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I'm a mom with 3 kids. I was born on Halloween. I am a parts manager at a local Honda dealership. I am a pet lover and have a mini farm.
How do we help our mother who is a hoarder?
My mother's home is not filthy like you see on hoarders shows, it just has stuff piled everywhere to the point that we have trails to get around. She has a big building in her yard that is also full of stuff. We live in a small town, and don't want to embarrass her by putting her on a show like Hoarders, but she needs help. I think we need to have an intervention, but one of my brothers thinks it won't help because she doesn't think she has a problem. There is no way she will ever get this stuff cleaned up. She also has "bad health" that keeps her from getting things cleaned up, and she keeps bringing stuff home every time she goes shopping! Any ideas?
1 AnswerPsychology8 years agoShould she put the father's name on the birth certificate?
They are not friendly at this point, and she says she wants nothing to do with him. It was a one time party related slip up and she was on birth control even. Are there any pros or cons you can think of for adding or not adding him to the birth certificate?
8 AnswersAdoption9 years agoI have been diagnosed as diabetic. I need a menu of real foods.?
I don't want to have to buy expensive ingredients or uncommon things, I need everyday food that will work with a low carb diet. I'm living on salad and whole wheat bread and a bit of meat. Help!!!
7 AnswersDiabetes10 years agoWhat do you do when at age 46 you have no sex drive at all, I'm female.?
I have 3 grown children and I had a great drive in my 20s and early 30's but it has diminished to nothing now and sometimes the thought of sex is repulsive and seems like too much work for too little reward. Do I need hormone therapy?
3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoWhy do girls play softball while boys play baseball in high school?
What is the difference between softball and baseball?
9 AnswersBaseball1 decade agoOn vacation in Europe how shall I take funds to pay for souvenirs?
Would it be best to take travelers checks or exchange my money for Euros? Should I do this before I go or here at my bank or someplace else? I've never traveled to Europe before and I'm stumped.
3 AnswersOther - Europe1 decade agoI need feed back on the Verizon LG EnV2.?
I would like to know the pros and cons. Is this a phone that I will like. Does it get good reception, does it have any bugs that will drive me nuts.
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoWho sang the old song: Little Red Riding Hood?
It's driving me crazy trying to figure it out, and I'd like to get a copy.
3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoI'm looking for a parchment paper that you can make lampshades with.?
I saw a cute little lampshade that they had stamped and put it on a wine glass with a tea light candle inside. I would like to make some for Christmas.
3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoLooking for a ceramic bank?
I am looking for a ceramic bank shaped like a chicken. I broke the one I put my change in and I want to replace it. Any sites or sources for such things?
1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoHow do I get my avatar on this site, instead of that silly gray grin?
5 AnswersInternet1 decade agoI have a lovely daughter who is 18 she is attractive but she is large.?
She is 6 feet tall and a little heavy but she is active and a wonderful caring person. She is bi-polar and takes medication that has made her gain weight. She was always thin as a younger person. She wants a boyfriend but I worry that no one will want her because of her size. She is the most generous hard working person I know. Do you think someone will see this and desire to get to know her more romantically someday?
17 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoI would like to know the proper way to eat brie. It has a thick rind on it, do you peel this off or eat it.?
I feel sheepish asking, but I never have had the chance to enjoy this type of cheese until now.
10 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoWhat is making my legs swell so much?
My legs started swelling below my knees this summer while it was so hot, but now that it's not so hot, they are still slightly swollen and uncomfortable.
7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agowhere can I find a Toyota Tercel 1995-96 with a blown engine.?
I have an engine, I need a body only.
3 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago