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  • What song is this (at the end of America's Got Talent)?

    It is at the end of the show from tonight (Vegas Week), the first one, it was a female singer. I loved that song but have no idea what it is and have looked and found nothing.

    1 AnswerOther - Music9 years ago
  • Why are the unemployed not hired...doesn't that just make the problem worse?

    I am curious about something. I know businesses do not hire unemployed most of the time, but why not? I mean, wouldn't that make this unemployment problem worse? I mean, for example, someone in college or school to get a degree or training for a job--many college people (not all but a good majority) do not work these full time jobs or anything spectacular (unless they absolutely need to). They typically work small jobs- you know work in bookstore, cafes, etc. or maybe at a store or something. Some even create their jobs like babysitting or what not. Why do employers not hire these new grads--they can't help it that they don't have a lot of experience, it's a new field. I guess what makes me very angry is after looking a year or two for a job and not getting one--the education they went to get is pretty useless because they haven't been able to use it. I mean, think of careers that require skills. You lose the skills if you haven't used them in a while.

    Also, like the people who get laid off and can't find work...that isn't always their fault.

    So, if someone can give a reasonable explanation, please share. Thanks.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • why can't they divert water from the eastern US to the middle to western US?

    I am sincerely curious. The eastern US is not having a drought, but flooding and the middle and western part of the country is having a drought. Why can't some sort of system be built to divert the water?

    8 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • how should I have dealt with this?


    I used to have a job where I felt like I was being harassed by a fellow co-worker. I ultimately quit the job even though I enjoyed my job. It was for a couple of reasons. I was having a hard time doing the job and keeping up with school and there were no "as needed" positions open. The second reason was because I was being what I consider to be harassed. This woman, the first day on the job by myself, came up to me right when I walked into work and clocked in and told me that my equipment was too cluttered on my scrubs--I had to wear a locater, name badge, and a small walkie talkie thing to communicate with my co-workers.and I put them in the same place that everyone else did, except this woman. I was the only one she said something to. I thought nothing of it at first, maybe a bad day or something on her part. Then, it continued. Every minor mistake I made she would tell my boss; if I wasn't fast enough, she would tell my boss. When I was on my lunch break one day she happened to be on hers too. She told me that it's not only patient complaints that would get me fired, but complaints from my co-workers. That's about when I had enough. She made my work life hell even though I enjoyed my job. I put in my two week and just used the fact I was in school as why I quit. I have applied other places and I can't find a job now. I am very frustrated and sometimes I wonder if maybe I should have told my boss or put the real reason. What would you have done?

    2 AnswersOther - US Local Businesses10 years ago
  • why do things that are meant for the younger generation become popular with middle aged people?

    Why? I mean American Idol used to be a young person thing but now it's mainly popular with middle aged people. Also, look at beanie babies (yes, I know, out of style but used to be popular) and Facebook (used to be a college thing, now the fastest growing age group on there is middle aged and older adults)...why are these older people interested in this stuff?

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Bachmann is a moron. She is now promising $2 a gallon gas...?

    Look, I am like everyone else. I wish gas was not so high, but the fact is this is the new norm. We will never see gas prices at $2 or less again. Probably not even under $3. Gas prices come from supply and demand, a little bit of a tax in there (there is like a 39-40 cent tax on a gallon of gas in my state). I would prefer her say something like, instead of promising something that she can't do like lowering gas prices give states funding to build side walks and other forms of public transportation or encourage car pooling. That would slightly lower gas prices because demand would not be as high. I think if they removed the tax on gasoline, that would not be a good I would keep that too.

    I am somewhat worried people will actually believe she can do these things and vote for her. The fact is she can't fix gas prices, I just really hope some people who think she can realizes that she can't before she gets elected into office.

    8 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • why can't the government do away with SS for younger gen. and instead put it in an IRA?

    See above question. It makes more sense than throwing your money away because the children of the baby boomers will not get SS. It will be gone.

    7 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • why can't we have a "blind" presidential campaign and election?

    I think people need to start running on ideas rather than trivial things such as sex, race, religion, views on abortion, etc. So, I want to know, how come we can't have a "blind" presidential campaign and election in which campaign ads only advertise the ideas rather than the person. Who ever had that idea or platform would become the next president and it would be revealed after the election. Why can't they do that?

    5 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • Does anyone else agree with me?


    I ponder and think about stuff a lot. The deal with the economy, this hacking business, etc. (these problems in this country and all over the world as a matter of fact) have been a long time in the making. I think we are more at the point where the "stuff" is hitting the fan and we are having to really look at what has been going on and change. The fact is the economy has been bad for a while--this didn't happen over night, this is more of a problem that started decades ago. In the 1990s they were doing secondary financing and financing to people who couldn't afford it and the banks, businesses, etc. knew it. Jobs were starting to go over seas years ago--not just during Obama's term. Hackers have always hacked info--I think it is just becoming more wide spread as technology is advancing (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, greater use of the internet--especially to buy things and manage bank accounts) Also, greed is killing the country (and others). Look at everything--milk prices increased, chocolate prices increased, produce prices increased, etc. Did these objects all of sudden become made of gold (I am being sarcastic)? It is the same object as when it was cheaper. The only thing that increased is companies want to make more money. I am not saying money is a bad thing (you need it to live), however, how much money do you really need?

    Also, I think the government, banks, and businesses know how to fix the economy, yet greed is still holding them back. Money has to circulate. And I do not think really any of this is Obama's fault. Honestly, I do not know if he is the best person for the job, but I do know he did not cause these problems. Yes, it did happen under his administration, but like I said I think things just built up and "stuff" hit the fan under this administration.

    Anyway, enough with the rant. Am I the only one who feels this way? I do not mind opinions but please be courteous.

    5 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • How is health care plan under Obama a change for the better?

    Initially, I liked the idea but I do not understand how it changes anything. Really, the only people who need the universal health care are people who can't afford it because everyone else has insurance and would not need health care reform. But, technically, isn't there something for them now anyway--Medicaid? Plus, you have sliding scale clinics and urgent care clinics (I honestly do not understand why people go to the ER for health care unless it is a true emergency because there are sliding scale clinics, free clinics, and urgent care and health departments...) So really how is this health care plan any better?

    6 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • If decreasing minimum wages promotes job growth, why does minimum wage increase?

    I had always been told (and taught) that minimum wage increases because cost of living increases (gas prices, food prices, housing cost, etc.). If that is not correct, why does it increase?

    4 AnswersEconomics10 years ago
  • Still do not understand how getting rid of minimum wage would help unemployment?

    Okay, Michele Bachmann says getting rid of minimum wage will help decrease This is my thinking...if you got rid of minimum wage then companies would decrease peoples' pay in order to increase the profit for themselves. If you do not have a job to give someone, how would decreasing wages help? I think the thought process Bachmann has would decrease job availability as in people would fill more jobs but not necessarily decrease unemployment. The people making say 3 bucks an hour at a job would just have to find more jobs in order to keep the very low income that they had at say 7.50 an hour. So, you are not necessarily giving more people jobs. Plus, consider this--gas is 3.46 or more a gallon...who is going to work when they would make enough to fill their cars to turn around and go back to work. You would just have a number of people saying I might as well stay home and collect unemployment because it pays more.

    4 AnswersEconomics10 years ago
  • Did anyone else quit FB and not look back or miss it?

    I quit FB and I have not regretted it. FB seemed to cause more problems for me than it was worth. No, I did not start the problems. Is anyone else like this?

    6 AnswersFacebook10 years ago
  • Can Obama change his vice president pick during his run for second term?

    I think he needs someone like Hillary Clinton. Seriously. I have nothing against Biden, but I don't see a second term for him unless he does something.

    5 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • why did this person keep looking at me?

    I used to have a co-worker that used to say stuff to me all the time and she would try everything to get me fired. I eventually quit partially because of her and there were other things going on in my life that I could not do my job anymore. I had to go to a class at the same place I used to work and this former co-worker was in the class. She kept looking at me. I ignored her as she is irrelevant to me now. But, I am curious why she kept looking at me? Is it guilt or do you guys have other suggestions? I know when i put my two wk in, I had many co-workers ask me why and a couple of them somewhat knew this person was being a bully to me. I told them it was for other reasons, even though part of the reason was because of her. I really enjoyed my job but it sucks when co-workers make it miserable. I just don't understand why she would waste her time glancing and looking at me when she tried so hard to make me miserable and get fired.

    2 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • Why has no candidate suggested a heavy import tax and doing away with unions?

    I think imports should be taxed 40% in order to bring jobs back. Here's how I figure it--they implement an import tax of 40%. The companies will initially pass the tax on to consumers (like usual) but who in their right mind would pay 100 bucks or so for a blouse or 200 bucks for pants? So, sales would decrease along with the heavy import tax companies would pay. This in turn would cause stock in the companies to go down and people will sell their stocks and the company would fold or bring manufacturing jobs back in order to regain their profit. In addition, unions have to go away. Yes, unions protect the worker, but what happens when people want more and then they strike--the jobs go overseas. To keep jobs here, you need to shut up, do your job, and be glad you have one. Some jobs are not glamorous, but I would take an okay salary (one I can live off and still have a little money to occasionally do something fun) and be guaranteed a job. Instead, people are greedy and they are always screaming things are unfair and want more.

    What are your opinions on a 40% import tax and unions being done away with? Does anyone know of a candidate who has suggested an import tax increase other than Trump (he has hinted at running as an independent if no Republican candidates are good--whether he is being sincere is another story)?

    1 AnswerElections10 years ago
  • Do you think they could or would ever overturn the term limits for presidents?

    I want Clinton back. I do not care what you people think about him sleeping with Monica. There is a time when you disregard stuff like infidelity, homosexuality, abortion issues, etc. for the good of the economy. He got us out of debt. Is there anyway if he couldn't be president, that he could be vice president?

    4 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • how did Rick Perry become governor if everyone hates him?

    I wanna know. I read an article about his intentions to run and there was not one comment I came across that supported him. Even people in Texas said he is a moron. So, how did he become governor?

    18 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • Are there specially marked bottles?

    I was wondering something. I see all the time HI and ME 5 cents on plastic bottles. But, I know that other states other than Maine and Hawaii recycle the bottles too. Why are they not listed on the bottle? Are they only listed in whatever state the item is from?

    2 AnswersOther - Environment10 years ago
  • why do churches care more about numbers than substance?


    One thing I am recently finding in my church community is they are more concerned with getting more people involved and even is trying the FB thing. I have against that but I feel as though they won't retain the people if they don't start offering substance so to speak. I feel like they nurture the young kids with nurseries, Sunday school, youth groups, etc. but once they go to college the faith dies out. And it doesn't seem like they are doing anything about it. I know a person has to choose to continue their faith but it helps when you have church groups and whatnot. I am finding questions that I have go unanswered by the pastor, etc. If you can't spiritually fulfill the people you have now, why recruit? I feel like church has become a business--get more money in the collection plate and get people to join the church. Not about spiritual fulfillment and sense of community. I will be honest and say I really don't attend church much at all anymore because of this. I don't want to be part of an organization that is worried about numbers...

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago