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The Ghost Of Karl Barth

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  • Paper wasps are holding me hostage what do I do?

    So yesterday I noticed a small paper wasp nest on my apartment porch. My friend's dad came by and smashed the thing with a swifter, killed all the ones on the nest and tore up the nest.

    But apparently some of them were away and they came back. I thought it wasn't a big deal, because by night they left. But now they've come back again today, and they are right outside my door. Wasps are the one thing I refuse to deal with, and I feel like a prisoner in my home.

    I just moved in two days ago and havent had a chance to get any spray or anything, are they going to be pissed if I walk out there or what?

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden6 years ago
  • Headache after masturbation, do I need to go to a hospital?

    The headache was sudden and very intense, but its dulled a little since I took a shower and some ibuprofen.

    What I need to know is if this is worth going to the hospital. This has never happened before, and I haven t been hydrating too well today, so I don t know if that contributed. Should I just monitor it to see if it gets worse, or have it taken care of now?

    4 AnswersMen's Health6 years ago
  • I'm 20 but I still feel like a little kid... help?

    I'm typing this at midnight after a huge wave of emotions came over me so I have no idea if this will make any sense.

    I can't deal with my problems like an adult. I've recently been overcome by deep feelings of loneliness and fear, and its making me go crazy. I can't sleep, think, calm down, etc. I just hyperventilate, cry, and repeat the cycle until I wear myself out.

    When I'm like that, the only thing I want is to be held and soothed like a child. I know, it sounds weird, but it's like I need someone stronger (something like an older brother figure) to keep me safe from everything.

    My life has been a cakewalk in all honesty, no abuse, no trauma, nothing. The only remotely difficult part of my childhood was that I am an only child, and I kinda hated it. Help me, what do I do, I'm turning into a basket case.

    2 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • How do I help someone to learn how to pronounce a foreign language?

    I am an intermediate level student for Hebrew at my university, and my professor has asked me to help tutor a beginner student, primarily with how to pronounce basic vocab. I am naturally great at pronunciation and speaking, but I'm not sure how to teach another person how to do the same. Any advice?

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • Is it fair to be upset over a roommate's snoring?

    As allergy season has arrived, my sinuses have become more congested than traffic in NYC, and because of that I snore when I sleep.

    Last night my roommate flips the light on in our dorm room at 2am, and starts playing video games and left it on until 8. It woke me up and I couldn't get any sleep. I asked about it when I woke up, and he said that my snoring woke him up, and so he decided to stay up the rest of the morning.

    Part of me feels bad about it, but on the other hand, I don't. It's not like I can turn off snoring at will, plus he was a huge d*ck about it. But on the other, I don't want to keep him up. I went and got some cheap allergy meds and nasal spray today, but should I feel bad about my snoring?

  • Is there a reason some people sleep so much?

    My roommate is the king of sleep. He literally sleeps at least a solid 12 hours a day, which really confuses me. He doesn't do anything in terms of activity, and every time I come back to our dorm, he's asleep. Aside from strange sleep disorders, is there a reason some people sleep so long?

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • I had a dream where I had siblings (I'm an only child); what does it mean?

    Last night I had a dream that I had two younger sisters and two younger brothers. As on only child, I've always wanted some kind of sibling relationship.

    So, I was wondering whether this was just my brain's way of acting on that desire or if there is something deeper. I've always consider dream interpretation to be a bit far fetched, but something about this dream feels weirder.

    On a side note, is it too weird that I kind of miss my dream siblings? I can't explain it, but I almost feel bereaved (which is strange because I never really had them in the first place).

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • My friend's mom passed away, how should I react?

    He just sent me a text letting me know that his mom passed away yesterday, and I have no idea how to reply.

    He's a fairly good friend, and I am trying to think of something to say that won't sound flimsy or patronizing. I can't think of anything to say that would give respect to the gravity of the situation. He's my friend and I want to be there for him, but I really don't know how.

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Do you agree with Chris Matthews, in that third party voters are idiots?

    I know this is old, but the sentiment is the same. Just curious what people think of voters for third party candidates.

    BQ: Liberals, do you even like Chris Matthews? We all know he's biased, but I can't seem to find people on his own side who genuinely think he's smart.

    9 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Do you think third party voting is a waste of time, pragmatically speaking?

    I am looking into third parties, as I have become tired of the "dumb and dumber" quality of our modern political climate.

    I was thinking about throwing my lot in with the Modern Whig Party, a party oozing with centrists and moderates like myself(shivers). My problem is that I keep running into the idea that I feel like I am throwing away my vote.

    I am coming from an admittedly jaded position, but all of this "If everyone thought like you, those parties would never win" cliche sounds like manure. Is there really a foreseeable way in which a third party could legitimately make an impact?

    8 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • What should I do for my depression? Should I find a counselor?

    I've had depression symptoms for years now, but generally it was something I could manage.

    Over the past few months however, it has gone out of control. I've been using unhealthy methods for coping, which are starting to take a toll on me. I can't sleep at night anymore, because I can't think about anything else. My work, my friendships, and everything is starting to suffer because of this. I'm turning into an absolute wreck.

    I just feel this unbelievable weight of pointlessness and exile, and I'm scared that given a while it could turn into something dangerous. My university offers counseling services, should I think about taking advantage of that?

    *Just as a note, I am not suicidal yet. I understand I would hurt people if I did that, so such action would be unfair.

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • What do I do when I'm done with everything?

    Lately, my depression has started taking a turn for the worst.

    Normally, my depression would come and go in waves. It was always there, but it would vary in intensity. But lately, it has become overwhelming.

    I have turned to poor coping mechanisms (video games and overeating), and every single moment I'm not doing either of those is almost intolerable. I feel this crushing, intense sadness that comes in waves of deep pain to pure apathy. I can't sleep at night because I'm so wracked with depression/

    I feel like a corpse, and I am just tired. What. Do. I. Do?

    3 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Is this the real reason liberals are flipping out about the Washington Redskins?

    Is it because acting indignant over the name of a sport's team is far easier than actually dealing with the problems facing the Native American people? After all, who wants to actually face issues head on when you can act like you care, and save yourself all the actual effort!

    13 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Should I get Oblivion and or Morrowind?

    So I've had Skyrim for a while now and thought it was a really fascinating game. I had never played an RPG before (save for borrowing Fallout New Vegas for a few months), and found myself really investing in the game.

    Skyrim is my first TES game, and I wanted to branch out and get into the games that preceded Skyrim. If I get any, I'm definitely taking Morrowind, since I've heard nothing but good things about the game.

    I'm kinda flaky on Oblivion though. While I've heard it's good, it doesn't seem to be as beloved as Morrowind or Skyrim.

    If I enjoyed Skyrim, would I enjoy Morrowind or Oblivion?

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Would this be a good time to seek counseling?

    For the past few years I've been dealing with what I can only determine to be depression-like symptoms. I have noticed that to deal with this, I have developed certain unhealthy habits. My life has essentially devolved into food, video games, and sleeping.

    There has been a noticeable affect on my work life and social life to an extent. I can't seem to focus on work at work and I really don't care to see my friends. I know this makes me seem like a terribly pathetic person (which is probably an accurate description of me at this point), but I'm starting to become slightly worried. Is this a good time to see a counselor?

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Republican and Democrats, can you name at least three people you respect from the opposing party?

    Note that the question does not say agree with. Can you name three people (They can be politicians, news personalities, authors, etc.) from whichever party you disagree with whom you either respect or do not despise? If not three, can you at the very least name one?

    Or are you so biased and blinded by partisanship that your only judgement of someone comes by their party affiliation?

    12 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Was Gerald Ford really a bad president?

    Or was he simply caught in the aftermath of the Nixon situation? Of all the presidents, he is the one I know the least of, and i just wanted some perspective on his administration.

    Party bias placed aside, what can be said of Gerald Ford's administration?

    5 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • What to tell insurance company after accident?

    Yesterday I accidentally hit a woman with my car, no one was hurt, and the only damage to her car was a seemingly minor dent, while there is a good crunch in the hood of my car (97 Honda Odyssey). This really looks like a fairly minor fender bender, but i need to know what my insurance company will want from me. (My car still runs fine; the damage was purely external)

    BQ Should I expect insurance rates to go up a lot considering the fact that my car is worth appx 10 cents, and that the other driver had negligible damage?

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    I finally see it; religion is being shoved down our throats! Do you see it?

    Look at the 20th letter (going from left to right). If that doesn't prove Christians are forcing their religion on all of us....

    *For those of you a little slow on the uptake today, the lowercase "T" looks eerily similar to the Christian cross.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Should I vote even though I despise both parties?

    As a rule, I consider myself generally center-left, but not nearly enough to really jump on the liberal bandwagon. Without trying to be overtly offensive, I will simply say I find both Republicans and Democrats (or Conservatives and Liberals. Get the semantics out of here) distasteful.

    That said, should I, as a citizen, vote in spite of my objections? On one hand, I understand the concept of a civic duty and that I can't complain when things go wrong. But on the other, I have intellectual and moral objections to both sides of the political spectrum. Should I suck it up and pick the lesser of two evils, or just abstain from voting all together?

    Please don't tell me to waste my vote on independent candidates. The reality of this nation is that we have a two party system, and voting for anyone else is a waste of time (from a pragmatic stance)

    16 AnswersPolitics7 years ago