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Miss Lady
Itchy hands and feet?
My hands and feet (palms and the top of them) will randomly start itching and get really hot and when I scratch it there will be bumps that show up as if I got bit, but then it goes away after a few minutes. Any ideas as to what it could be?
1 AnswerSkin Conditions6 years agoblack mold maybe toxic?
I read that some black mold is not the toxic kind so I want to know maybe how long it could take to become toxic. We live in an apartment, built in the 70s on the bottom floor which is partly underground. In front of the window there has been leaks and a year or so ago my sister saw some black mold on the wall and used bleach to clean it off. We all have different problems health wise. One daughter has reoccurring respiratory problems, one has a weak hand she can no longer write with. My sister and I have heart palpitations, she's always coughing and I have aches all over my body. We are all under 30... So I did some research then when I looked in between the wall and the baseboard under the window there is all kinds of black mold. Im not sure if its the toxic kind though or if regular mold turns toxic at any given point. We will go to the office about it but I just wanted some opinions maybe, or if there are blood/urine tests for it, because if that's what is making us sick then we need to get out immediately.
2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden6 years agocan I get a felony for not paying a cash advance place?
Ok so I have a bad past. I was on drugs. I took out one from an advance place in 2009. I am clean now 7 months but I got a call from a drz llc place saying I have to pay it with a credit card or I'll get a criminal malice charge. I will pay it but obviously I have horrible credit & no credit card. I want to know one can I really be charged and 2 is this a real legit company? I don't want to be tricked. I mean dudes name is Bruce Nolan like the guy off of Bruce almighty. I will pay it either way just not sure how to handle it.
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agoPimple under skin in between my eyes at the top of my nose & its swelling all around my eyes and forehead?
I had what i thought was a reg under the skin pimple at the top of my nose right in between my eyes and i tried to pop it...I woke up and now its swollen in my forehead and around my eyes.My eyes kind of burn. its really hard and sensitive to the touch. I tried poppin it again and all this oozy stuff came out of it. Does anyone know what this is and is there anything i can do to reduce the swelling!?!? I have a job interview 2morrow!
2 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years agoWhat is Franklin square bible house?
I found this book in my grandpas basement... "the complete compendium of universal knowledge" by william ralston balch... it says tariff edition, idk what that means and it also says franklin square bible house philadelphia pa.... ive searched this stuff but nothing really comes up. I didnt know if this book is of any value. plus i just want to know why i cant find franklin square bible house anywhere online, so does anyone know any of this information?
2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoIs there such thing as a minors order in the courts?
Im dealing with SenecaOne and I feel like the guy Im dealing with is giving me the run around on an advance he promised me. I feel like he is just telling me things so I would sign the contract cuz Ive gotten the run around for about a month. Now he is saying that they cant do it yet because they have to get a minors order from the court since I was a minor at the time of my parents death. Ive searched it but nothing came up except stuff about a catholic church. he said its a minors order from the original settlement. so can someone tell me if this even exists?
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoIs there such thing as a minors order in the court system?
Im dealing with SenecaOne and I feel like the guy Im dealing with is giving me the run around on an advance he promised me. I feel like he is just telling me things so I would sign the contract cuz Ive gotten the run around for about a month. Now he is saying that they cant do it yet because they have to get a minors order from the court since I was a minor at the time of my parents death. Ive searched it but nothing came up except stuff about a catholic church. so can someone tell me if this even exists?
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years agoWhere can I get a free pelvic exam?
I live in central Ohio. I had hpv at 15 with cancerous cells and had to get my uterus frozen to get rid of them. I had my 2nd daughter 4 yrs ago and thats the last time i had an exam. Im on 5 yr birth control and havent had a period in 4 yrs. I looked up signs for cervical cancer and i have them. I know it could be something else too but i just want to get it checked out to be safe. I dont have any insurance or the money to pay for a doctor! what do i do?
4 AnswersCancer10 years agoHow much water can kill me?
Ive heard about water intoxication. Im not healthy. Ive drank 6 bottles of 16 oz water in the past 10 hrs. Im still drinking it and i plan on drinkin 4 more bottles at least by 2morrow morning. is that too much? Im not tryin to kill myself so i need to know if thats safe!
2 AnswersOther - Health10 years agowhy are my feet swollen?
My ankles have been swollen for about a week now. today my right foot swelled up too. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative plus im on 5 yr birth control. I looked online at what it could be but i have none of the things it listed. should i go to the doctor?
7 AnswersOther - Diseases10 years agowhy is it hard for me to swallow my food?
this has been goin on for a few days now. I had a tooth pulled a few days ago but this whole swallowing thing started right before that so idk if that has anything to do with it. I tried chewing my food up for longer and harder but that doesnt change anything either. Ill swallow and it will go in my throat and just sit there until i can swallow again n try to get it to go down! Please help!
2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoIf Im going to probate court, and have a warrant, would they know?
its not a warrant for anything serious, but it is a warrant. Im going to try and get money i need to take care of these warrants n other things. Im just afraid that they will arrest me before i even get the chance to speak to the judge. I just need to know if they search you before you go into the court
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoWhy do americans always complain?
Ok, I dont get it. Im an american but Im SOOOOOOOO tired of people complaining about obama and how things are. Seriously, none of the people complaining could do a better job. He was put into office in a messed up situation. Not to mention that you cant satisfy everyone, so there are always going to be people who arent happy with things. im strugglin right now but im content with my life. Some people do have it bad, but there is help. No one people hate americans, all we do is complain. When u think about it we are pretty well off. People should be grateful u dont live somewhere else. Oh, besides australia aparently where by the way, there are almost 300 MILLION less people there so i would full on expect that they have all those things they have. If there was only 21 million people in america Im pretty sure we would have all those benefits too. (for those of you who dont know, afghan-australian or w.e. posted a question about it a lil while ago)
NOTHING will ever be perfect!!!!!!!!! Instead of lookin at what u dont have start bein grateful for what u do have.
8 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoHow do u feel about the two us airmen being killed?
The killers kept sayin allahu akbar (spelling off im sure) but anyways it means God is good and they then shot them... although i cant say i dont believe in God... i see where the atheists are comin from.
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agotryin to tighten up my body?
my height and my weight are proportional but im very out of shape and i want to tighten things up. i dont eat the healthiest foods though, so will it still work if i workout in the morning and night?
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agochristians, how do you know if your pastor isnt a scam artist?
I have been to quite a few churches, and i know that some people are genuinely good pastors preachers priests, but there are some out there that dont really believe what they are saying they just know you do and want you to "sow your seeds" with them. how do u know who is real and who is fake?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agook so maybe i dont get atheism completely?
I used to think atheists were people who worshipped the devil cuz when i was little i didnt know there were people who didnt believe in God. i thought it was either God or the devil. So u just dont believe in anything that cant be proven basically? No God devil paranormal psychics, etc. You just view these things like everyone else views santa and the easter bunny? If Im right about it i dont think people should bash u and say u have no morals. It doesnt make atheists bad people. Let me know if Im wrong
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWho is atheist and who believes in God or a god?
I just want to know because it seems like atheist people flood the religion section and maybe most christians stay away from it because they dont want to hear what they have to say, fearing they will stop believing in God? Some people cant be convinced, but I have an open mind so my beliefs are teetering, just wanna see what people think.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf people dont really believe, why do they credit God?
This is one thing I never really understood, and idk if any of u have ever been in this boat so maybe someone can explain it to me. Some people dont really believe in God, but yet when someone they love dies, or someone close to someone they love dies, they say they went to heaven or theyre sure they went to heaven. Or they thank God for things (maybe to appease other people) or they say they are blessed. Im not sayin these people are wrong or dumb or anything, its just something i dont understand.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago