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Lv 43,139 points

John S

Favorite Answers7%

The picture I use is Odin. Not to suggest any Pagan religious beliefs on my part, just a love of mythology, and a symbol of wisdom. (Though personally, I find Loki more interesting). Let's just clear up a few misconceptions right now, I am not a Muslim, a Mexican, or a Pagan. Because I stand up for these people, it has been assumed that I am one of them. I am an atheist, and American (of Polish, Germanic, and native american indian descent), a Leftist. I hate Israel though I am not anti-semetic, anymore than hating Nazis makes me anti-Germany. I feel that Muslims should be treated as human beings, but I'm not planning a Jihad against all western civilization so relax guys...

  • Italian translation?

    I found this graffiti spraypainted on a wall outside of Venice. There appears to be a Hammer and Sickle next to a red star on the side of these words "paolo d. libero ganzer boia!" Can anyone tell me what this means and what the significance is?

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • UN security council?

    What procedure would the UN have to go through to legally abolish the obviously unfair concept of permanent member states of the Security Council?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • UN Security Council?

    What procedure would the UN have to go through to legally abolish the obviously unfair concept of permanent member states of the Security Council?

    2 AnswersInternational Organizations1 decade ago
  • Arafat cried?

    Arafat cried when Americans died:

    Why can't we pay the same respects to Palestine?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can you give me a reason?

    To believe that Israel is justified in these actions? (Read report before answering please)

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • William Powell's Cookbook?

    Has the US government under Bush done anything notable toward censoring William Powell's "Anarchist Cookbook"?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Leonard Peltier?

    Despite the fact that there is nearly no evidence existing to prove that Peltier was responsible for the killing of the FBI agents... even if he was, given the circumstances of the agents moving into the Indian territory, was it even so wrong to kill them?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If Arafat invented "Palestine"?

    Which is a claim I often hear, what was with the whole British Mandate of PALESTINE thing after the collapse of the Ottoman empire? Surely the brits should've known that if Palestine never existed it would be a silly name indeed to randomly assign one of their mandates to...

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Iraq... Democracy... etc.?

    Okay, so even back when this poll was taken over a year ago, not only did the majority of Iraqis want us out, but over half supported attacks on our soldiers. This number has grown since then mind you. Now, since we are supposedly bringing "democracy" to Iraq, don't you think it behooves us to leave Iraq since that's what the Iraqis want and have voted for as a whole? Or is this the kind of democracy where the people's opinion doesn't count?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Twelth Imam?

    Okay, so, working under the theory that if I ask a question twice I'll get answer...;_ylt=Aigkp...

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can any Shia here please help me understand?

    The significance and life of the twelfth imam?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • ¡Ya Basta!?

    In your opinion, if a Zapatista party were established in the united states, would it have a positive effect on the nation or a negative effect on the nation?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What can you tell me about Humanistic/Atheistic Islam?

    I've recently become aware of a belief system called humanistic Islam, unfortunately, there are very few resources on this. If anyone knows about this system of belief could they please tell me a little bit about it and/or supply some resources for further research.

    Oh sure, you can answer sarcastically... but that'll only lose you points...

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is Islam to blame for everything?

    The morons in the Islamophobic hate industry have struck again. Apperantly the VT shootings are Islam's fault because the murderer used the nom de guerre "Ismail Axe". Apparently because the Arabic term for Ishmael "Ismail" was used, this proves he's a muslim. Just disregard the fact that he repeatedly emulated Jesus christ and not Isa, the Islamic Jesus. Just ignore the fact that nearly all Koreans in America are Christians, right?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is everything to blame on Islam?

    The morons in the Islamophobic hate industry have struck again. Apperantly the VT shootings are Islam's fault because the murderer used the nom de guerre "Ismail Axe". Apparently because the Arabic term for Ishmael "Ismail" was used, this proves he's a muslim. Just disregard the fact that he repeatedly emulated Jesus christ and not Isa, the Islamic Jesus. Just ignore the fact that nearly all Koreans in America are Christians, right?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who's to blame?

    Well cons, is Islam or Liberalism to blame for the VT shootings?



    I've heard you guys say either one... Even though the shooter was almost certainly a Christian, and seems more like an anarchist than a liberal or conservative?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • In what way is a suicide bomber a coward?

    Seriously, I keep hearing these people call suicide bombers cowards. But, cowardice usually involves the impulse for self-preservation, and an unwillingness to face an enemy. This is not a question of ethics and suicide bombers, or right and wrong, but what is cowardly about suicide bombing?

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do people think that htiler's national socialism has anything to do with real socialism?

    Seriously, what was liberal/socialist about hitler's philosophy? He supported the blending of church and state (, he supported the severance of government funds to health and mental patients, he supported militarism, he supported a government with no checks or balances, he was strongly opposed to immigration, he was opposed to welfare.

    What is liberal or socialist about these qualities?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Could Norse Berserkergang and phillipine theory of war be related?

    In the Phillipine-American war, US marines ran into a style of warrior who could put themselves into a state where they would feel no pain, and only stop fighting when their wounds caused them to keel over dead, not yield to their pain. Many of these raids would consist of Filipinos with machetes charging at American squads, being shot up but taking several marines with them because of their ability to continue ignore pain (leading eventually to the general issue status of the Colt .45 in the American army).

    Go back a millennium and you'll see Norse warriors who fought with animal like ferocity. Not heeding defense, not heeding wounds, not heeding burns or the freezing cold on their often naked or half naked bodies. What my question is, could these two styles of fighting be related and if so, are they caused by the same thing?

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • But Seriously, about France?

    I hear from a lot of people that France owes us for something that happened 62 years ago. Ignoring the fact that the British contributed a huge amount to operation overlord, do we owe France for saving our butts in the revolution through supplying us with the majority of our munitions, as well as troops, ships and other help that America would've note existed without?

    If France owes us for 1944, do we owe France for 1776?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago