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  • Ladies, do all girls have Daddy issues at some point?

    What`s the deal with 15-17 year old girls? I teach jr high and sometimes high school, so I`m used to the occasional student having a brief crush on their teacher. But I`m 45 now. I`m fat, not just pudgy, I`M FAT. And I shave my head. But I`ve got more little girls following me around with puppy dog eyes now than I did when I started teaching 9 years ago when I was thin with a full head of hair. What gives? I already knew most teenagers are crazy, but what is going on in these girls homes that makes them brush off guys their own age and stay after class to try and chat me up? My wife thinks it`s hilarious. I recently heard one 16 yr old say "Aw %$#&" under her breath when she found out I`m married.How common is this nutty fantasy world among women? Is it a a stage you all go through?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How do I change the display language on my PC?

    I`m an American living in Japan. A friend recently gave me their old PC when they up-graded. How do I change the Japanese screen display to an English one? Is there some kind of default I can goto?

    2 AnswersMonitors9 years ago
  • Am I the only guy turned off by *******?

    When I was young I watched porn like everyone else, so I can appreciate the "money shot". But in the last couple years everyone is getting into ******* where 5-6 guys **** all over the same girl. Am I the only one who just thinks that`s gross?

  • Would a candidate`s religion ever keep you from voting for them?

    I saw in the news that there are two LDS (Mormon) candidates for president. Would someone`s religion ever keep you from voting for them?If so, why? What if they were Muslim? Hindu? Atheist?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Christians: Which is worse, doing something I know I shouldn`t or not feeling any remorse for it?

    I did something recently that I knew was morally wrong (but it doesn`t hurt anyone else), I thought I would feel bad afterwards. But I don`t really. That has me more worried than the behavior itself.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should I break it off?

    I recently found an old flame on Facebook. She was my best friend long before we dated and then we were engaged...but broke up and she married someone else 15 years ago.I hadn`t had any contact with her since then until last week. My wife and I have been separated 2 years and are waiting for a divorce. My former fiance says she`s very happily married now, but 5 years ago they were on the verge of divorce and she kept wondering what happened to me.I really miss her friendship, but I never got over being in love with her. It`s so great to hear from her now, but I don`t want to interfere with her marriage. Should I break off contact with her or try to continue our old friendship while being careful not to say I still have feelings for her?

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago