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Favorite Answers15%
  • Is it possible to be truly anonymous online?

    I mean a VPN can't really protect you from everything. I think it gives piece of mind, but when it comes to truly being anonymous, it doesn't do that.

    Is there any REAL true anonymity?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Does anyone have an invite to any actual private trackers?

    I have a monster fast connection that is barely used. I upload @ 2.5 mb/s solid.

    I love to use torrents, but I'm seeding 2.0 ratio for practically no reason. I used to be a Demonoid freak, but they weren't even really that private.

    Anyone with an extra invite, I would appreciate it.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years ago
  • Would running Linux from a USB 3.0 Flash Drive be faster than running it from a 7200 RPM Hard Drive?



    Asus P8 Z68 V LX

    GTX 660

    8 GB DDR3 1600 Mhz RAM



    and I don't want to install the OS onto my PC, I would prefer to run it persistent USB mode Ubuntu latest distro version.

    Would this be faster, or as fast as a regular hard drive?

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerDesktops8 years ago
  • Why are the people who comment on Yahoo! articles so overwhelmingly ignorant?

    Every commenter save for maybe 10% is conservative.

    How can that be possible? How can Yahoo! have such a disproportionate conservative to liberal demographic?

    Surely most Yahoo! users can't be southern white elitists? Can they?

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products8 years ago
  • Why does religion still exist?

    We know that the Bible, the Qu'ran and other religious texts can be proven false very easily, so why does religion still run rampant?

    For example, people pray. If God is all powerful and has a special plan for us, then why would we ask him to favor us?

    Why would someone pray to survive a disease if they are just going to heaven anyway?

    If God exists, why must there be faith? If there is faith, then why are we afraid to die? Aren't we going to heaven?

    Can someone really believe that a murderer who repents goes to heaven and an atheist who does only good is going to hell?

    Can someone really believe that we should have to build million dollars churches while our brothers and sisters around the world die from not having food?

    Can someone really believe that a priest is a holy embodiment of The Lord, even after finding out that 1 in 7 people who attended Catholic camps and getaways may have been molested?

    Can someone really believe that believing is more important than being good?

    Can someone truly say that gay is bad, and a choice, and condemn these people for being gay, yet we ourselves break the laws of God daily? It says in Leviticus that homosexual acts are forbidden. It also says materials with 2 blends cannot be worn (polyester) and tattoos are forbidden, but people think that being gay is bad? God says himself there is no sin greater than another, but there are those who sin that tell others not to sin?

    Matthew- Judge not, lest ye be judged first??

    It seems to me religion is a crutch used by the average idiot to make themselves feel special, when really they are breaking the rules as well, and know they shouldn't be this way.

    I'm sure my theists will answer that the Westboro Baptist Church doesn't speak for everyone, but they do. According to the Bible we are to kill, maim and murder non believers. So technically they would be correct.

    The first theist to answer without attacking me personally or using the word faith in their answer gets best answer.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago