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  • Attachment image

    MS Word: how do I make a table like this?

    Tomorrow's lab report has to be in THIS EXACT FORMAT else my lab instructor will murder me. Unfortunately, I don't actually know how to make my data look like this. What's going on here?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design2 years ago
  • How to NOT pop a blister?

    I burned my thumb on an iron two days ago (made a blind reach and grabbed what I thought was the handle) and now I've got an oval shaped blister on my thumb (about one centimeter at the longest part). I ran it under cold water right after I burned it and then let it sit in ice water for the rest of the night. Yeah yeah ice might damage tissue and cool water is better because you can stand it, but cool water felt too warm and I never actually touched the ice; just let it float around. It felt better the next morning.

    REAL QUESTION: How can I stop myself from popping this dumb little blister? I want to let it heal and pop on its own but I keep running my fingers over it and it feels so weird and it's very tempting and SO EASY to pop. Most of the time I'm reasonable and won't pop it, but I'm afraid my will is going to break. Do any of you have any ideas or tricks? I know it seems like a bit of a dumb question but this thing is so distracting.

    2 AnswersFirst Aid5 years ago
  • In England: who is allowed to grant pardons?

    Ah, the strange things a writer researches...

    In a story I'm writing, my cruel and influential English protagonist is framed for murder (and several other things). After her trial, where she is pronounced guilty, she escapes and flees to America. That's where most of the story takes place. I cannot, of course, end the story with this girl still hiding from the authorities, I don't want to end the story with the real murderer behind bars, and I don't want the story to end with her lifetime sentence in jail. I planned to have her prove herself to have changed for the better several times, so that when she finally turns herself in, she is pardoned.

    I know about American government, but I know practically nothing about English government, so here is my question: Who, in England, would have the authority to pardon someone? Would she have to go all the way to the Queen herself? Could she even be legally pardoned if she'd been convicted of murder?

    If there's anything else that would be useful to know, I'd appreciate that too.

    Thank you so much!! :)

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Trying to juggle, failing horribly. Tips?

    I started trying to learn to juggle nearly a year ago and watched like every tutorial there was online and then after a month of solid commitment I gave up because I still couldn't juggle. I've picked it up off and on since then, with always the same results - an average of 13 catches in a row (sometimes I get 20, sometimes 6, you know.) About a week ago I decided to try again, and I've been giving it about an hour a night for four nights so far, and I see ABSOLUTELY NO PROGRESS WHATSOEVER. I can juggle as well as I could in July. I'm really discouraged, I want to learn to juggle.

    Any advice?

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts6 years ago
  • What color is my hair?

    So, I was just wondering if anyone knew what color I could call my hair. Most people call my hair dirty blonde, but I know it's not really. It's a lot darker than what's referred to as dirty blonde, but it's not exactly brown yet. It's mostly a really light brownish. I know I'm not the only one with this hair color, half the people I know have a brownish color hair that's not brown enough to call brown but not blonde enough to call blonde. To tell the truth, it's the color of baby poop.

    Anyway, I would like something to compare it to other than baby poop and dead leaves, because those are about the only things I can think of that are the same color as my hair. I occasionally refer to it as a bronze color, since some bronze medals/shields/breastplates are a dark gold color, but most people associate bronze with a rather coppery color, and my hair can't be described as "coppery" at all. Any ideas anyone? I don't have a picture, but I think I described the color moderately well.

    3 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • How do I tell if he likes me?

    This isn't exactly the normal "How do I tell if he likes me" question. So, I met this guy about 1 month ago at a nature camp, and I fell for him. Hard. Like, heart-racing, palm-sweating, always-stuttering hard. The rather nice thing is, his older sister is best friends with my best friend's older sister, so I get to see him a bit. And also, my younger brothers really caught on with him, I think he's their role model now.

    But anyway, I really want to know if he likes me back. I've read all the books, I know all the signs, and I took all the online quizzes, but they all came out the same. 50/50. I know that if he really did like me, he wouldn't show it. He's just not that kind of guy. And it wasn't exactly the perfect situation. So, he could be completely calm on the outside, and completely butterflies on the inside. Like me. And he would work hard not to show it. So, if you could give me tips on finding out myself, or if you could give me your own evaluation, I would really really really appreciate it, even if you give a not so satisfying answer. Here are a few pieces of information that might be valuable.

    1. He started the first conversation. Or, rather, got it going. Someone else brought up a topic, he gave his opinions, I gave mine, then he asked me a few questions regarding my opinions. And my little brothers answered. So... he could be talking to me because he wants to get to know me better, or because he's talkative and I'm an interesting person to talk to. Because I was eager to talk. But which one? I know if it was the first situation, he would disguise it as the second. Like when I asked his last name trying to figure out if he was my neighbor's older brother (whom I haven't met) but pretended like I was trying to figure out if I'd met him before.

    2. He laughs at my jokes. Well, they aren't exactly jokes. But when I told him about my fish, and how we named them, he laughed. But he was supposed to, it was a funny story. Everybody laughs when I tell that story.

    3. He compliments me. Well, sort of. I showed off by throwing grapes up in the air and catching them with my mouth, and he said I was really good at it, much better than the younger boys who were trying and failing to do the same. And then he said that if he tried it, he would fail miserably, and make a fool of himself. And that really is basically the only thing that I'm good at that he's not better at. And I'm good at quite a lot of things.

    4. He held eye contact. Whenever we were talking (which was often) he would look me straight in the eyes. He payed attention to me and held my gaze. And I did the same. I know that when I looked him in the eyes, I could very easily have gotten lost in them, since they're so brown and chocolaty, and, well, gorgeous. But was it the same for my eyes with him? Or was he just being polite and listening? Because it really really felt like magic when we had two minutes of unwavering eye contact during our conversations.

    So, I'm really not sure what to make of it. I mean, BOTH of our younger siblings were at the camp at the same time, so if we ever even wanted to hint that we liked each other, we had to disguise it thoroughly, because our younger siblings aren't dumb. But then, we would be disguising it from each other. I know for certain that there were tons of disguised hints from me, like showing off, or telling jokes, but those actions were perfectly appropriate, considering the situations. I wouldn't have shown off with grapes if the little boy hadn't offered me some. And my crush did have perfectly normal reasons for reacting the way he did when confronted with the circumstances.

    But, I have no way of telling if he actually does like me or if he just views me as a really good friend. Because he treated me like a really good friend. Most boys treat me like a girl. Which I am, of course. But he never excluded me from conversations, or assumed I didn't know about a certain topic just because I was a girl.

    If you, like me, are unable to tell, then I completely understand. It is rather complicated. But if you could give me even a fragment of advice, I would really appreciate it. Because although we'll probably be seeing each other again sometime, we're probably never going to spend as much time with each other as we did during that camp. And we're both going to be too old for camp next year.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is the 39 clues series OK for little kids?

    Me and my two oldest younger brothers love both the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and the Kane Chronicles series. The 39 clues was recommended to us, and since we like Rick Riordan (we know the books are by different authors) we decided to try it out. The problem was, all three copies of the Maze of Bones were checked out at the library.

    We decided to get the tape, and now we're wondering, should we let our younger brothers listen to it too? They are 8 (almost 9) and 6 (almost 7).

    I know you might be thinking "No, save it for when they're older," but consider that these are boys basically raised by their older brothers, who teach them everything they're not supposed to know and let them get involved in all their games (Video games and yard games). Could they handle it? Is it too dark?

    Oh, and you can if you must, but please try not to spoil the story too much for me. I mean, if there's big kissing parts, or bad situations, I don't mind knowing what's going to happen then, but I just wanted to remind you, I haven't read it yet!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • How do you clear a toddler's stopped up nose?

    My poor little brother who is only 1 has a stopped up nose and cannot sleep. I assume you all know what 1 year old toddlers do when they can't sleep. Here's a hint for those who don't: I usually don't stay up until 11.

    The only helpful things I found on google depend on the person's ability to communicate and or figure out what we want him to do.

    So if I'm lucky, someone who either knows how to clear a toddlers stuffy nose or knows how to google it will be able to lend me advice. Of course, I suppose it is too late at night to solve the problem now, but I have a feeling that he isn't going to be cleared up by tomorrow night.

    6 AnswersAllergies8 years ago
  • I don't know if I like him or not, could someone tell me please?

    OK, so there's this boy in science class with me. I'm the third smartest in class and he and another boy are tied for first. He's really sarcastic and knows every answer to every question, he always sits on the table, he laughs whenever the teacher gets it wrong and whenever someone makes an obvious mistake, but it's not like a mean laugh. He's almost the exact opposite of me, except that we are both good at chemistry.

    Well, this one time I was having trouble getting a spoonful of salt into my test tube and he offered to help. I blushed and stammered and I started imagining up crazy reasons for why he was offering me his assist. I don't react like this when most boys offer to help me, so I don't know why I was like this this one time. It wasn't like he was going out of his way to help me either, it would have almost been rude not to help.

    Whenever he looks at me (which is, basically, whenever I'm answering a question) I get really shy and can't get the words out of my mouth and I start to wonder if he's looking at me because he likes me, BUT I KNOW IT'S BECAUSE I'M TALKING.

    I don't want to know if he likes me, only if I like him.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is anyone else staying up all night?

    I'm staying up all night to watch the results of the election. Is anyone else?

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • I never had a bf, yet I get 'best answer' every time?

    I like to play a sort of game with Yahoo Answers. I go to the answer button, look at the most recent questions, then see how many I can answer. I have never had a boyfriend, but the only two times I have had a "your answer has been chosen as the best answer" was on the topic "singles and dating."

    The funny thing is, those were the only questions in that category that I answered.

    Can anyone explain why this might be, because I can't figure it out; I just think it's hilarious.

    Oh and by the way, I do try to answer as accurately and truthfully as I can, and I rarely ever try to answer a question of which I know absolutely nothing about.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Polyjuice potion in pottermore?

    I am not a Slytherin student on pottermore, so I can't access their common room without polyjuice potion. I have tried to brew the swelling solution to get into Snapes office. I have made it TWICE and I still can't manage to get past "try brewing swelling solution, then you might want to revisit snapes potion lesson." Can someone please tell me how to get the slytherin hair?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago