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Lexi's mommy had twins!

Favorite Answers10%

My name is Bethany. I'm 22 years old and I've been married for a little over 4 years. We had our first child on March 29, 2009 and just had twin daughters April 1, 2011. We are sooo very lucky! If anyone wants to chat IM at

  • Recomend any Photography books?

    I'm interested in learning about portrait/studio photography and was wondering if anyone could recommend and books to me that teach a lot about it?? Thank you!

    4 AnswersPhotography10 years ago
  • Photo editing software?

    I'm looking into becoming a photographer and would like to get some photo editing software.. Can any of you photographers recommend one to me? I'd prefer to get something not SUPER pricey. Thanks!

    7 AnswersPhotography10 years ago
  • Anyone recommend a photography school?

    I'm looking to attend photography school online. Can anyone recommend a school? I've looked into The Art Institute Online Division but it's around $20,000. I have also found for $1000 but I'm guessing they aren't as good. I want a good education without having to spend a fortune. For you photographers out there where did you go? Thank you!

    4 AnswersPhotography10 years ago
  • sign labor is approaching?

    So I'm almost 33 weeks with twins. Hormonally and emotionally I've been fine this pregnancy except for a couple of weeks around the time I found out it was twins. Well over the past day and a half ish I've been feeling really emotional. I just feel like I'm going to break down and cry for no reason. Could this be a sign labor is nearing? I know when I went into labor with my daughter I was totally fine and then the morning I went into labor and my water broke I just broke down crying. I felt my hormones were totally out of whack and i feel the same kinda way today.. Is being unusually emotional a sign labor could be near? Thanks

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • change in bowel movement at 32 weeks w/ twins?

    I'm going to be 33 weeks in two days and I'm having twins. This whole pregnancy I've been constipated and have always had to take a stool softener. Well over the past like 4 days I've been going multiple times a day and they're mostly lose or diarrhea. Is this normal at this gestation? I see my dr tomorrow so I'm going to bring it up. Also, the other day I was going to the restroom and thought I had to go #2 but just let gas out instead. Well when I wiped there was a ton of clear mucus with little red looking veins in it. It wasn't a glob or anything but more like regular discharge. What do you all think?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Best potty training books?

    What book would you recommend for potty training? My daughter is almost 21 months old and I'm looking for a book to help lol. Thanks!

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Adoption reference letter?

    We have friends that have been trying to have a baby for over 7 years and a few days ago they informed us that they've decided to go ahead with adoption instead and asked us if we'd write an adoption reference letter for them. I'm a horrible writer and I know they'd be great parents and any child they raised would be lucky but I find it hard to put it into words. I want it to be perfect for them. Anyone have any advice on what to write in the letter? Thanks!

    6 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Moms with twins! When did you pop?

    Like when did you realize you were huge? I'm showing but everyone tells me for having twins I'm really tiny so I'm wondering when everyone popped! Thanks!

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Twin clothing question?

    Okay so I'm expecting twin girls. I was trying to browse the web for coming home outfits. Should I buy preemie or newborn? I know they usually come early but I don't know how that usually works. Any advice?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Question for those with twins?

    How did you react when you found out it was twins? How far along were you? How was your pregnancy? How far along were you when you delivered? Did you have a vaginal or c-section birth? Do you have any advice for someone expecting twins?

    I just found out yesterday that I'm expecting twins at my 18 week ultrasound! Thanks ladies!

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How far along do I look?

    I'll tell you that I'm expecting twins and this is my 2nd pregnancy!

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Twins and placenta previa?

    Okay so I'll be 18 weeks tomorrow and found out today that I'm expecting twins! I also found out that I have placenta previa. The u/s tech said that it will most likely correct itself. Has anyone else gone through this? How has it turned out for you? Anyone who has twins have any advice for me or anything that I should make sure I should buy? I'm in such shock and freaking out lol. Thanks!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Would this be considered kidnapping?

    I have a friend who lives in Arizona. She is married and has a child with her husband. Well she's not happy and wants to move back east where her family is but his parents keep telling her if she takes the child out of state they'll call the police and get her for kidnapping. Her husband I don't think will really care but his parents have a lot of control over him. How does that work? Could she move without being charged with kidnapping?

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What could this have been?

    Okay so I am 14 weeks exactly today. Last night I was sitting on the couch and went to reposition myself and right as I was moving I felt like a jab or a poke like feeling from inside my tummy. It was like an inch below and over from my belly button. Could this have been the baby? It seems WAY too early but what else could it have been? I've never felt anything like it before. I never felt my daughter until I was feeling actual kicks so I don't know what it feels like before that. Thanks!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Maternity pants question! need help!?

    I'm a smaller girl. I have really skinny legs and short legs. It's really hard for me to find maternity pants. Does anyone know where I can find some cute maternity pants that don't have HUGE thighs and that aren't super long that are not really expensive? Thanks

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 17 month old fell? What should I look out for?

    My 17 month old was walking and tripped and hit her head on our entertainment center side. She cried for about 5 mins but then stopped. She does have a bump and bruise where she hit her head. This happened about 15 mins ago and it's almost her bedtime. Should I try to keep her awake for a while or what should I do? Would I know if something was wrong by now? She is acting normal and her pupils look like they normally do. Should I be worried?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • what is some good nonscented lotion?

    That isn't too expensive and that you can get at walmart? Also, it has to work really well for dry itchy skin. thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Almost 5 weeks pregnant and itchy?

    A few days after I got my positive hpt I started itching on my belly and breasts. Well now I'm itchy on my arms, legs, neck, back, belly, boobs, and head. It's not extreme itching where that's all I'm doing but it's more then normal. What's wrong? Is this normal?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago