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  • I'm new to linux, installed updates and sound has disapeared?

    A friend installed Linux for me a few months ago, everything has been working fine til now.

    My sound disappeared after I agreed to install updates thinking they must be harmless. Since then I cant play anything audio.

    Nothing seems to be muted, When I try to play an mp3 or video no sound though the program seems to be running normally. Nada. not even a login sound when I turn on my computer.

    Please keep in mind I'm not at all technical or program savy. HELP

    6 AnswersSoftware10 years ago
  • Searing Pain During Sex?

    I've been with my Boyfriend for 9 months now and we are both tested and clean. I have had a copper IUD for two years with very little side effects. I'm 25 and my current boyfriend is the first guy with whom I have not used condoms. We've had no trouble til now despite the fact that he is very large. I've never experienced pain during sex before.

    Last week I contracted pneumonia and went on antibiotics for a span of 7 days (finishing today) on day 2 I experienced a severe burning when I went to pee after sex, it felt as though my whole vagina was on fire, this not a urinary tract problem of that I am certain . It didn't last very long maybe 15 minutes. Same thing happened everyday after, getting worse but never anything during. Yesterday it burned straight away during sex and was almost unbearable, it felt like he was ripping me. We had to stop. Could it be a change in my PH from the antibiotics? If so how long does it last? I am taking erythromicin.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • IUD Perforation what do I do?

    I've had an IUD for over a year now with almost no trouble. Last night after sleeping with my boyfriend I felt a sharp pain. i was fine all morning and then i started to feel something like cramps. I decided to check the IUD and its half out. There are moments where its really painful. Should I go to the hospital or wait for the GP.

    Important note : I'm traveling through the UK at the moment and there doesn't seem to be anything akin to a gynecological clinic.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Doggy sitting advice?

    I'm going to South America for a month and will have my dog baby-sat by friends.

    He's stayed with family before but only for about a weeks time which went swimmingly.

    This however is a longer period of time and he's a wonderful but fairly shy dog with new people and takes a few days to adapt.

    The couple that he's staying with is calm, nurturing and respectful of my rules for him, however he does not know them that well. He will be a year old when I leave but is still full of energy. I would appreciate any advice on the subject as to the best way to make this go smoothly.


    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is it ok for my dog to sleep on my bed?

    My eleven month old beabull recently figured out that my bed is a comfortable place and has started sneaking in after I fall asleep.

    He's trained to sleep on his own bed and has been for the last six months. Only on very rare occasions is he allowed on my bed and he always gives a paw and asks nicely first (seriously its hilarious).

    Someone broke into my apartment last week (he protected the house) and since then he has been sneaking in after hours. I wake up to a 70 pound dog curled up near my pillow.

    Aside from the puppy smell and extra laundry I really don't mind that much. If I wake up and tell him to go to his bed he does so immediately.

    I'm just wondering whether this is an unhealthy habit and is stemming from his insecurity, or is it just affection? If it is insecurity, how to I reassure him that he's safe?

    18 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • 10 Month old male dog keeps getting attacked?

    I have an unaltered ten month old beabull who until recently would have a ball at the park.

    Recently (this past week or so ) Bigger dogs have started charging him.

    On monday a free running black lab charged him while my dog was behind me and on a leash(owners came running after-wards, no apologies offered) I ended up kicking him away. My dod ended up getting a cut under his eye.

    The next day I went to the park and a pit/boxer cross went straight for his neck while mine was busy playing with another dog. His owner responded appropriately and both our dogs calmed down.

    Again today same thing with an older golden lab. What gives?

    These dogs have been big breads whereas mine is medium sized. (one of which was just aggressive to all dogs, so i'm not counting)

    My dog has never charged another dog, is non dominant, well trained, and has daily play sessions with other dogs, male and female and everything goes swimmingly.

    He's recently been to the vet and is in perfect health.

    He will be neutered soon though I'm not sure this is the problem, only one of the dogs that attacked him was unaltered, and this morning brought it up to four

    in the last two weeks.

    Does very early spring bring out the crazy dogs (and their owners) or is there more that I should know? I've been going to this park every day for the last six months and this has got me worried, help.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • 10 Month old male dog keeps getting attacked?

    I have an unaltered ten month old beabull who until recently would have a ball at the park.

    Recently (this past week or so ) Bigger dogs have started charging him.

    On monday a free running black lab charged him while my dog was behind me and on a leash(owners came running after-wards, no apologies offered) I ended up kicking him away. My dod ended up getting a cut under his eye.

    The next day I went to the park and a pit/boxer cross went straight for his neck while mine was busy playing with another dog. His owner responded appropriately and both our dogs calmed down.

    Again today same thing with an older golden lab. What gives?

    These dogs have been big breads whereas mine is medium sized. (one of which was just aggressive to all dogs, so i'm not counting)

    My dog has never charged another dog, is non dominant, well trained, and has daily play sessions with other dogs, male and female and everything goes swimmingly.

    He's recently been to the vet and is in perfect health.

    He will be neutered soon though I'm not sure this is the problem, only one of the dogs that attacked him was unaltered, and this morning brought it up to four

    in the last two weeks.

    Does very early spring bring our the crazy dogs (and their owners) or is there more that I should know? I've been going to this park every day for the last six months and this has got me worried, help.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • can someone tell me where to find free calculus tutoring online?

    I am taking continuing education, have a bachelors already but haven't done any math since high school. I 'm looking for free online tutoring?

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • is tehre a way i can generate green power in an apartment?

    I live in a cold climate, the sun now starts setting at five and it's abput to get reeeeeeally cold.

    I live on the third (and top floor) and rented apartment. Is there any way I can create green energy in that setting and convert for apartmetn use, reducing my carbon footprint.?

    3 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • Am I mourning this relationship normally?

    I broke up with the boyfirend I had been living with for a year because I did not feel that he was responsible. torwards me or otherwise. He rarely knew where his rent was coming from and more often than not forgot whatever i asked him, even if it was a day of personal time.

    We have a dog together, that I am now keeping. He has moved out with my keys under the pretext of being able to help me out and walk the dog.

    It's been a week since he moved out and he calls me to find out how i'm doing and whether we can hang out but doesn;t ask how the dog is doing, how i'm dealing with suddenly handling double the rent and whether (knowing i was financially tight when he moved) he can give me back the money he owes me when he moved out! (which i've asked for several times!

    This man was sweet and affectioante but i see now, a total space cadet when it comes to being emotionally and financially secure and responsible.

    it was my fault for moving in with him even though i suspected he wasn't ready.

    Here's the thing. I'm not heartbroken, i feel like i;ve taken this relationship as far as it can go. I don't miss him even though it's been a month since we haven't so much as kissed and i've known (not dated) him for ten years. I'm making my life better and looking for a room -mate and getting myself back on track, doing all the stuff i like that slowed down when i was with him. Is it normal? i'm not crying, spending my time with chick flicks and kleenex. is there something wrong with me? i've broken up with men before and been devasted...

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Having trouble wanting to have sex with boyfriend i love. Been living together for a year and it's not 50/50?

    I posted an earlier question about my boyfriend not carrying his weight in the house/bills etc.

    He's not working presently and is only looking for a job he like or short term contracts like tree planting or skyiing instructor. He also started a small business but does not advertise or really reach out to get clients.

    I've known him for ten years and did not know this side of him. He's not financially stable and often promises things he 'forgets'.

    My respect is moving out with my libido and he can't stop mopping. about our last week of no sex and little kissing. We still cuddle and stay close at night, but it seems like when i know he's borrowing money for rent and groceries i'm just not that sex/happy. i'm also not seeing him fight to get a job when he knows i'm freaked out at his lack of responsibility is this normal? I love him increadibly and don't want to lose him, i just can't seem to want affection when I'm stressed because of him. we've talked about it calmly and he says he gets it, but then he moppes. what to do?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • I'm 24 & am living with my partner for a year now.He's wonderful but can't handle his 1/2 of rent &chores?

    talking about it doesn't seem to help , he says he'll do stuff than it works for a few days or weeks and then its back to the same old. he doesn't seem to get how much it stresses me when he doesn't know where his rent for next month will be coming from. he also doesn't contribute to the house-hold stuff like cleaning products or lightbulbs. unless its brought to his attention. How can the sweetest man alive be so irresponsible? this has been a problem since we first moved in together. I've given him a month to get a job and pay the rent or we need to live separately for my peace of mind. (we're not talking of breaking up) but we no longer share food. We had agreed to share everything 50/50 which is far from what's been happening. I became totally broke for the first time in years because of exceeding my budget. we had openly talked about sharing and money when we moved in and 'it'll be fine and i'll do its' are making me lose respect for him. How can I love someone and deal with his financial incapabilities? am i doing the right thing by thinking of moving out, even if it hurts both of us? help!

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Introducing a second female cat to the household?

    I have a unfixed female cat (she's on the feline pill) of just over a year

    and recently my neighbor dropped of a second female cat at my door who is about nine months old. It has been three weeks and though there has been no outright fighting, they still don't seem to be getting along. They have separate food bowls( thought t first there was only one, the second bowl being a recent addition). the kitty litter has been increased in size and they seem to be fine on both those fronts.

    It's only when the younger one tries to be affectionate that that my first cat will hiss, growl or smack the new one (this happens more than once day).

    I'm trying to distribute my attention equally, my first cat still sleeps in my bed and the new one will sleep close by.

    My boyfriend and I agreed to keep her if she would be a companion/playmate to our first cat. We're at a loss as to what to do.


    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago