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Help! Litter training kittens?
We took in a skinny stay cat over the winter only to find out that she was pregnant! So now I have a now healthy Mama and 6 6 week old kittens. My only problem is that they don't seem to be picking up on using the litter box very well. Some of them use it on a regular basis but 2 or 3 are still going in other places. I took away the rug under the box and their pillow because they were going on them and then they just started going on the floor! I have cleaned the areas that were their "spots" and used stuff to eliminate the odors and that didn't work, so I completely blocked off these areas. Now they just poop in a different spot! It's getting pretty frustrating to say the least because they are all on solid food. I have raised many animals before and never had this happen. I am just stumped. The ones that do use the box I have actually caught getting ready to go on the floor and put them in the box and they got it on the first try. The others.......I don't know and I can't really watch them all day to see who's gonna pee next! Other than this one problem they are doing great! Well, socialized, eating well, healthy, getting used to regular baths, ear cleanings, and nail clippings and such but ARRGG this is drivin me crazy!
3 AnswersCats1 decade agoWhat can I do with these kittens?
I took in a stray cat not knowing she was preggo, now I have 6 kittens to find homes for. I wish I could keep them but I can't. Does anyone know of some good sites that I can post on advertising free kittens in Clarksburg, West Virginia? I don't really want to put up posters in the grocery store and I refuse to take them to the animal shelter. I want them to go to good homes.
4 AnswersCats1 decade agoIs my cat jealous of her kittens?
My boyfriend and I took in a very shy very sick stray cat not knowing that she was already pregnant. After a trip to the vet we learned that she has a fairly common disorder where her trachea colapses causing her to aspirate. This is the reason she was so skinny and sick. She had a severe lung infection from drinking dirty water and eating whatever she could find and aspirating the germs. Well, we got her all fixed up and she became a happy healthy, fat preggo cat that was up my butt 24/7. She doesn't much care for my bf but will tolerate him. She gave birth to 6 healthy kittens, but I thin she is jealous of them. We have them in a box in our closet and if my bf goes in there to check on the kittens and hold them she doesn't care, but she freaks out(not in a mean way) and jumps in my lap begging for attention if I just sit in the closet near their box. She takes very good care of them and never gets mad about us touching her kittens, she just seems to want all my attention everytime I get near then., Is it possible that she is jealous of the extra attention I'm giving her babies? I still love on her as much as I can whenever she leaves the closet she's up in my lap purring away. I should note also that she is a young mama, only 10 months old.
1 AnswerCats1 decade agoDo you play World of Warcraft?
Actually, I'm not sure why I'm asking this question here because most WoW players are on WoW if they're in front of the computer and have free time lol! But, if you do, what is your favorite thing about WoW? Is it the goals you have to set for levels, gear, and rep? Is it the social aspect of the game? Or is it a combo of all of them?
7 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoHelp Me! What do I do?
I am currently dating a really nice guy. He is so sweet and funny, but I don't know if there is a future in it. My problem is this. A great guy that I have known since childhood likes me too! So much that he wants to get married! But he is in prison for one more year. And just recently, my best friend, one I love very much, told me he likes me too! I know that he needs me because he has a drug problem and as he says I am his angel. On top of all this, my ex is wanting to talk about getting back together! I have been honest with all of them, but I'm afraid that I'll hurt one. What do I do? I really have no idea how to handle this situation!
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoPrison wife?
Ok here is the deal. I have known a guy for a very long time. His sister became my best friend and is now my roomate. He and I have been great friends for years and I'm even considered "adopted" by his parents. We have both always been in other relationships, but we are both now single and it has come up that we have had feelings for each other for years. I never realized how much until I became single recently and apparently, he's been waiting around for 6 years to tell me all this. Here is the problem though. He is in prison. The details I won't bore you with, but he made a mistake and I stuck by him through the entire ordeal. He really is the man I want to be with. But he wants me to marry him while he's still in prison. He only has one more year to go but I'm just not sure. What do you think?
30 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoOnline Dating?
Does anyone know of a really good FREE online dating personals site?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoI can't take it anymore!!!!?
First of all, I want to say that I don't want to be rude or insulting in any way. But I can't take another am I preganant question!!! For every non pregnant question, there are 3 am I Pregnants! Once and for all, every woman and her symptoms are different! If you think you might be, get some guts and go take the d*mn test! If you still are unsure, go to the doctor. When you type that question, I know d*mn good and well that like 200 similar questions pop up! Please go look at those answers! I really want to be od some help, but I refuse to answer this question any more! $4 at walmart for the test will tell you better than I can!
30 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoSomeone help me please!!!!?
This is a long one so hang on till the end. My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 yrs. and plan to get married soon. The problem is his mother! She and her 25(her son and I are only 23) yr old boyfriend have moved in with us. I was not consulted about this. Now that she lives here, she feels the need to run our house. How we raise our son, what I cook, how much we don't eat, what I feed my son, how I disipline my daughters, how clean I keep my house, she even told me to shoot my dog cause she licked our 3 yr old in the face! If I don't do what she says, she gets pissed off and rants and raves. My boyfriend lets her get away with it! He doesn't seem to under stand that I and our three kids come before his mother. He actually said that we were all equal priorities to him!!! I have begged, cried, pleaded, threatened, everything I can think of and he just does not get it. He gets mad at me because he says we fight like children. What do I do? I don't want to leave him, but I will.
7 AnswersFamily1 decade agoDo you know of an autisim site?
What are some good sites to look at if you think your child might be autistic?
4 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade agoAnybody know what this does????
I need some help from moms! My daughter has a virus and a very sore throat. Before you tell me to go to the doc, I have already done that. I went to the store to get her some more medicine, and I found her some sore throat strips. They are a non medicated " oral demulcent" They contain pectin as their active ingredient. They are flavored and even paint her tongue colrs. They seem to be helping her. But what is an Oral Demulcent and what does it do? How does it work? I'm curious. Has anyone else tried these?
6 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agoMigraine Help!!!?
Does anyone know any natural ways to get rid of a migraine? I have been suffering from them about once a week since I was a child. I have built up a resistance to most painkillers so the doctors keep having to up the dosage that they give me. I have taken enough drugs in my life to fill a house and I'm only 23!!! I have tried different things to prevent them too, but nothing ever helps. The doctors are stumped! Any suggestions?
16 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade agoDogs in heat?
I have two female dogs. One is 9 months old and just came out of her first heat last month. But now my other one(1 year old) is in her 2nd one. My problem is that the first one seems to be in heat again! Do female dogs sync up like humans? How long should this last?
7 AnswersDogs1 decade agoDriving jobs???
Does anyone know of any truck driving companies that offer paid training in indiana?
1 AnswerCareers & Employment1 decade agoWork from home jobs????
I need to find a real online job. Not taking surveys, or signing up for free stuff, or viewing web pages. I need a real job that costs nothing to start. I am a stay at home mom to three kids. One of which is severely mentally and physically disabled. That makes it impossible to go to a job outside the home. Please only serious answers. We are becoming desperate and need the money to survive.
1 AnswerCareers & Employment1 decade agoHelp me find her!!!!?
I am looking for my friend from school. Her name is Liz Neill. We grew up in Shelbyville IN. Or does anyone know how to search for people on the web using just their first and last name?
5 AnswersFriends1 decade agoDoes anyone know what Norvane 5 is?
We think it's a pill. What is it for?
3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoMy daughter thinks that she is a dog!?
My four year old is constantly pretening that she is a puppy. She barks and refuses to use her huge vocabulary! She crawls on the floor and she even tried to lap water out of a glass at a restaurant with my grandma! Is this just a phase? We have two dogs, but we've always had them.
15 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoHow do I personalize my MySpace page?
Seriously, pretend that I'm stupid. I need detailed instructions! I don't even know how to cut, copy, or paste!
3 AnswersInternet1 decade agoHow do I get rid of fleas?
I just bought a new house and my yard is jumping with fleas! My poor dogs and cat are covered! I have had a pro come out and spray the yard, I spray the house, I bomb the house, I spray the animals, bathe the animals, nothing works! I am at my wits end!
8 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago