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Should Carrie go home????
Would she be better off there??
5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoDoes anyone know where I can find a good agent to find me work as a makeup artist??
Ive been graduated and have been freelancing off and on for the past year and Ive just decided that I have got to get an agent to find me work cause Im just not getting anywhere on my own doing.
2 AnswersMakeup1 decade agoHas anyone tried any herbs/herbal teas that lower your blood sugar??
6 AnswersDiabetes1 decade agoWhat does everyone out there think about Past life regression??
Ive read all of Brian Weiss's books and the stories truly amaze me!! Ive been trying to get into the trance state but it hasnt happened yet, but I know it will! Ive only done it 2 times and Im not used to meditating. It would be soo helpful for me because I feel like I have a LOT of much uneeded anxiety issues and other things Im dealing with and I want nothing more than to find out where they came from so I discover the root of the problem so I can function in day to day life so much better. I want to live my potential but feel this has held me back and cannot wait to do it. Anyways let me know what youve heard about it!
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHas ANY ONE out there tried past life regression therapy??
Im interested in hearing stories about what happened with it, what it did for you, and how hard it was to get into the hypnosis mode? Ive reading a lot about it and want to do it soo bad but every time I get to the meditation part and the light, and going down the steps through that door, It doesnt quite happen. Im sure its just cause it might take me a little big longer to get hypnotized but.........I want to do it!! I have someone I trust of course reading the material to me of course.
2 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoHas ANY ONE out there tried past life regression therapy??
Im so interested in hearing stories about people who its worked for and how easy it was, and what exactly it did for you!!!
1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade agoDoes anybody out there think, Oh I have a serious goal but only if my mind would let me go there...........?
Do you ever have things planned out in your head about dreams, goals, desires, but then at the exact same time you dont do everything in your power to achieve this and wonder even how to do it? I know theres small steps I can take to get there but then find yourself not doing it? If so do you blame it on the constricting blockages of the irrational, limiting mind?
1 AnswerPsychology1 decade agoHow many of you out there meditate?
Im curious how many people out there meditate and what have you discovered by doing it?
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIs it possible to ask perfectly normal questions and have people not get defensive??
Has anyone ever noticed how you ask maybe the simplest ? just cuz youre curious or jokingly, not meaning any harm. People tend to get all guarded and defensive like mad!!! Theyre all trying to hurl insults at you like theres no tomorrow! Chill out man!! Jeeez
8 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoWhat would you say is the most interesting thing about you???
There is an infinite number of unique people in the world and I just want to get a take on meeting as many that will answer my question even if only for a split second. All you have to do is name what you consider to be your most special, different, unique attitribute, point of view, where you come from, what youre doing with your life, personality trait, story that happened to you..........basically anything will work that YOU think sticks out to yourself. I cant wait to see what everyone comes up with!!
3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoIs it humanly possible for Enki to ask a question without capitalizing any of his words?
Yeah.......thats what I want to know
12 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoWho else out there thinks its hard to get a cosmetics department store job?
I graduated from Makeup college and they still dont seem to care. Not that it excites me to get a job at Macys for Godsake but I need SOMETHING!! Its not the most glamorous job simply because the people that work in retail have snotty attitudes, try and push EVERYTHING on customers, bad customer service, jeeezus, the list just goes on. Its all about being commercialized and pushy, WE are ALL THAT and its everything Im against..........hmm no WONDER I never really wanted to work there! Who else thinks department stores suck? I just went and talked to managers at a Macys and got treated negatively no matter how nice and how long I waited around to get this job, they didnt even intend to give it to me Im guessing...........God Sometimes I feel as a makeup artist I just want a job in which I can succeed. Im not sure what else to do. I graduated 3 months ago and dont have a steady line of paying clients. But yet I just have to keep on keeping on?? Sitting on my ***?
1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade agoWho wants to hire an "awesome" makeup artist??????????? Tell me NOW!!?
I graduated from the makeup artist college with the longest running names in show biz and the best teachers, it was truly amazing experience. I pay extremely close attention to detail and my client as a whole, (skin care needs, whatever makes them feel good, look good...whatever they need help with) Im not bragging but I know I have a lot of talent and skill and top of the line knowledge. Does this mean nothing to anybody because I dont have all the experience that THEY want??? Im feeling totally frustrated and am at the end of my rope with people in general, feeling aggression towards the world. Who WILL hire me, where do I go?? Somethings GOT to happen NOW!!!!!!!!
2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade agoHow the hell do I get a damn makeup job period?????
I graduated the BEST college for makeup out there. I know I have top of the line knowledge, I pay very close attention to my detail and am a really hard worker AND have high potential for my talent and skill to develop even further sooo.......where is someone who will give me the time of day that doesnt automatically expect a 10 page portfolio?? I cant wait around any longer for someone to offer me something. Ive tried my *** off to find employment, but still cant find anything, what the hell do I do?????
8 AnswersMakeup1 decade agoCan anyone even take the time to answer this question???
Im frustrated with the whole world right now. Trying to get peoples attention to get an actual opportunity to even start working at Macys!? After I graduated the BEST makeup college there is, is ridiculous. I dont have a portfolio so that gets me nowhere?????? Im just sick and tired of being turned down because I dont have experience. I mean who the hell cares HOW great my skill and talent level are huh??? What am I supposed to do to get a damn job in this state in the makeup field????
8 AnswersPsychology1 decade agowow....what you think about most you do indeed bring about? Or is it a sign from God??
Okay Im curious if its the power of attraction cuz damn......I REALLY worked it. Okay so the story and my soul mate "Love of my life" parted ways like 1 1/2 years ago. The whole time we werent together until now... these strange coincidences would happen. Id go on yahoo personals do the whole spin the wheel and his face came up. There was some story on a dating show that mirrored who he was with the exact same line coming out of his mouth as the name of one of his songs he wrote, anyways Ive heard, seen, read, this guys name EVERYWHERE Ive went (across the US from WI to CA) and still the name comes into my view or wherever I walk someone will say it loud and clear. Thats the only name being mentioned, its not like the MOST common name, and NO MATTER where I go its there. Is that all being produced from my mind or is God trying to tell me something??
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWould you take this as a sign to be with somebody???
After me and my soul mate parted ways like 1 1/2 yrs ago, I continually saw, read, heard, hundreds and hundreds of times his name. In the utmost STRANGEST of places. I moved 2300 miles away and still saw it marked on 3 bill boards across the US. There would be some particular scenario in which this guys name would be mentioned clear as day every where I went. Every time I go somewhere..........its there. Yes Im not stupid I know these were messages from God. I just want to know what everyone thinks??
7 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade agoEverybody out there........... How long would you stay in a less than relationship for security or break free?
Would you stay in a relationship if it didnt have certain things you want just so you could feel secure financially or to have someone who cared for you?? But you didnt truly love?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow do I get my computer to stop double spacing everything in my email???
Im trying to copy my resume to my email from another site so I can update it and every time I do this, it automatically is set on double space and wont let me finish it without having all this extra space in between every line. How do I stop this?
1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade agoWhats everyone else got manifested in their lives from the Secret?
I noticed in the past that when I really focused on something, I got exactly what I wanted but lately Im like..............well where is it? this and this and this???? I think its a little bit ridiculous that they say anything you think is going to happen is happening around you cuz if you go out into the public, what youre going to mess with someone elses life by attracting them to you when they were planning on going other places that day? Huh? what? And if that were true, I guess God, or our plans that our souls picked out for our life before we were born like Slyvia Browne says would have no place in our life then because hell we can think whatever we want and that will; happen. I dont know what everyone else says on this but it seems a little contradictory?
3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago