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  • Did i gain too much fat on my bulk?

    I have a Skinny- fat look that i have been trying to fix.

    So in the beginning of June I started at 135 pounds:

    I was quite weak; bench- 100 pounds,

    deadlift - 95 pounds

    squat - 95 pounds

    I bulked up to 152 pounds this is me November 22nd

    So i got stronger; bench- 145 pounds

    deadlift - 190 pounds

    squat - 145 pounds

    I only train for strength and progressive overload i've been upping the calories and have been gaining weight steadily but now i feel fat. i have seen my strength gains slow down A LOT. I was planning on just bulking up until next June but i realized I Just look like bigger skinny fat version of myself. Is a cut in order or should i just keep bulking?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 years ago
  • Mastering music with more headroom?

    so im mixing some songs with little compression to fight the loudness war, but i dont know how to master and cant afford a professional. Im using a zoom r8 which has a Mastering algorithms i can use which works well for rock music.but it compresses the audio too much and makes the wave length look like a rectangle. I want music with more feel and headroom. is their a way to decompress music after its been mastered just slightly enough to add headroom? or even master the raw mix with audacity or something? i have Cubase on a disc but have no experience with it? what do you suggest?

    1 AnswerSoftware3 years ago
  • Shrinking image without losing quality?

    So i wanted to shrink this an image that is very large to something small. i used online image resamplers and i guess they were okay, but when i printed the image, they look like crap. the images were smaller yes, but blurry and pixelated. printing the same image in its orignal size look great and the small image online look good too. but when printed it looks crap.

    Is it possible to do this with photoshop instead of an online converter and expect better results?

    6 AnswersPhotography3 years ago
  • Do you think its a good idea to make your kids do chores for money?

    So growing up I always asked if I could do chores to have more money or if I could have a paper route or if I could do yard work for my neighbors for money and my parents always said no and got mad. They said that it was better for me to just spend my time studying instead of working. They also are immigrants and come from a culture where it was absurd for children to work and that they should be studying to get a good job for the future. instead I got an allowance of 5 bucks a month and then 20 bucks a month when I go to highschool and then 50 dollars a month in my last 2 years of highschool. when i was 16 a wanted a part time job and even got offered one at mcdonalds but my parents said no and that I should be studying and that they will just give me money. I have grown up now and I have a terrible work ethic and overall hate working and the whole "study and get a good job thing" never really turned out the way they wanted either. Whats your opinion on this?

    5 AnswersFamily4 years ago
  • How to build a shed by myself?

    So im a 19 year old kid and I want to build IM a 19 year old kid and i want to build a shed in my backyard for my motorcycle. I have never built anything before and all I have is $1000 bucks and the will to learn stick- to- it attitude. Is that enough lol? But seriously I want to build a shed big enough for me to work on my bike inside and I also wanted to be able to have put electric and insulating into it aswell. Is this possible or should I just hire someone like a shmuck.

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts4 years ago
  • My closest male friend got a girlfriend got a girlfriend and now I am jealous and confused?

    So my friend got his first girlfriend. apparently they had been dating for over a year but whenever I asked if I could meet her hed change the subject. He would always subtly bring her up in conversation but would never let me meet her. not to sound mean, but my friend here, was the last person I expected to ever get a girlfriend. Let me explain, he flunked high school because of his video game addiction, flunked out of alternative school, has never held a job but gets money from his parents to blow on videogames and other nerd ****, has no goals or ambitions or any real direction in life whatsoever, is overweight buy at least 50 pounds, has poor fashion sense, has always been shy around girls, is generally a rude person to most people and has always been petty about being a nerd in school. Now i am just jealous cause I could never land a girlfriend and don't have nearly as much baggage. For the longest time I thought she wasn't real because he tends to lie about a lot of things. then from a distance i saw him and her walking and she was real. I dont really know what she looked like or what she was like but she is real. how do i get over this jealousy? I guess I'm also being petty over the fact that he doesn't really want to hang out with me anymore despite us being friends with one another for almost 8 years.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Am I immature if I don't have a good relationship with my family?

    So im a 19 year old dude, and I dont ignore or start fights with my family, but I keep interaction quite minimal and when I am at home I like to have my alone time. My family has always been loud and I prefer peace at quiet. My two older sisters were pretty mean to me growing up and it contributed to me having poor self esteem through school and even till this day. For a long time I still always tried to have good relationships with them and sometimes theyd be nice and somtimes theyd be nasty. The little bits of niceness never made of for the years of meanness and as time went on I stopped trying to engage with them as much, and for the most part, i dont like to spend any time with them. I dont make it too apparent that I dislike them but i feel it inside. my parents I am for pretty much okay with. My sister would probably tell me to just get over it but honestly I have tried many, many times over the years and the feeling of resentment I have for her has just stuck too hard. I dont like being made fun of and hearing mean things they say behind my back through the thin walls. its been like this for YEARS, and I have always forgiven them but now its too hard for me to care.

    4 AnswersFriends4 years ago
  • Can't handle criticism from father?

    i grew up with an overly critical father where i felt like nothing was ever good enough for him. ive had lots of anxiety and anger problems at home for a couple years now until my dad started actually leaving me alone for the past few months. These past few months were pretty good. i didn't feel much anger or anxiety or depression and I felt at ease. then all of a sudden my dad starts to criticize me and call me a failure again and I just feel like everything has just went back to ****. I cant handle him telling me im dumb and reminding me of all the things i failed at. i had to leave a really good job, got mugged, and now have to deal with moving away from my home town all this week and this still feels worse

    1 AnswerMental Health4 years ago
  • Why dont I like music the way i used too?

    im 19 and growing up I really was into metal and punk and alternative music. I still am but i dont feel the same way about it anymore. i used to spend lots of time reading about music history and learning everything i could about bands and rock stars, and i would be into the fashion of wearing band shirts and have spikes on my jackets.

    im 19 and i still feel young. theres people older than me who still are into all these same things that I was into. now I found myself becoming very interested in things like politics, philosophy, ideas, reading, society and culture, history, psychology, self improvement and personal development, aswell as business and entrepreneurship.

    now music and bands seem so unimportant. My taste in music hasn't really changed i just dont seem to be obsessed with it anymore. i also just dont listen anymore. I tried watching a music documentary a little while ago and I couldnt help but feel like it was waste of time and that I should reading a book on post modernist philosophy instead.

    I go to metal and punk bars and i keep seeing these old people dressed and acting like teens and it just bizarre to me

    will my younger spirit ever comeback or am i just growing old and selling out?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture4 years ago
  • what to do when a big failure ruins your confidence?

    So i dont really have much to be happy about. 19, no friends, no motivation, no girlfriend. I have been trying to sort myself out by going to the gym, eating better, getting 2 jobs just to stay busy. I have no career motivation and honestly i just kinda feel like a loser. So for the past few months I have been trying to build a motorized bike in my garage and I built this thing from the bottom up with about 1000 dollars I got from working a back breaking labour job that i hated. i have been trying to do this for months but the bike just wont start. i have analyzed it so many times and ive done tons of research and nothing is working. I was so certain I would be successful and i thought I was going to win for once but no just another failure. and it took so long and so much work. I dont know what kind of victory its gunna take to make up for this massive failure. Sure i make little victories everyday but hell i dont know what to do.

    3 AnswersPsychology4 years ago
  • Girls, if your friends don't like a guy you like, will that affect your view of him?

    be honest. because this is something i have observed. I may have a great time with a girl and flirt with her and things can go well. but things always go south if her friends dont like me cause it seems to lower my status. however, if her friends like me, then the girls tend to like me even more. dont ever think i ever met a girl who wan't at least influenced. whats the truth?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Is what I did for this girl embarrassing?

    So I work at a banquet hall as a bartender. I got a new bartending partner just the other day. She a nice girl who's super friendly and always smiles and talks to the customers. For some reason or another she never gets tips. I got about 30 bucks today pretty effortlessly so when a customer came up to me and was about to tip me a 5, I quietly asked him if he could tip the other girl, since she's been having a slow day. He did it for me and said " that's a kind thing you did, son". My co worker wasn't supposed to know but she asked me " did you tell him to tip me?" I just kinda said" uhhh, don't know what you're talking about" and pretty much denied it. She said if I did that would be embarrassing She kept asking me and she just wanted to know. She didn't seem mad but I wonder, did I embarrass myself?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How to kiss a girl at work?

    So there's a girl I like at work. I don't want to ask her out on a date but I wanted to make a move and kiss her. Is this a good idea. If I can just break the touch barrier a bit and find a time to take a kiss should I? Should it be a suprise kinda thing or is that bad? Is into wrong to do this or should I just ask her out on a date and do it formally?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Why did I USED to be good at math?

    So i got As in math until grade 11 which is when I got really bad and failed continuously. how can somone go from being good at math to being so shitty at it?

    4 AnswersMathematics4 years ago
  • Should I take a job I hate?

    So I'm 19 and I'm just looking for a job for the summer and while after before I go back to school. I live at home. I've been working in factories for ten longest time and I just got let go from one since I had a bad attitude and inhate factories. I was looking for another job someplace else and I had some interview for office and retail jobs. I really want those but I also got a job offer from a factory. Thinking about that job makes me cry. I haven't started the job but I feel stressed about it already cause I know I'll hate it. Should I wait a bit longer and hope to get an office job? Or anything else that won't make me depressed? My parents are pressuring me to become employed as soon as possible and the pressure hurts.

    4 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • What to dress for job interview for labour job?

    so i wore dress pants, a button down shirt and a tie with dress shoes. people are telling me i dressed up too much and i should have went in jeans and a t shirt or something. whos right?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories4 years ago
  • what is federal income tax ?

    and why hasn't trump paid it?

    3 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • Why do my brakes on my bike keep loosening?

    So whenever I tighten my v brakes they keep on loosening as soon as i pull the lever. ill tighten them to a good position and as soon as i use the lever more than once, they become loose again. why is it? the end of the cable that goes into the caliper is pretty frayed and has been in use for over a year. could i just replace the brake wire and expect it to work?

    2 AnswersCycling4 years ago