some atheists?

    To clarify; certainly not all atheists shame those who don't agree with their viewpoints. But a somewhat common theme I have seen here is that some atheists frequently like to shame those who have religious beliefs by questioning their intelligence in quite colorful terms. How is that any different from the tactics some atheists claim are used by Christians to 'make' people believe by instilling fear in them?

    In either case, it is not critical thinking that is used to persuade for one side or the other, but fear on both sides of the fence. Fear of either rejection by peers, fear of being shunned by those who are more intellectual, or fear of eternal punishment, ect.

    Just a question that came into my mind today while reading some posts...thoughts?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago