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Hi I'm Jenny. add me to facebook~Jenny-Lee Hickey~ I have a twin sister I'm the special one ( I was the 2nd one out and I was born dead cord around my neck 3 times and I was blue and not breathing I'm not even suppose to be here today- I had many heart surgeries and I'm here today). I'm a mother of 11 little angels all up in heaven ttc again after resent M/C 11 angels in heaven:An Angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. And whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth 14 times" R.I.P my 14 angels with wings xxx Aug 1997 June 1998 Nov 2000 Aug 2001 July 2002 1 Oct 2008 15 Dec 2008 17 May 2009 11 Aug 2009. 28 March 2010 13 June 2010 19 Sept 2010 13 May 2012 25 Oct 2012 In 2004 I found out I have endometriosis stage 4, I also have a thyroid problem & I'm diabetic .word of advice-Dont believe everything you pee on-Sometimes good things fall ap

  • I heard that twins have the same blood type is this true?

    My twin sister Tanya has -o blood and me well I don`t know at all. some where I heard that twins have the same blood type is this true?

    We are identical twins.

    Thanks a bunch Jenny oxox

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • why am I always hungry and thirsty?

    It`s crazy how I can eat and eat and not seem full this is crazy seriously though.

    At first I thought it was my period starting so I kinda left it at that then I took a pregnancy and that was negative, so my period started when it was suppose too and now its done and I am still hungry and thirsty, go to bed at night so hungry I have hunger pains I wake up in the morning and Im so hungry I gotta eat right away.

    I read on google it could be worms. ewww.

    so why am I always hungry and thirsty? Could I still be pregnant?

    Thanks Jenny

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • wtf is up with my pregnancy tests?

    This morning I took a pregnancy test first morning urine the whole bit, and BFN. Period was due today thought it was friday but it ain`t. so anyways this after noon I had a ovulation test left over so I took it at 5:30 pm about peed in my little cup but didn't pee much and I get a BFP wtf is up with that?

    I have a tone of signs and symptoms I was cramping yesterday thinking that my period was going to start this morning wake up nothing.

    Im super hungry, crabby, peeing a lot thirsty & my sens of smell is wow, I can smell my rat crap and cat crap from across the house and Im in the kitchen and there in the bedroom I smell everything its weird....extra extra wet down there always thinking that its red blood leaking when its white cm.

    last week I had a vivid dream that I was pregnant and I gave birth and it was a boy and we named him and everything it felt so real it woke me up and I was searching for him, scared me sh!tless.

    I also have pics- so what do you guys think?

    why in the world would my pregnancy test be negative but my ovulation test be positive? I don`t get it

    clear as day-

    what do you guys think is going on? period is due today on a 24 day cycle-we are ttc thank you

    Thanks a bunch, Jenny xoxox

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why am I always hungry?

    Its been about a week now I`m always hungry, I ate a big healthy meal last night and 25 minutes later I was hungry again gotta pee more often then usual I go pee then 10 minutes later gotta go again and I have 5 times more pimples

    Usually when I`m due for my period I get a few pimples but nothing like this

    and my mood swings are threw the roof even my fiance saw a big difference.

    I get mad over the stupidest things like the computer being slow I b!tch at that and even my cat`s playing with there toys,

    he he I`m bad.

    My period is due the 11th ( Friday )

    Could all this be my period coming??? No cramps though

    we are ttc I`m 27 fiance`s 28

    Thanks a bunch Jenny xooxx

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Why am I always hungry?

    Its been about a week now I`m always hungry, I ate a big healthy meal last night and 25 minutes later I was hungry again gotta pee more often then usual I go pee then 10 minutes later gotta go again and I have 5 times more pimples

    Usually when I`m due for my period I get a few pimples but nothing like this

    and my mood swings are threw the roof even my fiance saw a big difference.

    I get mad over the stupidest things like the computer being slow I b!tch at that and even my cat`s playing with there toys,

    he he I`m bad.

    My period is due the 11th ( Friday )

    Could all this be my period coming??? No cramps though

    we are ttc I`m 27 fiance`s 28

    Thanks a bunch Jenny xooxx

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Women's intuition or my body is telling me something?

    For the past week or so I have had these weird vivid dreams about being pregnant and giving birth and in one dream I saw my baby boys face and he had a name and blond hair and baby blue eyes like daddy and it was so real I woke up and was searching for my baby. scared me sh!tless

    Has anyone have weird dreams about being pregnant and end up pregnant?

    My twin sister is selling all her baby stuff and so is her best friend and I have the weirdest urge to buy it all and I am not even pregnant could this be my intuition or is my body telling me something I don't know yet?

    This hasn't happened to me this is the first time that I just wanna buy everything-

    Has anyone just had the intuition that they were pregnant b4 testing positive?

    I would just really like to hear your stories and all or someone who had something similar to me.

    we are ttc I`m 27 fiance is 28

    Thanks. Jenny xoxox

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Women's intuition or my body is telling me something?

    For the past week or so I have had these weird vivid dreams about being pregnant and giving birth and in one dream I saw my baby boys face and he had a name and blond hair and baby blue eyes like daddy and it was so real I woke up and was searching for my baby. scared me sh!tless

    Has anyone have weird dreams about being pregnant and end up pregnant?

    My twin sister is selling all her baby stuff and so is her best friend and I have the weirdest urge to buy it all and I am not even pregnant could this be my intuition or is my body telling me something I don't know yet?

    This hasn't happened to me this is the first time that I just wanna buy everything-

    Has anyone just had the intuition that they were pregnant b4 testing positive?

    I would just really like to hear your stories and all or someone who had something similar to me.

    we are ttc I`m 27 fiance is 28

    Thanks. Jenny xoxox

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • are these positive opk`s?

    I took them over the course of 4 days when I assumed I was ovulating.

    But when I do ovulate I can feel it and I`m Extra went down there but I was only a little bit and didn`t feel much as cramps or anything. So are these positive or not?

    First one I did--

    the rest I have done--


    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I heard that an ovulation test can be used as a pregnancy test?

    is this true?

    I heard it on here and some one else already told me that.

    Just wanted to know if it is true?

    Last week I bought like 8 ovulation tests at the dollar store and I used one the other day and it had a light pink line in the result window but on the box it said it has to be the same color as the other line, but Im actually ovulating like the 28th 30th.

    So whats up with that? some one told me that the ovulation tests didn't work for them. ARG this is so screwed up.

    Hope some one can help me out, thanks a lot and take care

    Jenny oxoxox

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever bought the ovulation tests at the dollar store?

    & do they work?

    I bought 6 of them for a dollar 25 today with 2 pregnancy tests as well.

    So my question is has anyone ever bought them and where successful in timing ovulation and getting pregnant?

    We are TTC and I really want to get pregnant in June.

    thanks in advance tootles and take care.

    Jenny xoxox

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with me?-major head ache + blurred vision & feel sick?

    All of a sudden I get up from putting the BBQ together and sit down on the couch and have a major head ache and blurred vision and feel sick to my stomach and hot all over. I honestly felt really weird and super tired just like that & I had spots in my vision like I couldn't see anything.

    It scared me I wanted to call an ambulance.

    I turned off the t.v. the lights, laptop and went to lay down but then I felt super cold just like that and still felt sick and major head ache but I was never sick thank god so I slept for 4 hours head aches still there but not as bad and I feel hot again.

    a friend on facebook said it could be my blood pressure and to drink water and another friend thinks I could be pregnant.

    So my question is what do you guys think it could be????

    Thanks a bunch Jenny xoxox

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • why does are belly buttons stick?

    Like it reeks?...nasty dirty smells like a$s.

    I know this may sound gross and I ain't dirty by all means.

    Im a really clean person I wash twice a day morning and night. when I was a teenager I also noticed it as well but it went away on its own.

    Anyone have any ideal why it smells, stinks??

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Do you think this is another m/c?

    for 2 weeks straight I had a whole bunch of pregnancy symptoms and started to bleeding very lightly thursday my period was due friday.

    Today (sunday) I was in the shower shaving and then I stood Straight up and something big, blue and grey came right out of me followed by very heavy cramping. I got out of the shower and wiped non stop and there was fire engine red blood still cramping and blood clots and what not 4-5 hours later, do you think I was pregnant and miscarried once again?

    To me I honestly thought I was pregnant but never tested cos of the blood I saw on Thursday.

    I have had miscarriages before and some even early like this.

    I called my dr. awhile back and told her what had happened and she told me since my bleeding has slowed down some then I shouldn't go in and stay home and relax.

    This week I'm going in for testing to see why I keep on miscarrying. :(

    Just would like to know what you guys think.

    Thanks a bunch-

    Jenny oxoxox

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Does any of my contacts have facebook?

    I would really like for some of my contacts mainly in ttc section and pregnancy section to accept a friend request from me, cos I would like to talk with people who are in my situation it would be nice...Im bored I need friends...ha ha Check my Profile on yahoo answers all my info is there and thanks!

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever used pre-seed before?

    My twin sister just gave me pre-seed to try I will be ovulating this week so for sure we are going to give it a go.

    I was just wondering if anyone has any success stories while using it.

    My twin sister posted this on my profile on the ttc section but still didn't get no answers so that's why I have posted it here. thanks for your comments.


    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Any of you ever used pre-seed before and got a BFP..?

    and for those who don't like it i would like to hear your comments or stories thanks

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • who here has tried baby aspirin to get pregnant?

    & has it worked for you?

    we are really trying to get pregnant and since I have a progesterone deficiency and my insurance does not cover my progesterone pills well I cant take them cos its like 189 bucks a month til Im 12 weeks pregnant. and that is way 2 much for me to pay so I heard about baby aspirin and I was wondering if it works and pretty much just like to hear anybodies story who tried it and if it worked.


    Jenny xoxo

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What could this be? period was a week early?

    OK here it go's I will try and make it short and sweet...he-he.

    I have a 26 day cycle I was suppose to start my period the 27th of Oct but I started a week earlier wtf?

    I started last friday ending on sunday...Monday night felt sick head ache the whole bit...Now Thursday night at work I almost fainted I was dizzy and seeing spots.

    I was sick last night in the bathroom at work..I feel nauseous all day I still have Monday's head ache argg! I know you guys cant tell me if I am pregnant or not duh! I've been here b4 9 miscarriages...In August I had a m/c I was 9 weeks and I had a period anyways for those 2 months and same symptoms.

    Tomorrow morning I am taking a dollar test still have one handy.

    So what do you guys think?

    And usually when I have my period its super heavy and major cramps absolutely nothing like that when I had the early period...just light stuff.

    I would just really like to hear some of your stories and if anyone ever had a period and found out if they were pregnant?!

    Thanks a bunch


    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I really want to get pregnant but fiance changed his mind, he doesn't want kids anymore?

    All of a sudden my fiance changes his mind and tells me he doesn't want kids anymore, but yet he wont wear rubbers when we do have sex...very confusing really.

    The people who know me know my story I just had my 4th miscarriage with my fiance Marco and its like he doesn't care when I told him I had miscarried again he didn't even look at me or say anything...I find out this past week-end he started talking to a female friend of his on his msn which caused me so much pain and I honestly didn't know what to do and I cried and thought of breaking up with him, I honestly think that's what caused the miscarriage I was 8 weeks and 6 days pregnant.

    We finally got our stuff all back on track, the reason he wanted to break up is cos I wasn't pleasing him sexually and he wanted me to give head more often and be more romantic but yet he isn't...whatever go figure...I told him sorry if I just miscarried again and I wasn't in the mood to be at your peck and call.

    He tells me he doesn't want me getting pregnant and I really love him and all but he has just hurt me way 2 much and I really want to get pregnant weather he likes it or not, so ladies do you think its mean and stupid on my part to stay with a guy who doesn't want babies?...or I can just get pregnant and say f*ck you and raise the baby on my own cos I know I can do it.

    please say your honest opinions ladies but don't be rude. and what should I do?

    Thanks a bunch.


    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why cant I see when my contacts ask a question anymore?

    B4 I use to be able to see when my contacts on yahoo answers would ask a question , now all of a sudden it wont send me an e-mail saying one of my contacts asked me a question, do you know the answer? is up and how do I change it to like it was b4?

    I haven't played with anything for it to change all of a sudden I went on my profile and the question is still ticked off for my contacts to e-mail me when they have a new question to ask...I find this weird.

    Does anybody know what Im talking about?..LOL

    Thanks a bunch.


    3 AnswersPreferences and Settings1 decade ago