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Deslok of Gammalon
I'm a Catholic in recovery who has had a profound spiritual experience that has changed my life for the better. I'm a father to a beautiful baby boy whom I love very much. I'm a husband to the best wife in the world. I'm a software engineer working for a state government agency writing Db's mostly and doing maintenance programming on several legacy apps. Also, I'm a Katrina evacuee living in another state missing the bayou and wishing one day to return. "You can take a Cajun from the bayou, but you can't take the bayou from the Cajun". Finally, I like fishing, boating, rc boating, going to the shooting range, hunting, collecting firearms, and spending time with my wife and son. When I retire I would like to live on the bayou until the good Lord Jesus calls me home.
Who was smarter Albert Einstein or Nikola Tesla?
AC power; radio; tesla coil; induction motor; flourescent lights; work with x-ray; theory of AC power; free energy; radio control; automation; postulated radar 15 yrs before it was invented; Tesla had a way to modulate and transmit a power signal - like a radio signal over the air; his disruptor; his "death ray"--no proof that he actually made it work although it is said he made it work and dismantled it because he thought mankind was not ready for such a weapon. People of his day didn't realize his visions of the future. We are just starting to now over 100 yrs later.
Father of modern physics; Quantum mechanics; theory of general relativity; special relativity; Many of Einstien's theories and visions of the future have yet to be realized.
This question is of course a matter of opinion. I say there is genius, supra genius, then there is Nikola Tesla. What do you say? Back up you answer.
11 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoCertification Question??
I currently hold MCSA 2k3 and MCSE 2k I'm now studying for the upgrade to MCSE 2k3. I'm considering moving on to MCITP "enterprise admin" or considering CCNA or CCNP cert's. Which in your opinion should I pursue first MCITP or CCNA? What about Citrix cert's CCA for example ?
Also, I've scored the highest on the MCP exams in implementing security in a microsoft network directory service and/or infrastructure. After looking up the requirements for CISSP certification; are there any other security cert's that are worthwhile? I have 9 yrs experience as a network admin but no experience in the specific field of ntwk security. I can write and implement security policies, implement and enforce security templates, and GPO's with the best of 'em; I can setup up secure sessions; set up encrypted/secure VPN connections using ipsec for example, I but can I say I have actual ntwk security experience?
1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade agoAtheists: 2 possibilities???
The science of astronomy and astrophysics has shown that the universe had a beginning. Indeed, scientist have found residual radiation and energy left over from the creation event (Hugh Ross PhD-astro-physics). Many atheist and agnostic scientists accept the statement that the universe in fact had a beginning. Therefore, there are 2 possibilities: 1. A supreme being (God) who is outside time and space as we know it, created the universe or 2. the universe created itself. Which is more logical? If you say some unknown natural process did it can you hypothesize what such a process might be and why we haven't observed or discovered it? Any ignorant answers like the FSM or the eternal Dragon are pointless because you are calling God the FSM or the Eternal Dragon.
31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoEver heard of Ronald Mallet? Do you think he can really build a working time machine?
"Fortunately, among the many gifts my father bestowed on me was a passion for reading, and it was in books that I found some measure of solace. A little more than a year after Dad's death, one book in particular became the turning point in my life: The Time Machine by H. G. Wells. I was consumed by the possibility that I might be able to build a time machine that would allow me to travel to the past and see my father again. This time I would warn him that his bad habits would kill him - and soon.
The possibility of time travel became more real in my mind when, a few years later, I came across a popular book about the work of Albert Einstein. Einstein, said the book, was able to show that time is not unchanging but can be altered; in fact, if you move a clock fast enough, time slows down! This gave me hope that one day I might actually be able to build a time machine. I learned, too, that Einstein was a physicist. There was no other route: I would have to take science and learn high
2 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoAtheists: Where does the encoded information contained in the DNA molecule come from? ...?
Can you show an example of a naturally occuring code? No tangents please, just answer the question-- if you can. Please don't say, "Just because we can't answer the question now does not mean we can't answer it in the future. I can easily counter with: "What if the question can never be answered with a natural explanation?"
19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoEvolutionists: Assuming evolution is correct; what will we (humans) evolve into in 1mega yrs? 2 mega?
Lets say that despite the japing holes in evolution, despite the manipulation of numbers and experimental data, despite the desperate attempt to find tangible proof of evolution, lets say it is 100% accurate. What will mankind become? What will we evolve into? What will we look like/ be like in 10k yrs? 100k? 1M yrs? 10M? Guild navigators (from Dune) perhaps?
15 AnswersAnthropology1 decade agoDo you know how much God loves you? 1st correct answer gets 10 pts.?
Please note the correct answer is not, "For God so loved the WORLD that he sent his only Son..." God loved the world so much that he sent Jesus to save it. But do you know how much God loves YOU?!?! (Atheists if you don't know the answer don't even try--your ridicule just shows your lack of maturity).
25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAtheists: the principle of Plato's Socrates: Follow the evidence, wherever it leads." Have you heard of this?
"Life came fully formed with the incredibly intelligent symbol processing of DNA, the phenomenon of protein-folding and the marvel of replication from its very first appearance. Language, the incarnation of conceptual thought with its inexplicable structure of syntax, symbols and semantics, appeared, again with its essential infrastructure as is from day one.
The evidence we have shows that there was no progressive, gradual evolution of nonintelligence into intelligence in any of the fundamental categories of energy, life, or mind. Each one of the three had intrinsically intelligent structures from the time each first appeared. Each, it would seem, proceeds from an infinitely intelligent mind in a precise sequence.
We can, declare that there is no reason why there are reasonable laws, no explanation for the fact there are explanations, no logic underlying logical processes. But this is not the conclusion adopted by Einstein, Heisenberg, , and recently Anthony Flew." Comments?
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHas anyone seen the Haiti UFO Vids on My
Is this authentic footage (it looks kind of too perfect)? If so perhaps it could be experimental anti-grav craft from the US Gov or it could be the Annunaki coming back if you believe Zecheria Sitchin or it could really be from outside of our solar system.
I believe in the possibility of life elsewhere in our universe, but that life having the capability to travel light years rapidly I'm kind of skeptical about. However, since humans can postulate the possibility of rapid interstellar travel, then it seems probable that a more advanced civilization than ours could possibly achieve rapid interstellar flight to visit us. For what we do know on the subject of extra-terrestrial intelligence google--Fermi Paradox; SETI. Thanks for intelligent open-minded answers.
3 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade agoTHE GREATEST LIE EVER TOLD... Do you know it and except it as true.?
What if there was a lie, that when it was first told people scoffed and knew it to be a lie. However, the liars who told it became convinced themselves that the lie was true. They showed others with open minds how the lie could be possible. The open minded began to believe in the lie as well. The open minded became closed minded to anything but the lie. Any who showed the lie to be what it was were systematically called liars themselves. Anything contrary to the lie was dismissed without proving that it indeed contradicted the lie. Evidence against the lie was destroyed, altered, or explained away by those with influence. The young were taught to only believe in the lie and were ridiculed if they questioned the lie. Over time the lie became so ingrained, so accepted, that those who had known the truth had integrated the lie into the truth to believe the lie and truth both. There is such a lie it's called EVOLUTION.
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoThere is the theory of evolution. There is the theory of creation. Then there is the ancient astronaut theory.
Atheists and agnostics believe in evolution. Christians, Jews, and Muslims believe in creation. Who believes in the ancient astronaut theory?
Zacharia Citchin wrote a book called the 12th planet. (circa 1970's) In it he speaks of the Annunaki. An advanced race of humaniods who came from planet Nibiru. He says they came here 200k yrs ago and genetically altered the primative hominids of that era with their own DNA to create a race of intelligent slaves--Homo-sapiens--us. The Book of Genesis speaks of them as the Nephlim. Astronomy says that a dark star or large unseen planet is influencing Neptune and Uranus. Citchin says that he has translated the Summerian texts and found "proof" of this. He said that Sodom and Gammorah were destroyed by nuclear weapons! He speaks fo two Annunaki Bro's Enki and Enlil who were adversaries. One of them made Humans the bad one and the other felt sorry for us and helped us. Any credible info on this? Anyone who believes this? Thanks.
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoGot any Jokes about Atheists and Christians? Tasteful ones only please! Here are some I have, hope U enjoy!?
An Atheist in the woods admiring the beauty of it thought to himself, "Evolution made that tree and evolution made those birds, and made the flowers in the field, and the grass. All of a sudden a Grizzly bear charges from the bushes after him. He runs away trying to escape but trips on a root. As the bear prepares to pounce on him he screams, "OH MY GOD!" The bear freezes in mid pounce, the trees stop waving in the wind. A bright light shines on him and a loud booming voice says, "You spend your entire life not believing in me, tell others not to believe in me, and attribute MY creation to natural selection!" "So why should I save you and if I do, am I to believe that you would now be a Christian?" The atheist states that it would be hypocritical of him to assume that, but could God make the bear a Christian. God says, "ok" and time restarts.. The bear gets down on his knees, folds his paws together and says, "Oh! Lord thank you for this meal I am about to recieve.."
20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAtheists and evolutionists: Please point to a strictly natural process that creates information.?
What evidence is there that information, such as that in DNA, could ever assemble itself? What about the 4,000 books’ worth of coded information that are in a tiny part of each of your 100 trillion cells? If astronomers received an intelligent signal from some distant galaxy, most people would conclude that it came from an intelligent source. Why then doesn’t the vast information sequence in the DNA molecule of just a bacterium also imply an intelligent source?
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow do I apply a GPO to force laptops to run SAV update and scan automatically upon connection to my netwk?
I'm an MCSE working for a state medical agency. I have laptops that connect to my netwk (which consists of NDS and Win2k AD) periodically. I added the laptops to an OU called laptops. I created a GPO named virusUpdateScan and linked it to the OU. I gave read and apply group policy to users and laptops (to be sure it was applied). I created a script to run the SAV update exe file which is located on the laptops C: drive. I added the logon script (as a .bat file) to the GPO. When the user logs on the ntwk with a laptop the SAV update menu comes up, but unless the user pushes the "live update" button it won't update. I need it to auto-update.
Since some infinite genius decided to make us communicate with servers via WAN connection(yes our servers are offsite); making the server push out the update upon login will be a pain--(I may have to though). SAV version is 9. The laptops are managed by 1 of the DC's. The scan is working; I need the virus def's to update automatically.
1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade agoHow many Atheists dislike the idea of organized religion more than the idea of a creator?
Do some Atheists not really have a problem with the idea of God but see what religion has done to mankind in the past and today and say I can't be like that or believe like them?
In my last question I stated that Atheists opinions didn't mean much to me. I was wrong, sorry. I meant that your insults mean little to me. I enjoy debating with some of my atheist colleagues. Believe as you want it's a free country.
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow many atheist's parents are atheist, compared to how many atheists became atheist by mainstream academia?
How many atheists were raised atheist, compared to how many of our youth have become atheist because of the influence of a teacher/professor or by peers in high school or college?
I don't want opinions that Christians are brainwashed, that's not what the questions ask. The opinions of an Atheist really don't mean much to me. Atheist insults mean even less and show arrogance and ignorance.
There are 3 possible correct answers:
1. My parents are atheist therefore I am atheist
2. I became atheist in high school or college due to a teacher/professor I respected
3. Most of my friends are atheist therefore I am atheist
Saying I'm atheist because I weighed theology and atheism and decided to become atheist still implies answer 2 as most possible or answer 3 as less likely (yet still viable).
Please answer truthfully and thank you for your time.
17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow could the first living cell begin? By Dr. Walt Brown Phd.?
How could the first living cell begin? That’s a greater miracle than for bacteria to evolve into man. How could that first cell reproduce? Just before life appeared, did the atmosphere have oxygen or did it not have oxygen? Whichever choice you make creates a terrible problem for evolution. Both must come into existence at about the same time.
"If, despite virtually impossible odds, proteins arose by chance processes, there is not the remotest reason to believe they could ever form a membrane-encased, self-reproducing, self-repairing, metabolizing, living cell. There is no evidence that any stable states exist between the assumed formation of proteins and the formation of the first living cells. No scientist has ever demonstrated that this fantastic jump in complexity could have happened—even if the entire universe had been filled with proteins."
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhy do most(not all)atheists respond to thought provoking questions(using science to back them up)with anger,?
self-centeredness, evasion, ridicule, and closed-mindedness? Many atheists use science to back up their beliefs, but since neither the existance nor non-existance of God can be proven by science, shouldn't you have "no opinion" on His existance if you truly follow science?
Richard Dawkins in his book "The God Delusion" uses anger repeatedly and when speaking to educated critics about his books and belief uses evasion when asked tough questions. Is this the atheist norm? When debating on the infidels web forum Dr. Hugh Ross and Perry Marshall were threatened with violence several times. Is this how atheists back up there belief with anger and threats of bodily harm?
On this forum I've seen few atheists who don't ridicule others with different beliefs than theirs; evade a question that's tough to answer or give an answer that has little or nothing to do with the question posed. Does this make your assertions seem correct to an outsider who wants to learn about your beliefs?
20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAnswer to the Who created God question written by PhD of physics, Dr. Hugh Ross. Critique this if you can.?
When atheists ask me, "If God created the universe then who created God?"
The atheists are assuming that God is confined to time in the same way that we are. But the Bible and the equations of General Relativity tell us that the entity that brought the universe into existence is not confined in time like we are, or the way that the universe is.
God can move and operate in at least two dimensions of time. In two dimensions of time, time becomes a plane, like a sheet of paper, length and width. In a plane, you can have as many lines as you want and as many directions as you want.
It would be possible for God to dwell on a time line running through a sheet of paper that's infinitely long, and that never crosses or touches the timeline of our universe. As such, God would have no beginning, no end and he would not be created. Sound familiar?
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHas anyone seen, heard or read about the MYT engine? Is this a breakthrough of epic proportions? google MYT?
"The MYT (Massive Yet Tiny) Engine is an internal combustion engine of new design the features multiple firings in one cycle, producing enormous torque in a small area.
With 40 times higher power to weight ratio, low parts count, low maintenance, high mechanical efficiency, and low pollution, the MYT™ Engine will benefit airplane, big ship, 18 wheeler, SUV, passenger car, even down to carry on power generator applications. The MYT™ Engine as a pump/compressor also exceeds existing pumps/compressors in providing massive pressure, volume, and flow, all in one unit.
The first prototype model exerts 850 cubic inches of displacement even though the size is only 14" diameter by 14" long, weighing 150 lbs, compared to 3000 lbs for a comparable engine of conventional size capable of that much power output"
The engine gets 150 mpg!! has low maiantenance!! and can run on biofuels!!! An engine of this type weighing 35 lbs could power your car with 350 hp!!! It is patented by angel labs!!
2 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago