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Lv 56,814 points


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I would like to think of myself as a free-spirit who is on a mission for world peace, lol! I am easy to get along with, not perfect, but I'm open minded and curtious! Yeah!

  • Facebook sorority life question?

    When I exceed my bank account limit, how do I deposit the rest of my money that I can't deposit in the bank? I'm on level 45 and have 45,000,000 in my account. I have about 1,000,000 and some change left. I don't want it to get taken by attackers, so how can I put it away? I can't go over 45,000, 000 until I reach the next level but even so I still may have money left over from winning fights or money from organized events.

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago
  • Facebook Sorority life question?

    I have 22 brownie points right now. I'm saving them to buy this hair style that costs some brownie points(Not sure how many). I am tempted to do this one event called Tropical Vacation which I will need to use 12 brownie points for. For anyone who has done that event, what is it and what did you win from it? Should I waste 12 brownie points out of 22?

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago
  • How do I raise my sweetheart's charm and popularity on Sorority life(Facebook)?

    I see some people who have sweethearts that when you start out with them, their charm and popularity is at one number. Then as you continue to play the game, their charm/popularity statues increases, but how? And what else can you do to pamper your sweetheart besides one date a day?

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago
  • How long does it take for your hair to grow back?

    Does it matter if I am black? See my hair for the past 4 years has been long past my mid back. I let my friend relax it and cut my ends yesterday. Only, she cut my hair way too much. My hair is now abit below my shoulders. How long would it take for it to grow at least 3 to 4 inches longer? I'm upset about it because I love my hair but now I'm just focused on it growing back as long as it was.

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How do I get rid of my cat's fleas?

    Those things are starting to bite me or my mom. Besides Frontline, my mom says it's too expensive.

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Sims bustin out ps2 help please?

    I threw a party at the Shiney Things lab and one of my task was to make fire cracker knomes and light up five. I did that and the house caught on fire, and I have 2 sims dead. ONe was one of the game characters and the other was my sim's husband. I 'm going to start this over but how can I do this with out people catching on fire?

    Also how do I do the ghost maid thing? I think it sounds cool.

    3 AnswersPlayStation1 decade ago
  • I need help on the sims bustin out ps2?

    I'm trying to get the goal "Be in Malcome's movie" I throw great parties and the a hole won't cast my sim.

    1 AnswerPlayStation1 decade ago
  • The sims 3 yea or nay?

    I am waiting for it to come out on ps3 or xbox. But is it worth it to get it for pc?

    10 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • I need cheats for the Sims Bustin out for ps2.?

    I am buying the game from ebay. Thing is I use a friend's computer off and on and my dad's laptop is in the shop. And there is no printer here, lol tough call right?

    1 AnswerPlayStation1 decade ago
  • What happened on Charm School Ricky Lake this morning?

    I missed it and won't be able to see it tonight but I'm anxious

    1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade ago
  • The sims 2 ps2 songs list?

    I want the rock or alternative songs but a whole list of the songs would be great. please. There's a slow tune but I can't think of the name but I know it's one of the rock songs.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • The sims 2 ps2 songs list?

    I'm looking for a slow rock or alternative song on the sims 2 for ps2. But can you just list me all the songs please?

    2 AnswersPlayStation1 decade ago
  • A Shot at Love Finale?

    I just moved, and haven't gotten my cable hooked up yet, but I want to know what happend on the Season Finale of A shot at love? Who won, and did they take the key? If not, why?

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Proactive, Neutrogena, or Clearasil?

    Which one actually works better for your skin overall(acne, oily pores, dry skin, breakouts)?

    6 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Jabbawockeez Fans?

    Ok, here's a easy ten points. Which member do you have the biggest crush on? If you answer my pick, you get the points.

    Krazy Libra

    4 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Amy WineHouse Video?

    Do you really think she's racist and that her video should be a controversal issue? Me, I for one wouldn't care if she was racist, even though I don't think she is. People say things that come off as slanderous to someone's race all the time. Rather it's heated arguments, or repeating what someone else said etc. The person who recorded it must have wanted to stir up trouble. Anyway, I don't take offense to people who do drugs, half their brains are shot and it makes me feel sorry for them if anything. If anyone is racist, they should be man or woman enough to say so, so that they don't have to apologize for it. If not, then it shouldn't be made an issue, their is a lot worse going on that words would be such a threat to anyone. I think people who slip words like she did get that talk from people they surroundthemselves with like the guy who filmed what she said.

    12 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Do you watch Vh1's Miss Rap Supreme?

    If so, who is your favorite Mc in the house? And who do you think wants the crown more, even people who were eliminated?

    My opinion, this show like many gives great opportunity to talented people. As far as drama, I think the Chiba and Byata drama is way over exaggerated. Plus I've seen hate towards Chiba cuz of the beaf, but Byata to me is the pettiest person there. In most of her interviews, she has something bad to say about someone. She talk about of course Chiba, she also talked about Bree, Lionezz, Cherry and even Nikki 2 States. They don't even know until they watch the show. When you do something like that, be phony, people will start to second guess your sincerity. That's just my opinion. Bree rocks and Byata, nah she sounds like MCs already out there.

    7 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Vh1's Miss Rap Supreme?

    Alright, since I've been watching the show..the female rapper who stands out to me is Bree. I probably have a little crush on her, but I just want to find a bio on her and I don't have much luck. Can anyone find some good info for me? Thanks!

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • South Park???

    lol, ok I was watching it not long ago on my DVR. I set it for recording to catch it when I can. It's an episode where Stan's dad Randy was on wheel of fortune and had to solve this...

    N ggers

    (people who annoy you)

    lol, it was funny to me, and my friends. I don't know why people take the cartoon serious when they poke fun at anyone. I mean come on! Kyle gets ripped on for being Jewish. Cartman gets ripped on for being fat. Kenny gets ripped on for being poor. The cartoon is basically harmless seeing how every possible racial issue has gotten attacked. The show is not racist for this episode! I'm Black saying this. I know it was not intended to be racist. Some people commented on one of my friends myspace about it and they weren't happy. Lighten up! Anyone would know when some one is being racist or not. I love watching South Park, it's better than actually seeing race wars in real life. Wouldn't you agree?

    9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago