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I am a christian biker lady in Quebec Canada My site: Elaine Marie's Little Lantern

  • About Sims2 Best of Busniess collection Crashing?

    I alreadh have and play without problems with the base game, University, Night life & Pets,

    so far so good, I just baught "Best of Business collection" and the game grashes when I try to enter a lot to build on it, it shows the "creating the lot/loading lot or family" thing but before I get there I get a message saying that the game crashed.

    Now my pc is new, (running Windows XP updated) system is uptimum, video card is Nvidia GeForce 9400 GT (which is NOT in the list of cards that could be a problem according to the site.

    I have also uninstalled everything but before I reinstalled all the Sims2 programs I also cleaned up my pc as much as I could with some registry cleaner and disk cleaner, defrag, what ever I could do, I did.

    Now reinstalling all the Sims2 in good order ( I tested them all after installing and they worked)

    Even deactiving my Antivirus (which never needed to before)

    still with Best of Business collection, it still crashes, and I havent even put in the custum stuff yet.

    Anyone has any idea what else to do? I'm a but lost here, I'f had problems with the others in the past but always managed to resulve them, this one I can't find what to do, not even on the EA site. (I did all they said to do and it didn't work)


    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Woaw, I'm just back and where are the YA Categories and sub categories?

    I've been kinda busy all summer, and I usually in the R & S category, what happened? Any one knows?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Question about burial according to God (for Christians or Jews)?

    Now I know that the old ways of Jewish burial are no longer possible, especially in america, (wrapping the body in cloth and anointed with oils and herbs) but I wanted to know if there was any where in the Bible where it is written to or not to do certain burials? For instance cremation, is that forbiden by God? and is there an actual possible way we are to be burried or it doesn't matter at all how we are to be burried?

    I ask this because someone once said that when we are to resurect we are going to have our same body (but glorified) and if one is cremated then they would have no body at all. As Jesus came back with His wounds! Does anyone know anything about this or is it a wrong belief?

    Thank you, this question is very serious to me!

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Will you dare? I want your opinion on this please.?

    Ok, this is my testimony, please if you are to answer it, take the time to read it first, then answer. ALso I'm french (and dyslexic) so please no cracks on my writing. But if you read it, then please post your opinion.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Have you ever been in the occult and then later found God/Jesus?

    Please tell me about your story briefly, how God entered your life and rid you of the occult...

    If this subject doesn't concern you please don't answer.

    If you wish to see my testimony on that subject, please read this page:

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Did you ever notice that about people who want to debate?

    When I was a child, people use to call each other names, right, in French we have a saying for this that goes kinda like: The one who says it is the one who is it!" like when they called you stupid and and so on.

    Well as I got older and worked with people (counselor) I realised there was a truth about that saying. For exemple, the most jealous men, are usually those who will cheat on their wives, or the people that trust the least others, are usually those who themselves thieves or liars, they don't trust others bucause they unconsciously believe all people are like them.

    We call that reflexion, or mirrorisme. (reflecting on others what we actually are)

    So all this to say, that when people call you stupid, ignorant, delusionned or any other name, don't worry about it, they are actually talking about themselves!!! reflecting on their own mirror!

    M 5:11 Blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you, and shall say all kinds of evil against you falsely, for My sake

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are there some christian bikers in this furum?

    I am a christian biker, and I was wondering if you would tell me where you are and what's your biker ministry/club?

    I'm in Quebec, and our ministry is Maranatha MC

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • When I first came here...?

    When I heard from Yahoo about Yahoo answered, (what I was told) I thought it was a place to share, those who had genuine questions could ask and those who had genuine answers would help by answering... I didn't know it was a bashing fest, sorry, my mistake!

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I'm just wondering?

    Since this is the "Religion & Spirituality" section, why are there so many atheists that come and just put down, what those who believe in religion/spirituality? I mean if I were an atheist, I would probably go the the science section or sports or culture or what ever, but I wouldn't waste my time bashing people who believe in things I don't... Can I have some honnest answers please, not more bashing or idiot answers just to score points? I am realy wondering?

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Did you know about Muslims...?

    I've been in college in the early 80s in Quebec City, where I made friends Muslims, then moved to Montreal and in University there met and befriended other Muslims and so I can speak of personal experience when I tell you they are realy great people. They knew my beliefs and we respected each other, teaching (or learning) from the other's beliefs.

    The regular, normal Muslim is a loving God fearing person, with respect for one another. We must stop thinking that all Muslims are all radical fanatics like those we hear about on the headline news. Those are not representative of a real Muslim at all. No more than if a Christian went into a temple of evil religion/belief with a dynamite belt and blew himself up, would that Christian represent all Christians.

    And if all people who believed in what ever they believed were as honnest and thorough as some Muslims I met (with respect for others) religion wouldn't be a scary place for many who fear it.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is your definition of the word "religion"?

    I'm not asking what is your religion, but what is your definition of religion.

    Mine is:

    Any man made belief that uses/misuses some divine information (sacred book) but only to man's advantage!

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Y a-t-il quelqu'un ici qui sache vraiment ce que "avoir l'amour de Dieu dans notre coeur" veut dire?

    Je suis curieuse de voir les opions ici ainsi que de savoir vos croyances si c'est possible.

    23 AnswersReligions et spiritualité1 decade ago
  • I just wonder, why are there still some christians out there who believe that those not christians love satan?

    I mean, there are a lot of good people out there, that doesn't make them saved, but they don't love or worship satan, they either just don't know or have seen bad christians that scare them into being christians... They are not on God' side, but they have the choice and it doesn' t mean they love satan!!!

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I'll then ask why are so many so called christians making the true christians look bad?

    As I said in my other question, to many of us look bad because of judgement and hate, and many people I called "unbelievers" (only to point the fact they don't believe in God as we do, nothing else) just pointed the fact that many christians are hateful and judgemental...

    Now christians, if you are true christians why are you that way, and where in the WORD OF GOD is it written that we should have hate for someone and judge them at all. Isn't it God's job to do that? and isn't is His will and power to change people's heart? All we are to do is love one another to show people we are Christ's disciples and love and aid others though they are not christians. Our love for them is our testimony...

    So why so many of "us" christians are acting so "non christianly"? can you give me an honnest answer?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do people believe all christians are full of hate?

    It saddens me when all the none christians see christians and people full of judgment and hate. I must tell you, you must not have met many real christians in your life for a true christian loves and judges not for that is what Jesus tought. The only thing we have a duty to hate is evil not people. And I personnaly believe if one respects others, they deserve respect. I chose Christ of free will (not brain wash for no one I knew, knew Jesus) and I believe God made us all equal, and all we have the choice... There will be consequences to our choices but it is still a personal choice.

    A true christian will not hate people. we are commanded to love even our enemies. And trust me we have many.

    So why do unbelievers think we are full of hate?

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The biblical view on suicide, can anyone give me verses?

    I would like to know if someone has any biblical info about suicide, I know in my heart it is wrong. I even asked pastors and priests about it but no one was clear. I prayed to God and had His answer, BUT can't seam to find anything concerning suicide in the Bible. Can any one help?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do some people come to this topic (religion) when they don't believe?

    I ask myself why those who don't believe in God, heaven, hell, salvation and so on, keep coming to this category, just to cuss, to swear, to be vulgar, o insult others, and put down other's beliefs, and often genuine questions....

    Dothey have a life, nothing to do, or are they simply full of evil? If one has nothing helpful to say, they should just go to a topic that concerns them that is all. So far all they've proven his how "ignorant and stupid" they are.

    Can some one intelligent tell me?

    46 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago