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I enjoy constructive debates. First and foremost, I respect your beliefs, respect mine in return. I like to hear everyone's point of view. That is how I learn and grow. What you have to say may prompt me to learn something new. But if you're going to debate me, do your research, because I've done mine.

  • Trail of Tears?

    Is there any information on the people who were suppose to go to Oklahoma? My 2nd great-grandfather changed his name and hid to avoid going. From what I understand, he was already ordered to go when he decided to hide, but I could be wrong. So I was wondering if they made a list of the people who were suppose to go and if so, where could I find that? I have a good idea what his Indian name was because he named one of his sons what his name translated to, so I'd like to see if his name is on the list, if there is one.

    4 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • What is murder?

    Why is it that a woman who delievers a child and then throws it away is guilty of murder, but a doctor can perform late term abortions, where by the baby is delievered full term and then acid poured down the child's throat? These babies are viable, breathing, living, heart beating infants who aren't wanted by their mother. What makes the two any different? Partial birth abortion is bad enough, but this is disgusting. How can a doctor hold a child in his arms and pour acid down their throat? What happened to saving all. This isn't a doctor, this is a monster.

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Immune to antibiotics?

    I was just reading today about a man with a strain of TB that is highly resistant to the drugs that cure TB. When I was done with that article, there were several others about different diseases that are resistant to drugs, diseases that could be cured without any problems before. Is this happening because people tend to go to the doctor for antibiotics for every cough, sniffle, sneeze, they get? I worry about these things because I tend to try to treat everything holistically first. That usually works for me, but my daughter-in-law has her kids one antibiotics constantly and it’s always for something as simple as a cold. Is there anyone in the medical field who could explain why we’re getting all these drug resistant diseases lately?

    8 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is it just me....?

    or are others just as bored with the R&S forum? I've been checking for something fresh for the last 3 days and nothing! It's the same old hatred spewed garbage day after day. I came to this board to learn something, which I have.... a little, but not much. What I see more of is religions bashing each other, no body bending on anything, people who think they have all the answers and everyone who is different is wrong. Very immature. No one knows the truth. You're going to have to wait till you die to find that out.

    And what's with the atheists here? Granted, God has given you the free will to think and believe as you wish, but why do you have the need to harass others who believe in a higher power? What do you care what others think. You're suppose to be the scientific minds, more advanced in your thinking. I think you're a bunch of immature adolecents pretending to be atheists because it's the cool thing to be.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheist funding Catholic School?

    What are your thoughts of the story in the news today of a millionare atheist giving large sums of money to the Catholic schools in New York because the public schools are so horrendous? Personally, I don't care if you're atheist or not, you have a right to believe as you wish. But the Catholic Schools? Aren't there private, non-prochial schools in New York? Does something seem really odd about this?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is this what God wants???

    Whatever you call your God, does he want you spewing hatred at anyone who is different? The majority of the posts on this forum have been hatred, from all sides. Hasn't God given you free choice to believe as you do? What right does anyone have to take away that free will away? God doesn't even do that. Hatred is based on fear. Instead of condemning others, why not try to learn of their beliefs? Doesn't mean you have to change, but at least you see where others are coming from.

    And Atheist, I know many atheist and agnostics and never once has one criticized me for my beliefs. They don't care how I believe, even if something about my spirituality comes up. They don't call me names. They respect my beliefs as I do theirs. The God I believe in is based on love and respect of others as evidenced by the Golden Rule. Does God really want you to hate those who are different than you?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Genealogy Software?

    My computer crashed and I lost all the information I had. No, I didn't think to back it up <sigh> Fortunately, I had written a family book for my mother's side and most of the information on my father, I got from the same person. So I have the information, but since I have to start all over with entering the information, I was wondering if I should go with a different software program.

    What is your favorite family tree software and why?

    10 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • For those who give Thumbs Down?

    Why do people give thumbs down when you state known facts? I can understand giving a thumbs down because you don't agree with someone's opinion, but how can you thumbs down fact??? Is it a way of burying your head in the sand?

    21 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • Dreaming of dreaming?

    I'm usually pretty good at interpreting my dreams, but last night was really weird. I kept dreaming I was dreaming. I remember the dreams, but I saw them as if I was watching myself dream them. This happened all night long. I actually slept through my alarm because I was dreaming I slept through my alarm. This has never happened to me before. What does it mean?

    8 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • No sound from my speakers?

    I have a 5 speaker surround sound on my computer. They worked find and then all of a sudden they stopped played SOME sounds. I hear all the window alerts, but I can't play a CD or hear sounds from the internet.

    Any ideas what I need to do?

    6 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • Finding an Indian Tribe in Ohio?

    My grandfather was from the Columbus, Ohio area. My grandmother was Native American/Swedish. Her father came from Sweden and that's all I know about my grandmother's parents (other than her father's name). I checked the census and it appears her mother died in-between census. One census my great-grandfather was a single man and the next he was a widow.

    My father's family has all passed on, so I have no one to ask questions. I'd like to find who my great-grandmother was and what tribe she was from. Since I can't find a birth certificate anywhere for my grandmother, I was told the tribe may have all that information. I'm assuming my grandmother was from the area my grandfather was from. Can someone tell me what tribes are in the Columbus area, that were still active in the 1920's

    7 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts on God?

    I started thinking about God when I was very young and now I'm interested in other people's opinions. I've heard God referred to as male, female, energy, love, light, etc. In the beginning, God was thought to be female because females grow life within their wombs. Then male dominance took over, so God was considered male. I refer to God as him, mainly because it's easiest, even though I don't feel God is male or female.

    What's your thoughts and why?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago