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Hey, I am into snowboarding and have been a snowboard instructor for 10 years now. I'm also into horseback riding... just got my first Priesian!! Horses arn't my only animals: I also have 5 dogs, 2 cats, 5 fishtanks (2 betta 1.5 gallons, 10 gallon, 29 gallon and a new 120 gallon). I am now totally addicted to this site as well!! My newest addition is a mali uromastyx. Now I added a 6th little dog :-) and 2 rats

  • DDR Supernova 2 online play question?

    I just got this game and it says it's for online braodband only. Is it still any good if I play it w/out being online? I've played DDR a lot a while ago but don't want to open this game up if it's not worth it w/out going online.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Please help me immediately on this guinea pig!!!!?

    This baby is 9 days old and I just came home and saw this. Please help me figure out what is wrong. It looks like its intestines are sticking out.

    4 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Just got a ropefish. Havn't seen him eat yet?

    I purchased him 4 days ago and have yet to see him eat. I bought two guppies from a store and one of the fish ate it but not sure if it was him or another. I feed my fish bloodworms on a daily basis and make sure to put plenty in so he can get some but he doesn't seem to try.

    Any advice? If he needs to eat feeder guppies all the time should I set up my own tank or buy from a pet store and quarentine??

    Thanks for any imput.

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Mystery eel video... what is it? Please help?

    I put a question about this eel description last night. I thought a video would help more so I got this video today. My thoughts are some kind of spaghetti eel or American eel. This is a freshwater 120 gallon tank.

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What kind of freshwater eel do I have??

    I just got this eel from a store I work at. It's been there a long time and no one knows what it is. It's at least 1.5 years old, a pale brown color with transparent "fins" going all down the topside and bottom side of its body. It is about 8 inches long and has a mouth that looks similar to a moray eel and it does live in our freshwater tanks.

    Thanks for any ideas you may have!

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Info on hairless rat or guinea pig breeders??

    I am interested in getting a few hairless rats or guinea pigs to start a breeding program. I am having trouble finding good breeders with available stock. Anyone know where there is a breeder.... preferable in the ohio or surrounding areas.

    4 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • What are my bala sharks doing?? Looks like mating to me?

    I have 3 bala sharks along with many other fish in a 120 gallon aquarium. Last week the tank broke out in ick so I treated it with salt and raising the temps to 87 degrees. All my fish have survived and the ick seems to be gone though I am treating it for a couple more days before I return things to normal.

    The weird part is today when I was feeding them 2 of the bala sharks were rubbing up against each other and crossing tails. Is this another problem I need to look into, or a side effect of the water changes?? I know bala sharks don't mate in captivity but this sure looks like a mating ritual to me. That or maybe a fight.

    I have a video on youtube setup at:

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What to do about an allergic reaction??

    I bathed my dog for the first time with a flea and tick shampoo. A few days later she started biting off her hair around her tail area and will not stop scratching it. Anyone have an idea of how to treat this problem? I tried going back to her oatmeal and aloe shampoo to soothe it but that doesn't seem to have helped enough.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is this large pond fish??

    We have a 1.5 acre pond in our back yard and the past couple of years there has been this one large fish that comes out almost every day to the surface and will stay there for hours. It's now about 3+ feet long and looks like it's mainly silver color. Most of the time its tail is out of the water and its dorsal fin sometimes. It seems very playful and will splash around and run away any time we try to get close and get a good look or a picture of it. I know there are 3 large grass carp in the pond but this is not one of them. Anyone have any idea of what it might be or where I can go to see if I can place it? Thanks.

    8 AnswersFishing1 decade ago
  • How much does a Mali Uromastyx eat??

    I have a new 8 inch body length uromastyx. I have been feeding him endive, carrots and a spring mix with lots of dandalion leaves in it and sprinkled with Reptivite every other time. I'm wondering about how much he should be eating a day and how many times a day. I've had him 3 days now... the first day he didn't eat, yesterday I don't think I gave him enough and today I've tried to give him as much as he can eat but I can still see a line from his spine on his back so I think he is too thin. Is there something else I should be feeding him or doing to help him gain some more weight?

    Thanks a bunch.

    4 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • How safe are the heat lamps for my Mali Uromastyx?

    When I bought my Mali yesterday the pet store told me that the heat lamp should not be left on when I am not in the house since they are not a completely safe light and to just leave my Repti Glo light on. This seems like it will not make the tank stay at 120 degrees throughout the day. I'd like to know what your experiences are and some suggestions on what to do if I'm gone 8 hours a day and need to keep the light off and the lizard warm.

    Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Is 100W Ok for Mali Uromastyx + rest of setup ?S?

    I just got about a 8 inch Mali Uromastyx. I tried to do most of the research before purchasing him but now it seems I might have still been off on a few things. I have him/her?? in a 20 L gallon tank with a Repti Glo 8.0 long light (gives off 33% UVA and 8% UVB) and a 100w infrared heat glo bulb inside a glow light housing. I have a stick on thermometer which I am now realizing was a waste of $4 and I now have to find another better one. I realize now that the 20L will be too small soon, but how fast do these guys grow?? and how often can they be taken out after his few days of getting used to his new environment (I have also given him a piece of wood, a silk plant that he likes to hide under and a slate slab that he slept under last night.)

    Is there anything missing that I need besides a larger tank? and is the 100W really the right one to have for him?

    Thanks so much!

    One more question: I bought him reptivite reptile vitamins to sprinkle on his salads. Is this enough??

    4 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Mali Uromastyx setup questions?

    I just purchased an 8 inch uromastyx and got a 20 L gallon tank to start with. I now have a 100W infrared light on him and got a new uva/uvb bulb into a 10gallon strip light I had lying around. I have a black sticky thermometer about 3 inches up from the bottom of the tank and near the heat lamp and it only reads about 82 degrees. Is this normal or is the thermometer off or do I need to get a bigger watt bulb. I tried to do all the research first but something still isn't working out correctly for his heat. Also I was told the heat lamp was dangerous during the day when I'm not home.. so what can I do when I am away from the house and need to keep him at 110 degrees??

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Betta can't stop floating. Bladder problems??

    I have had this betta for a little over a year now. I feed him 1 piece of bloodworm or brine shrimp every day so I know he is not overfed. About a week ago I noticed he was unable to get away from the surface of the water. He still agressively attacks the food when he is fed but if it starts to sink he can't go more then an inch down into the water. Sometimes I find him on his side as well. 2 nights ago he seemed like he was fine again since I saw him near the bottom but the following morning he was on top again and has stayed that way, still with a healthy appetite. I'm guessing he is having trouble with his swim bladder. Any ideas on how I can help him out? Please don't say his days are over just flush him.

    8 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Advice on breeding feeder mice please.?

    I have recently started working at a pet shop and they are wondering if I would be willing to breed mice for them. I have always liked mice and have no problem doing this as long as there is not too much of a stink or noise from them. So my question is what is the best kind of set up to get 50 mice to the store per week?? How many cages female/male mice would it take to breed that many and how to set up a tracking scedule of what mice are what age and who needs to be seperated from who when?

    Thank you for any advice!

    Also how much does food and supplies usually cost for upkeep and how much can you get from stores for them? I don't want a whole lot of profit but I don't want to lose money from it either.

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • How do I get rid of the hitch hiker snail I missed on a plant I bought?

    My 120 gallon tank now seems to have several small snails which I hoped would be eaten by my dojo loaches but then I moved a piece of driftwood and found a whole clump of them and now there are several more. I have heard that other loaches like yoyo and clowns are both good snail eaters. I do not want to use chemicals and I don't want to use the lettuce method since I'd have to kill them somehow after. I'd rather they be used as a food source then crush them or let them dry out. Please let me know what has been the most effective way for you to get rid of these little pests.

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What all do Siamensis eat?

    I recently purchased 2 4" siamese algea eaters. It seems like they are some of the better choices as an algea eater for what they eat and compatability with the others in my tank. My question is there is not a whole lot of algea in my tank at the moment except for some green (sometimes redish) algea on the glass. I do not know if they will eat that but will they eat the algea wafers and sinking wafers I put on the bottom for some of my other fish? Also should I eventually get more of them or will they be ok with just the 2 of them?

    Thank you.

    Oh almost forgot... I read somewhere that they will tend to stand on their tails when resting but these so far have not after 2 days of having them. I bought them from a very good specialty fish store who said they were not flying foxes or other similar fish that are easily confused. They have the black like down that body that tapers down to the end of the tail. Do adults tend to just lay on the bottom instead of their tails?

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Thin white film on angelfish.. what is it? how can I treat it?

    Hello... I finally have 3 nickel size angelfish that survived and are now in the 120 gallon tank. Then this morning I looked at my black angelfish and noticed a thin white film on large portions of his body. He is still swimming fine and has a healthy appetite. The other angels and other fish in the tank do not seem to have this film on them that I can tell.

    Anyone know if it is a type of fungus or something else and how can I make it go away??

    I'll check back in about 15 minutes to see if I need to add any details to help diagnos what is wrong with him.

    Thank you in advance.

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Why does the pH change so much in just one of my tanks??

    When testing all the water in my house my 10 gallon, 120 gallon, upstairs and downstairs sinks all have water with a pH of 7.1. Then when I checked my 29 gallon tank it has a pH of 6.4 and it is filled with the upstairs sink. Can anyone tell me why that is? The only thing I can think of is I have 1 one foot piece of driftwood in there but my 120 has several pieces of similar driftwood (it's a little darker then the 29 gallon's) and the pH hasn't changed there at all.

    I do a 20% water change almost weekly and that never seems to have an effect on the pH in any tank so far.

    Thanks in advance.

    9 AnswersFish1 decade ago