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  • need tv with front and rear jacks?

    We need to find a 32" LCD TV which has both front and rear input/output jacks.

    2 AnswersTVs9 years ago
  • Help with Yahoo and Yahoo ATT?

    I haven't been able to fix my problem, although I've tried to follow instructions found several places.

    I had an ATT home page, and a Yahoo home page. Now ATT is using a co-branded Yahoo web page. What I want to be able to do is have my Yahoo bookmarks show up when I sign in to my ATT home page. I use Mozilla as my browser. All my important bookmarks are available when I'm signed in under my original Yahoo id. What I want to be able to do is stay signed in under my ATT-Yahoo id, but I want those bookmarks on the home page like they are when I'm logged in as my Yahoo id. This was never a problem when I could stay logged into ATT and Yahoo at the same time, but now that there is no independent ATT home page, I have to log into one or the other.

    Similarly, I'd like to import my Yahoo contacts into the Yahoo-ATT mail contact file. Yahoo mail contact file seems to have a feature that Yahoo-ATT doesn't offer.

    Help please.

    1 AnswerPassword and Sign In1 decade ago
  • Glass drawer fronts--what besides beans etc, can I put in them for display purposes?

    I have some drawers in my kitchen which have glass fronts for display purposes. Right now they have colored pasta and beans and peas in them which need to be replaced. I'm not thrilled with the look, and would like to think of something else to put in the sections for display. These are about 15" by 10" fronts, and the display space behind the glass is about 1" deep. The drawers themselves are quite deep, so I need to think of something that is relatively lightweight to display. I thought of the glass marbles for color, but that would be too heavy. Thanks for your suggestions.

    9 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • What do we do now to recover from freeze damage in Tennesse garden?

    It's been almost two weeks since our landscaping was badly damaged by 6 nights of frost near Nashville. What do we do and when can we do it.

    Nandina had lots of new, soft growth, all of which froze. Can I prune this damaged area back now that frost danger is gone? What about rhododendron? A baby Japanese maple had all the leaves freeze. I know not to fertilize, but I'm wondering whether there is anything I can do to make it easier for the plants to recover. I have extra concern as most of this was installed in October and was having a big burst of early season growth due to the hot spell we had. Please give me as much detail as possible.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Was NBC right or wrong to release the video of the VT murderer?

    I'm appalled that the victims haven't been buried yet and NBC has given their murderer airtime. What do you think?

    15 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • How do I add my avatar permanently to Answers?

    Yesterday I had it, but today it's not there. The avatar image says no avatar, and so I click on get avatar. I find the same one that was there yesterday, save changes and add to my favorites. Now I have 2 of the same avatar. When I go back to answers, edit profile, it still says no avatar. Yesterday, I did the same thing and my avatar showed all day.

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • We had a hard freeze last night here in Nashville and many of our shrubs had new growth. What do we do now?

    This morning the Heavenly Bamboos, PJM Rhodies, Serviceberry and Knockout roses look bad. The new growth is limp. Did it freeze? Is there any point in covering the plants the next couple of nights when it will freeze again? What do we do with the frozen growth once the weather warms?

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • When you travel, do you want to just keep on going? What's over the next hill or around the next bend?

    I know I've felt that way all my life when we've travelled through the United States. I enjoy museums, living history exhibits, battlefields, scenery, water, mountains, and everything else that makes this a wonderful nation to explore. When have you felt this way?

    3 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Can I synch my older blackberry with Windows mail, the free email program offered with Vista?

    Blackberry synchronization allows address book to synch with Outlook Express, but even the newest version doesn't specify Windows Email, the free email software which is included with Vista. Anybody know how to make this work?

    2 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • I'm looking for the name of a Russian dissident from the 80's who died from a food strike in '89.?

    I read a wonderful book written by this man. It was published in 1984 or so, and the preface indicated that he'd died in prison, from refusing to eat, several years after writing the book. I can't remember his name of the name of the book. Please help.

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Bookmark frustration--I've tried previous suggestions?

    I have the new Yahoo toolbar, and I need help to make it convenient. When I click on the bookmark link on the toolbar, I only get choices "save, recommended, go to, and preferences." I strongly prefer to see all my bookmarks with the single click.

    Previously I found an answer here which said to go to preferences and make selections. I've done that twice. The first time, I chose to have 20 bookmarks display based on frequently used. That would work okay for me, but still irritating as I needed to click to get to my less frequently used bookmarks. Today, that preference is lost, and I'm back to not seeing any actual bookmarks. I tried preferences again, but I can't seem to make any changes show up on the toolbar at all.

    Please help.

    2 AnswersYahoo Bookmarks1 decade ago