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Lv 31,548 points

Old Cynic

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  • Why is it that where just 1 iraqui could control iraq, more than 100,000 american troops cant.?

    Bearing in mind that the ex dictator was nowhere near as violent and murderous as the troops now there. Dont get me wrong, i dont blame the troops, they were SENT by a drooling dribbling idiot.

    15 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Today Britain made the final payment to the US for the money borrowed in WW2.?

    In 1945 the US lent Britain 2 billion dollars for the war effort. In 1946 the US called in the loan, forcing Britain to renegotiate the terms. Today, 60 years later, the Bank of England made the final payment. How much were the British screwed for ? Does this mean that finally the British will stop kissing American ***?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • A seriously deluded person called Jen emailed me to warn me to be careful what I said about god?

    I presume this was in response to an answer I gave to a question which asked something along the lines "do you know god" or some such. I responded with the observation that given the incredible amount of suffering and injustice in this world, that if there was a god that was in any way interested in our species, then he/she/it was one mean sadistic bastard.

    Now i have to put with some lamebrain threatening to pray for my salvation........and to be careful what I say about this god of theirs.

    If this god was the all loving dude that so many suggest he is, then I would be forgiven, or do you suppose that this "Jen" actually agrees with me by supposing that the "big tough guy" is going to get heavy with me for dissing him?.

    How could a mere mortal possibly offend a god? Unless it was a petty mini god with a personality disorder.

    31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Toshiba satelite suddenly gone mad?

    Wife took laptop to friends house to show fotos...when i turn computer back on, all messenger data removed, cant access system information (window stays blank and message says that info not available, files moved or gone) . Xoftspy cant find any nastystuff, task manager showing erratic cpu use, flickering from 6% to 90% even when not connected to net. No obvious new programs running. Has my HD finally died?

    Would like to try formatting, but cd drive playing up too, so unable to backup usefull data that i would like to I really screwed?

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • If the UK gov. wants Immigrants to britain to integrate and adopt british values......?

    Why is is it that 99% of british emigrants (the expats) refuse to learn the language of the host country, set up english and irish bars, set up englsh food shops etc. The british refuse completely to integrate in their chosen countries.

    4 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Fox News asked Geraldo: Could the shooting by police of black guy at night club be considered a crime?

    The answer was NO. Firing 50 bullets at a group of unarmed partygoers resulting in the death of one of them is a depicable crime. Naturally the scum that murdered him wont even go to court let alone jail, and will probably be paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation when they leave the job for the stress that they have suffered.

    Who in their right mind would live in such a sick country.

    10 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Dado que he tenido mala suerte con los medicos a mi alcance, hay alguien que me peude ofrecer algo util?

    Sufro de dolores espantosos en ( y alrededor de) mi rodillas. No he sufrido ningun golpe ni caida. Empezaron (los dolores) al tercer dia conduciendo camiones de ruta larga.

    No tengo Gota, ni deficiencia de B12, ni de rheuma.....segun los analisis.

    No he conducido ya hace 4 meses, pero los dolores no se quitan. A veces se me incha todo el cuerpo....puedo ganar hasta 6 kilos en un par de dias, aunque los dolores suelen occurir sin que me inchan. Aparte de los dolores vienen lo que yo llamo Ataques....esos dan dolores que me hacen llorar y pueden durar 48 horas sin alivio ninguno. Estoy harto de ver medicos que ni siquiera quieren escucharme, claro porque yo soy un nadie que no ha estudiado la medicina asi mis comentarios no tienen valor a esa gente. Entiendo y acepto que hay medicos buenos, pero existen en numeros pequeños al lado de los prepotentes que creen que saben de todo, que malafortunadamente son los unicos que me ha proporcionado la seguridad social.

    5 AnswersOtros - Salud1 decade ago
  • So you dont believe in americas exclusive claim to space?

    Well it was all over the news here in europe. BBC, SKY and others.

    16 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • So now the good old us of megalomaniacs has decided that space is theirs and theirs alone?

    If any of you out there havent yet caught on to americas desire for world dominatation (or perhaps that should better read... world DAMNATION). Please please please america, it would be much cheaper to build a huge wall around your diseased country to keep the rest of us out (and more importantly, keep you lot locked in)

    12 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Sigmund freud was the last scientist to do a detailed study on the constant abuse of cocaine?

    Given that freud was a raving cokehead, do you think his paranoid ravings ( a classic effect of coke abuse) had anything to do with his obvious desire to PHUCK his mother. How is it that so many modern day psychiatrists etc still follow this twisted paranoids delusions

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Fluid dynamics, flow dynamics?

    What is the maximum flow rate of a liquid (hydraulic oil) in a pipe. I have been given to understand that there is limit as to how much oil will pass through a pipe irrespective of the pump pressure, is this true and if so, how do i work it out. Trying to develope hydraulic drive system, according to my calculations the system would need to move just 17cc per engine revolution through the system ( engine revs rising up to 6000rpm)

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Que hay que hacer para encontrar un medico digno del titulo "medico?

    Yo he pasado 5 meses viendo un prepotente tras otro. 5 meses con dolores que me hacen llorar como un bebe a veces. Y a pesar de todo, ninguno de eso imbeciles prepotentes que creen que sabe de todo ni siquierran han efectuado una diagnostica. Asi , mis agonias vienen y van a su gusto mientras que yo tengo que someterme al abuso (porque eso es lo que es) de esta gente. Cuantas personas sufren gracias a estos imbeciles.

    5 meses de syntomas abundantes, 5 meses sin poder trabajar. 5 meses de pobreza. Muchas gracias medicos de ******, sus diplomas ni sirven para limpiarme el culo

    9 AnswersOtros - Salud1 decade ago
  • 85000 americans have been murdered in US 1999-2004. At war 2700 soldiers have died. Safer 2 b soldier at war?

    I know that 85000 dead out of 300 million is 0.03% and the soldiers are at 1.5%. But 85000 is 85000, know what I mean (funeral parlours must be making a fortune). At least the soldiers have an excuse, they were sent to war.

    The rest of the US just live in a war zone it seems.

    By the way, the british murder percentage (at home) is a mere 0.005% of the pop. over the same period.

    11 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Vicious pains in both knees, swelling in ankles, not gout, not B12 deficiency, not rheumatoid, Whats my prob?

    I have been a trucker for years (46 years old)and have never suffered knee problems. 3 days into a new job driving new Volvo FH12, right knee swells up and hurts 24/7. Could only sleep with medication. Put up with this for 1 month. Had knee drained, went back to work the other knee started up. Vicious pains that dont go away, make me cry sometimes. Had that knee drained, still gives grief.

    Had to leave job, havent driven for 2 months and STILL have the symptoms. Have been tested for gout, vitamin b12 deficiency and rheumatoid everything, all negative.

    Does anyone have the faintest idea whats going on? My doctors havent...

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Could we get Pi down to whole number if we used a non decimal number base?

    I presume we use the 10 base system because weve got 10 fingers. Imagine if we were like the simpsons and only had 8 fingers.

    Using a 22 base, obviously Pi would be 7.........have I answered my own question? or am i just stupid? (no answer needed for that bit thanks)

    8 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • How is it that its safer to be a US soldier at war than be a citizen at home?

    According to The Disaster Center’s Rothstein Catalogue for Disaster Planning there were 16,137 people murdered in the US in 2004:

    So far only 2600 (ish) soldiers have died in the war on iraq.............Says a lot for the state of america......

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Brita water filter elements can filter how many liters of water before replacement?

    Its just that the lcd indicator on the lid lasts 4 weeks. in a household of 1 person, perhaps a liter a day would be used, ie 30 liters a month/replacement filter. In a household of 5 people perhaps 5 liters a day would be processed, ie 150 liters a month/replacement.

    ZClearly if the filter is just as adequate to filter 30 liters a month as it is 150 liters a month then either the single person is being badly ripped off or the family of five risk drinking crappy water.

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Whatever happened to Christianne Annanpur (of CNN)?

    She was CNNs top foreign correspondent until she told a truth that america couldnt permit. She said that "America had this coming and it was of their own making" refering to 911 obviously.

    Then she disappeared of the air.....thats the trouble with americas concept of freedom....youre free to do, think and say that which you have been told is acceptable to think or say.

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago