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  • What's happening when your brain flatlines? (and how?)?

    I'm having no luck finding an answer to this question.

    Is it normal to flatline every once and a while? Like during super-leisurely activities (eg TV)? If so, how long (seconds/minutes) is a "flatline"? ....or is that nowhere near a flatline at all?

    More detailed/optional questions: How close can you get to no brain activity without being dead? How long can this "flatline" last without lasting damage? etc etc

    ..........It's a ton of questions, I know, but the main one is WHAT DOES A FLATLINE EVEN MEAN? I believe that would answer 90% of the questions I have right now..

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • How fast does meningitis take to go away?

    I'm 80% sure I have (viral) meningitis. I'm at college where sickness is rampant right now, and half through the day yesterday, i got a very bad headache and my throat started feeling sore. At night, I had a fever and chills and only got 2 hrs of sleep, and by the morning my neck felt really stiff (i thought it was because I was tossing back and forth, but it matches my other symptoms so my guess is meningitis), and my throat worse than before

    Anyway, I'm still not feeling great 1 day later, but I'm pretty sure the fever is gone. I still have a slight headache, and my neck and throat are still sore but I don't feel as bad. Am I just recovering quickly? or is it normal for symptoms to come and go?

    I'm wondering how long it will take to recover because I have two midterms coming up this week.... and i really need to feel more focused because now it's kinda difficult to concentrate

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • Is it impolite to visit a friend at work?

    The entire summer went by and I wasn't able to see one of my friends even ONCE! There was always a conflict in our schedules. This is the last week she's home but she is busy with work and packing up to go back to college. She works at an outfitters store and I was wondering if I should just drop in, and at least say goodbye to her then. Just like a quick conversation. Is that impolite/uncalled for? IDK worst case scenario I just see her next summer or maybe christmas break....

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Grammar help? I can't make this sound un-awkward?

    It's especially the first sentence

    the first paragraphs of chp. 1 of my story so I'd really like it to sound less awkward...(something about "on"...should it be "upon"? But that sounds too formal). But really anywhere that sounds strange, I'd appreciate some feedback. thanks :)

    Half through the door, one foot on the porch and one still on the carpet inside, Tyler was stopped by a firm grip on his shoulder. Melanie. He looked up, over his shoulder to catch her face, and in the dull gray light of the overhead lantern, she stared back down at him with tight-pressed lips.

    She wore an even coat of makeup, more colorful than usual for the occasion, and had curled her hair into uniform loops that bobbed at her shoulders like crescent moons. It took a steady hand, but she was not steady herself. Usually she was good at pretending, but right now even Tyler could see her jaw was clenched a little too tight, and her shoulders held a little too stiff above the sleeveless silver gown that swept at her ankles.

    “Look, Tyler. This will be fun,” she said. Her lips pinched into a smile, half to reassure Tyler and half to reassure herself, probably. “Be sure to find Mrs. Genna and thank her for the invitation. It wasn’t easy for her to do this, and it was very kind of her. But other than that be careful of the things you talk about.”

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Help with LIMITS math problem?

    I'm blanking right's the problem: Find two functions f and g, such that lim(x->1) (f(x)+g(x)) exists, but neither lim(x->1) f(x) nor lim(x->1) g(x) exists.

    I wrote down f(x)= 5/(x-1) and g(x)=-5/(x-1), because someone in my group said that was the answer, but that doesn't make sense. Wouldn't that make g(x)+f(x)=0/0? And that's undefined...

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • Train vs. Chain link gate?

    This is for a story I'm writing. Of course the train is going to win, but how would the fence react in the collision? For the gate, I'm talking something like this: - perpendicular to the rail road tracks. It pivots on one side and is locked on the other (an underground lock.) If the train is the size of a steam train, and hits it at a decent speed (somewhere between 20-30 mph) is the gate going to pivot? Will break completely off? Will it fall to the side or hinder the train? IDK any help would be great :)

    3 AnswersRail8 years ago
  • Where can I start publishing (small-scale?)?

    I'm writing a book right now (sort of), but I know it's nearly impossible to get published unless I have some real experience. Probably the best thing to do is start small and work my way short stories, poems in small lit magazines, in contests, etc, just so I can put my name out there (even if it's just a little bit.)

    I've never submitted anything for publishing before because I didn't have much confidence in my work, but my English teacher in high school and now in college say I have a lot of potential, and that I should search for places to submit my work. Do you know of some companies/magazines/contests that accept work from teens/adults? (I'm 19 right now.)

    NOTE: I'm not looking to this as a job. I'm majoring in chemical engineering, but I love writing in my spare time. A nice way to get away from numbers and things :) And my biggest goal right now is to get my book published.


    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • what does it mean that "f is undefined at 4?"?

    My professor gave us a practice exam and it goes:

    Sketch a graph that satisfies the conditions: f(1)=2, f(2)=3, and f is undefined at 4. f is discontinuous at 1, lim x -->2 = infinity, and lim x-->4+ = 2

    Is it the x or y value at 4 (and 1) that is undefined? I don't know which one. Thanks.

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • I'm not sexually attracted to anyone.. is that weird?

    I've only had like "friend crushes," I just really like a person, want to hang out and talk with them, but don't ever feel the need to go any farther. I'm 19 and I'm wondering if this is normal?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Food stuck in wisdom teeth holes?

    I got my wisdom teeth pulled a little over a month ago. Three are pretty much healed, but one on the bottom isn't yet, and there's still a pretty deep hole. I had a dry socket, and it's had trouble closing up since. I used to clean it out several times a day with a syringe, but a week ago I arrived in college and forgot to bring it with me. I keep getting food in the hole, and I clean it out a bit with a toothpick, but I can still see some more food deeper down. Is it bad that food gets there and stays there for an extended period of time? or is it worth asking my mom to bring the syringe down to college for me? (2 hour drive) Thanks.

    3 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • what do I do?! I think my friend is angry at me and I don't know why?

    I was really good friends with someone in high school. then we went to college and haven't seen each other for a while. we texted a little bit, and last week she was like "I miss you so much" and like what's up, and suddenly in the middle of the conversation I could tell she became annoyed-- like her texts became kinda snappy and short. I don't think I did anything... just asking about how college was going. then just ended with a conversation ender "idk" (she never talks like that....) Like a week later I texted her again and she still sounds snappy. I know I probably haven't given enough info to ask WHY this is happening, but more like what should I do in a situation like this? wait and text a while later? just never try talking with her anymore, wait for her to start the convo? i'm just so upset because we were such good friends and now it's so confusing, I don't even know what's going on :(

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Getting drunk for the first time-- precautions?

    So I'm planning to get drunk with some friends, mostly just in preparation for college (to see how much I can handle/how I react to it etc) and I'm just wondering if there's anything I should be careful of? Like how much is too much? Or just anything else I should know.

    6 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • What's a good way to end a book in a series?

    How would you end a book that's the first/second/etc in a series? as in, how to end it to make people want to read more?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • is it a good idea to be a room mate with someone you know?

    So, I'm going to a school where you have to choose your roommate. I still haven't yet, and my friend texted me asking if I'd like to be hers. We're not super close friends but we still know each other pretty well. The thing I'm a little worried about is this--I read in a book somewhere that being a roommate with someone you know already can be a pretty bad choice, and that it can sort of stop you from branching out and whatever, (as well as other small things). I'm just wondering what being a roommate is really like? do you spend a lot of time in the dorm rooms? any advice is appreciated

    4 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • why do i pee so much?

    People always complain how much I have to go to the bathroom. it's really inconvenient. it gets especially bad when I'm nervous... I know that's normal to go to the bathroom when nervous, but I go beyond what people say is normal. For example, before a championship race, I went pee 7 times in 45 minutes. And I actually DO go to the bathroom (some people say when your nervous, you FEEL like you have to pee but you actually don't. I actually do have to..haha). It started getting bad around last year...

    I wouldn't be that concerned, because there's no bad side effects to it or anything that I know of. It's just inconvenient. I'm just wondering if it makes me very dehydrated.. because before I run my mouth gets very very dry and I feel extremely dizzy afterwards. I don't want this hindering my running abilities :(

    I don't drink very much, and I only drink water. Or gatorade on occasion. my diet it pretty normal without much sweets. what could possibly be causing this? or do I just have a small bladder :P

    5 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • what to do when someone you don't really know cuts themselves?

    we took track photos today, so we had to wear our jerseys--sleeveless tops. The photographer told us to put our hands behind our backs, and I saw, on the girl's arm in front of me, tons of cuts. I was really taken aback, and I almost asked what happened when I stopped myself, because I've been through this as well (it's on and off for me since freshman year.). I know when people asked me about where cuts come from, it's absolutely terrifying. I don't want to put her on the spot.

    I'm a senior and she's a freshman (hs). We know each other but we're not really friends.... is there anything I should do? or should I just let this sort out on its own?


    4 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • are beans and rice an OK diet for intense exercise?

    Lately I've gotten hooked to this place called Cafe Yumm. For anyone who doesn't know, it's basically beans, rice, and some other toppings (some cheese, tomato, avocado, etc). it's vegetarian. I pretty much have it every day, whether I buy it or make it at home. I'm wondering if beans and rice are enough for someone that does intense workouts (I'm a sprinter in HS doing workouts comparable to college D1 workouts). I mean, I feel full, but is it enough to actually refuel etc.........


    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • College advice--should I graduate with a better education or less debt?

    Ugh. i hate tuition. So I'm going to graduate from one of the top college-prep high schools in the state. I applied to some some nice colleges and got back scholarships...but it only covered half the expenses. :\ My family is in a finance strain and with college prices continuing to go up, it would be very difficult to pay for my top choice college at the moment :( The best choice finance-wise is my state school. But it feels awful, spending so much money and working at such an intense high school, getting accepted to my top choice, and then going to a state school. . . it might just be my ego. ha. Which one will be best in the long run?

    --Duke university: better education/more recognized

    --Oregon State: MUCH less debt

    PS I plan to major in engineering.

  • Is it socially acceptable to be in a cafe and not pay for anything?

    I have track practice every Saturday morning, but my bus gets me there 30 minutes early. There's a nice little coffee house where I could do some homework, but is it weird that I just sit down without paying for anything?

    2 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago