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jessica g

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  • If you trim a dogs hair will it grow back faster?

    I know if you trim a persons hair it will grow back faster but would this work on a dog? More specifically on a havanese because their hair always is growing. Also One of my dogs hair grows faster then the other one. Could that be because one is a little older or what could cause this? They are both very healthy and on the same diet. One of them is 4 years and the other is 1 year old.

    1 AnswerDogs8 years ago
  • Do you think he is mixed with something?

    Here is a pic of my pit bull. Do you think he is mixed with something and if so, what? There should be two pictures on there.

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • How long can a dog be left alone?

    How long can a dog be left alone while I'm at work? I just want to get other peoples opinions. I work long hours sometimes so I have ny three little dogs loose in the kitchen with an area for playing, eating and drinking, sleeping and paper in the corner incase they have to go to the pit bull however stays in his crate because he doesn't go to the bathroom as often. They always get lots of exercise before I leave and right when I come home. I can't leave work on break, ( we get a 30 minute break and I live 20 minutes away from work) and I can't have anyone come let them out either. They are always fine and I don't see the problem with it but some people say I'm terrible for leaving my dogs while I'm at work. What's your opinion?

    8 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • How long should i allow my dogs to be on a treadmill?

    Since were expecting a harsh winter and two of my dogs have short thin coats and quite a bit of energy, I got a treadmill for them to jog on. My pit bull just loves it and acts like he wants to be on it all the time. My jack Russell also likes it but she gets bored with it after a few minutes. At a steady jogging pace how long should I let them be on it? I started out with just 5 minute sessions once a day, then moved up to a 10 minute session for about a week and now my pit bull is up to 15 minutes, but acts like he could go on for much longer. I put my jack Russell on for about 13 minutes at a time because she gets bored with it. Also, just so you all know.. I still take them on a daily walk and play fetch with them all the time but I work during the day a lot so I don't take them on a very long walk because it gets dark early.

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Heartworm meds for dogs?

    My vet told me if a dog has heartworms and you give them heartguard, the dog will die. like literally just fall over dead. Is this true? I've done some research and have found if a dog has heartworms and they are given heartworm meds it will only kill the younger worms but it never said it would harm the dog. have you ever heard of this happening? FYI my dogs don't have heartworms I'm just curious if this is true.

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Indoor activities for a dog?

    I would like to know some good activities to do with dogs indoors. I have an 8 month old female jack Russell and she is very active! When she gets too hyper after I've been gone at work, she will pick on my other dogs. I need an indoor activity for me to do with her to help drain her energy. I walk her at least once a day, play fetch with her all the time and she plays with my other dogs a lot too. I have been teaching her tricks lately so she knows how to be calm and listen to me but she prefers to run.. non stop. I don't have a treadmill but would like to get one eventually. What are some good ways to make her tired in the colder months when we can't get out for as many walks?

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Criminal trespassing charge?

    I was at my friends house and her brother was drinking and decided to jump in the neighbors pool. Me and my friend tried to get him out of the pool and the neighbor turned on the lights and started yelling about how she called the cops and they would b here any second. The cops came and said we had criminal trespassing charges and the next day gave us papers saying when we had court. I am already on probation for an underage I got last year. My question is, should I plead not guilty since we were just trying to get my friends brother out of the neighbors pool? If so could we get in more trouble if they would find us guilty?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • how old should my dog be before i breed her?

    i got a female havanese puppy but i am not sure how long i should wait to breed her. the people i got her from said they breed theres when they are a year old. i could not find anything saying it isnt a good idea to breed them when they are that young because they are a small breed and they are about done growing at that time. should i wait until she is a year or a year an a half?

    20 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • i have young chickens that might be sick?

    I have 7 chickens that are about 11 weeks old and they are all doing good but some of them have pale legs. i only have 2 thats legs are the right color. they are all acting just fine but they have had pale legs pretty much all there life. also they sometimes get diarrhea but im not sure why. they have enough room and everything so i was wondering if there is something i can do about it. i am taking them to the fair in about a month and i want them to look good.

    4 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • my rabbit isnt using his back legs?!?!?!?!?

    i let my rabbit out side today to eat grass and he was fine when i put him out there but now he wont use his back legs very much!!! when he lays down his legs go off to the side and if i pick him up and set him down he licks his legs i think and i dont know why he is doing this!!! please help!!!

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • help! my rooster is fighting one of my hens for no reason.. what should i do????

    one of my roosters just started fighting one of my hens. i have 8 chicks all together and they are all one month old. he just started doing this like 2 days ago. he jumps up and trys to spur her. i have them all together and its not when there in there pen its when i let them out. also whenever one of the other chickens does something the rooster gets really mad. the hen trys to fight him when he does that too. he has tried to fight the other rooster too. should i seporate the rooster from the other chickens or do you think he will stop? i was thinking about just putting him in his own pen for a while and then moving him back with the others but im afraid the other rooster will fight him then. non of them have gotten hurt because the rooster hasnt gotten big spurs yet but i think soon he might hurt them if he keeps doing this and i dont do anything about it.... so please what should i do?!?!?! thanks!!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • rooster fighting a hen?

    one of my roosters just started fighting one of my hens. i have 8 chicks all together and they are all one month old. he just started doing this like 2 days ago. he jumps up and trys to spur her. i have them all together and its not when there in there pen its when i let them out. also whenever one of the other chickens does something the rooster gets really mad. the hen trys to fight him when he does that too. he has tried to fight he other rooster too. should i seporate the rooster from the other chickens or do you think he will stop? i was thinking about just putting him in his own pen for a while and then moving him back with the others but im afraid the other rooster will fight him then. non of them have gotten hurt because the rooster hasnt gotten big spurs yet but i think soon he might hurt them if he keeps doing this and i dont do anything about it.... so please what should i do?!?!?! thanks!!!!

    1 AnswerBirds1 decade ago
  • sick cat!!?

    my cat is sick!!! yesterday morning when i went to feed him and my goats ( he is a barn cat by the way) he had a really runny nose! and whenever he would sneeze it looked like drops of water was coming out of his nose. now his eyes are gating kinda goopy and his nose is still the same. my dad said we should give him this antibiotic called like parimicen or tarimicen or something like that. we did not give that to him cause i dont know if that would be bad for him. should take him to the vet or just see if he gets over it on his own?!?! also he is not around any other cats that i know of and he has like never gotten sick!!! THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!!

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • horse racing info.?

    i am doing this project for school and i need to know some stuff about horse racing. first who started it all and when? also what are the mayjor rules for it? any other info would help out too. thanks!

    2 AnswersHorse Racing1 decade ago
  • zoo animals?

    when i went to the zoo i noticed a polar bear was pacing back and forth. i wasnt sure y it was doing that so when i got home i looked it up and i found out that zoo animals get mental disorders and it causes pacing and aggretion and stuff. i am wrighting a report about zoo animals and the kind of habatat they are in in zoos and how it effects them. does anyone have any good web sites about zoos and how the animals are affected by being in little cages there whole life?? any other zoo stuff would help too. thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • chickens on town?

    can you have chickens in town? my brother lives in town in napoleon ohio and wants some chickens for eggs. any sites would be very helpfull too!! thanks!

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • pond fish?

    im trying to figure out what kind of fish we have in our pond. they are very very big and eat plants and stuff. they have kinda checkered scales. i thought they were called amers or something but i cant find anything out about them. any websites would help with pics! best answer gets 10 points!! thanks.

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • goat might have pinkeye?

    i just noticed a little bit ago that my goats eye is very pink and had some white stuff coming out of it. is it pinkeye? if it is, is there someway i could treat it without taking her to the vet? if theres not i will take her right away. also will it spread to my 4 other goats?? any other info about pinkeye would help too. thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • stuff about zoos?

    i heard that there is a type of mental disorder that zoo animlas can get from being in a zoo for too long. does anyone know what its called and why they get it and what they do if they have it? i am typing a resarch paper about zoos and need more info. also how does the cold and warm weather affect the animlas? like how do polar bears do in the summer? and how do elephants do in the winter? any other info would help very much. thanks!

    3 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • dog might have eaten bad dog food???? HELP!!!!?

    my sister called and said her dog wasnt acting right. she said he was just kinda moping around and not acting so playful. he is a jack russell terries and hes about a year old. she said maybe its because she lets him sleep in her room now and not in the cage. she changed dog food about 3 days ago and just last night he started acting like this. do you think it might be the bad dog food?!?!?!?! she gets the little bags of ol roy most of the time. but she doesnt feed him canned food. could it be something he got into and ate lastnight and it just needs to pass though him or is it searous?!?! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!! thanks for everything.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago