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I am not a troll, but I may ask stupid sounding questions. I'm just curious about odd things :P I'll try to answer any questions I can, so keep 'em coming. Thanks :P

  • Does this look like a basal/squamous cell carcinoma?

    So I ve had this mark on my back for weeks, and as a fair skinned redhead, skin cancer has always been a fright for me. Lately, I ve been double and triple checking my body for possible malignant marks, as summer is the most dangerous season with ultraviolet radiation and severe sunburns.

    It's a red bump that was kind of waxy at first, but I thought it would go away if I popped it. It started to bleed and get a little scabby/scaley. It's a little bigger than the eraser of a pencil and is now turning red rather than the pinkish color it was before. I never noticed it, but someone just recently pointed out that they'd seen it on my back for weeks. If you have any idea what this could be or know anything about basal/squamous cell carcinomas, please let me now what you think

    I attached a few links to pictures of it, and if any of you guys know anything about skin cancer, I'd like to know what you think. Thanks!

    2 AnswersCancer6 years ago
  • Does anybody know the title of this movie?

    I know this is vague, but my mom told me about it a long time ago. I think it's about a girl who is deaf or has a deaf mother and they live on an island. She needs her piano because she plays it all the time and it's basically her life, but some guy that she refuses to marry cuts off her fingers from the middle knuckle? I think. And later at the end of the movie, I think she gets prosthetic finger replacements.

    I know this is super vague, but that's all I remember. Thanks!

    2 AnswersMovies6 years ago
  • Looking for a Spanish speaking pen pal?

    I just finished my second year of Spanish and am moving on to my third. I need someone to talk to in order to practice. Is anyone interested in texting (must live in America) or emailing? Thanks so much! I just need someone who knows at least that much or more. Thanks!


    Phone: I'll email it to you if I can.


    1 AnswerLanguages7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Do I look like a boy?

    Can I get some honest opinions? I'm a bisexual female who is experimenting with gender identification. Do I look like a boy? An attractive boy? Do I look just really feminine, or do I look like a really masculine female? I need honest opinions. Thanks!

  • I made a voodoo doll and I need help on how to use it?

    Please, if you don't believe in this stuff, don't answer the question. I'm looking for real answers only because this is very important to me. So please just don't answer if you don't believe in this; thanks.

    I made a doll out of yarn and I can send someone a picture if you want. But it's not very big, it can fit in my hand and is a bigger than my palm. But I need to know everything you can tell me on how to use it. I'm not using it for negative things-- I know karma will come back to me if I do. I'm bringing luck and love to my friend and I thought that this would be a good thing to do. How should I go about doing something like this? Thanks so much!(:

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • The effects of electromagnetic wavelengths on grass grown: science fair project help?

    For the science fair this year, I am testing the varying effects of electromagnetic waves on grass growth. I'm going to find out how much electromagnetic radiation microwaves, radios, and cell phones give off, then I'm going to grow several different groups of grass in their general vicinity (as well as a control group grown without radiation). Depending on how it effects the growth of the grass, I'm going to conclude whether it's healthy or not to grow plants near these items.

    Can anyone help me here? I have to write a paper on it before I do the experiment, so I need some information. Does anyone know anything about this sort of thing? What can you tell me about it? Thanks!(:

    1 AnswerBotany8 years ago
  • What do girls do during sex?

    I am a virgin, and don't actually plan on having sex for awhile, considering I'm still in high school, but I also don't really know everything about it, which can be problematic. You don't need to give me "the talk" on how stuff works down there, because I am aware of how all of that goes on.

    What I'm curious about is what the female does while the male is penetrating her. You know in the movies when he's just thrusting away and she is just sort of sitting there? Seriously, what are girls supposed to do while this is happening? I mean, the guy is preoccupied with everything happening down there, what is the girl supposed to do but sit there? Where is she supposed to put her hands? What is she supposed to be doing? I just don't know, and that's kind of weirding me out. Thanks so much for your help!

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • Not receiving texts on new iPhone 5?

    I just got an iPhone 5 yesterday, and I'm having trouble receiving texts. I can send them without any trouble, but when it comes to getting them, I get them way after they're sent. People get my messages right away, but I don't get theirs for awhile and they think I'm ignoring them. This doesn't happen to anyone in my family when we're at home, so I don't think it's the reception, and I have bars and service. I tried turning my phone on and off and sending test messages to myself and it isn't working. What should I do and why isn't it working? Thanks!(:

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Can someone please check my math (simple algebra)?

    M&M Calorie Burning

    One M&M ≈ 3.5 Calories

    One Calorie = 25 Steps (25 Feet)

    One Step = 1 Foot

    Football Field = 300 feet (Or 300 Steps)

    25 x 3.5 = 87.5 (It would take 87.5 steps to burn off 1 M&M)

    300/87.5 ≈ 3.5 (You’d burn about 3.5 M&M’s by walking a football field of 300 feet/steps)

    In conclusion, if you walked the length of a football field (300 steps/feet), you would burn off the equivalent of approximately 3.5 M&M’s or around 12.5 calories.

    Is this correct? Thanks so much(:

    3 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • Make up tips that will make me look sick/dying?

    I'm helping out with my school play this fall and I need tips on how to make someone look sick or dying. Like, sunken in cheeks, and tired eyes, pale face, emphasizing bones, lack of color, really thin looking facial structure, stuff that would make someone look really sick or even dying.

    Please help! What can I do to achieve that look? Here are some photos to what I want to look like, sort of:

    6 AnswersMakeup8 years ago

    I dreamt that I was at this summer camp, and there were about thirty people, all friends of mine. There were five chaperones, all of them I did not know. We were in a room like a cafeteria, awaiting instruction from the chaperones, when the lights went out. They told us that one by one, they were going to bring us into the next room to learn about reproduction. I didn't really know what this meant, so I assumed it was part of the summer camp curriculum-- learning about the reproduction system of animals or something. I was surprised when they called my name first, so I went in the next room and saw one chaperone, a girl, and a boy.

    The girl was my half-sister, and they were showing her how to sit when preparing for anal sex on a yoga mat. The chaperone was talking to a boy, a friend of mine who is a foreign exchange student, telling him how to approach her behind and have sex with her. They asked me to get in the same position so that he could do it on me too. I started to cry and refused to get down on the mat to do that. They tossed my half-sister aside and pushed me down on the mat and tried to push me into that position. They tried to get my half-sister to convince me that it was okay, and she started trying to get her hand up my butt. I started freaking out and shoved her away, though they continued to try to get me down on the mat. When I wouldn't go, they started undoing my pants and made my half-sister and the foreign exchange student start touching me. I ran out of the room without my pants on, just my shirt and underwear, and ran to my boyfriend and tried to tell him what happened. He wouldn't listen to I ran to find another chaperone, but no one would listen to me either.

    I got really scared and just began running-- I think they were chasing me, but I don't know. I ran out of the camp and into a soccer field (it was the field that I played frisbee at last week) and continued running past houses and more fields and everything until I woke up. This really scared me and I have no idea what it means. I felt genuine fear and discomfort and disgust and was really frightened. No one was listening to me or believing me and they were all trying to touch me and get me to do things I didn't want to do. What does this mean? What does this fear represent in my life? What can be interpreted from this dream? Please help! Thanks!(:

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Are chocolate hearts a good gift for a guy?

    I made chocolate hearts out of melted chocolate and heart shaped cooking stencils. Is this a good gift for a guy or is it too girly?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago

    As a teenage girl, I seriously have always pondered this question. Can someone tell me like, everything? Like, every detail. I honestly have no idea about anything related to male genitalia... Tell me everything you know.

    8 AnswersMen's Health8 years ago
  • Is this love note romantic or is it too much...?

    I was at the movies with my boyfriend when he turned to me and asked me if I loved him. I just answered with "yes" because that's all I could think of to say. He didn't seem totally convinced so I went home and I made this really romantic note listing all of the reasons why I love him and all of the reasons I appreciate him and why he is special to me. I decorated it with cute cupcake stickers and little hearts and smiley faces and doodles. I sprayed it with my perfume that I always wear so it smells like me. I folded it in the shape of an envelope and sealed it with a little sticker with a heart on it and decorated the outside with little cloud stickers and hearts and smiley faces. It's not colored or anything, it's on notebook paper and it looks really cool (though I don't have a picture.)

    I'm going to give it to him on Tuesday when I see him. Is this too much or do you think it's romantic? I need both girls' and guys' opinions on this. And if it's romantic, how should I present it to him? I seriously need some advice right now. What do you think? Thanks(:

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to make my hair smell good after straightening it?

    I straighten my hair every day and I always spray it with hairspray when I'm done. But I only do that because I don't want my hair to smell like fire. Every time I straighten it and it falls in my face, it smells like burnt hair. I hate that smell and it makes me really self-conscious. When I'm close to people, that's all I can think about-- does my hair smell bad? What can I do after straightening my hair to make it smell nice? I don't want to constantly have to use hairspray every time-- does anyone have any ideas or advice? Thanks!(:

    8 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • What's a cute gift for a drummer?

    My boyfriend plays drums in marching band with me (we're both band geeks-- I'm also a drummer) and I was considering gifts for our anniversary. What is a cute gift for him that relates to music, drums, marching band, or anything like that? Like, drum sticks with the date engraved on them or something like that. I just want ideas: preferably gift ideas related to band. Thanks(:

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Do they make headphones for two people?

    I was trying to find a pair of headphones for a gift for my boyfriend. Do they make headphones that branch off into two pairs so two people can listen? Or do they make jacks with two inputs so two people can listen? I just want a way for two people to listen to one device at a time. Do they make stuff like this? And if so, where can I buy it? Thanks!(:

    5 AnswersMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • What weight is medically considered "underweight" for my height?

    My mom is on me all of the time about eating because I have had a past of Anorexia Nervosa. My weight is dropping and she suspects that I'm up to no good again (which is not true!). I want to show her that I can still be the weight I am and not be medically considered underweight.

    I am 5'2.5" and weigh 105 pounds.

    That puts my BMI at around 19.

    What weight would put me at medically underweight? (Because right now I am at average weight.)

    **READ PLEASE: I do not have Anorexia Nervosa and am not planning on doing anything with the information I receive besides showing my mother. This is not encouraging any form of eating disorder. I'm just curious and trying to prove a point. Thanks!(:

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Can anyone edit this picture to make it look more professional?

    I was at a pool party a few days ago to celebrate the last few weeks of summer and a picture was taken of me and my boyfriend. I really like it but I tried to edit it and I don't think I did a very good job. Can someone edit it too make it better and send it back to me? I want better quality and better lighting if that's possible-- and other things if you want. I just want it to look nice. I'll send my email to the user who can fix it so you can send it back to me. Thanks so much(:


    1 AnswerPhotography8 years ago
  • I get pimples/rash when I shave...?

    When I shave my legs and underarms, nothing bad happens. I use a normal women's razor but I don't use shaving cream or anything, I just do it when I'm in the bathtub. When I shave my "other area", I get pimples/rash. Why does this happen and how can I prevent it?

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago