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  • Why are the corn stalks at the end of the row always the shortest?

    I was driving home from work last night and I looked over at the corn fields (we live in Iowa) and I noticed that the end of the rows always have the shortest corn stalks. To me, it seems totally backwards. The end of the row is bound to get the most moisture due to run off and will get the most sunlight due to less obstruction from the other corn stalks, so why is the end of the row not the tallest? I'm sure there is a logical explanation but I do not know it. Please help settle my curiosity.

    5 AnswersBotany8 years ago
  • Would you give away prescription?

    I was diagnosed by a neurologist last fall with multiple sclerosis and had begun a daily injection for treatment of this condition. Since I was getting worse, I opted to go to an MS specialist to figure out what else could be done. After some additional testing, he has concluded I indeed do not have MS. In the mean time, I have received a refill of the VERY expensive daily injection and almost all of it is unused. I hate to see something so valuable just go to waste since the pharmasutical manufacturer and distrubutor can only take it back for distruction. My hesitation though is if by some one million to one occurance would happen that the person I gave the medication to would have a reaction to the shots, where does that leave me? What would you do?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Is there a meteorological definition of "bitter cold"?

    In other words, you may be from a much warmer climate than me and you may think 50 degrees is "bitter cold", however I (living in Iowa) may think that zero degrees is "bitter cold". Likewise, lots of times people say "I'm freezing", but we all know that freezing is actually 32 degrees, so unless it is actually 32 degrees, we know they are just exaggerating. I want to know if, like in the case of freezing, if there is a clear definition of how cold, "bitter cold" is, or if this is a totally subjective term?

    2 AnswersWeather8 years ago
  • How to deal with a co-worker who screwed you over?

    I will start at the wife has an in-home day care and had 5 kids who she watched on a daily basis. Two weeks ago, one of the kids was chasing our elderly dog and jumped on her and hurt her, as a result the dog turned and bit the kid. The parents of the kid then decided not to bring the kid back, which is fine since he was quite a trouble maker any way. Another parent, decides to get on the band wagon and decides to pull her kid. My wife says that is fine, here are the charges you owe at this time. Rather than pay her bill, she calls DHS on my wife indicating we have a vicious animal at our home. DHS came out, checked it out and basically closed their file. Yesterday we put the dog down because she is elderly and had a lot of trouble with her sight, hearing and joints...also, due to the bite did not want to ruin my wife's reputation as a day care provider. I still have to see the woman who tried to screw over my wife every day at work and I can't help but want to bash her face in every time I see her. What would you do in a situation like this? Ideas for revenge are greatly appreciated. :)

    5 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Severe facial pain on airplane while landing?

    My wife and I were coming back from Las Vegas a couple of days ago and while the plane was descending I has unbelievable pain on the right side of my my face. It was so awful I thought I was going to pass out. This has never happened before. Any idea what may have happened and how I can prevent this from happening again considering I have another flight next week. Thanks for your help.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Your opinion on vacation plans...Bellagio (Vegas), Caribbean Cruise or St. Lucia?

    My wife and I are planning a second honeymoon (10th anniversary) and have narrowed our choices of vacations to going back to Vegas (stayed there for actual honeymoon) but this time upgrading and staying at Bellagio. Plan two would be a western Caribbean cruise...we are looking to have some time to relax and not feel rushed with a different island each day. Plan three would be a Sandals package to St. Lucia. Background stated above, we did go to Vegas for honeymoon but wife has not been back since. We have never been on a cruise, but wife does not like boats. Of the three, St. Lucia is most expensive, then Bellagio and then cruise is least expensive. What would you recommend? If you have done all three, I hope to really hear from you? Please no travel agents telling me to call them...boring. Thanks.

    4 AnswersOther - Caribbean10 years ago
  • We are going to Chicago for extended weekend, what is something we MUST do while there?

    We ARE going to Cubs/Rockies game Monday night, other than that we are open to suggestions. We were thinking about Navy Pier and a museum (not sure which one) and Sears Tower. Any help on which museum would be best or other things to do. Wanted to see Duran Duran on Saturday at Hard Rock but wife boycotted when found out they sold the tickets "standing room only".

    Your help is appreciated and I will gladly give 10 points to the most thought out and explicative answer. Thanks in advance.

    5 AnswersChicago1 decade ago
  • Dragon Age 2: Has game evolved from just sex to now having a relationship?

    I remember on Mass Effect 1 & 2 as well as Dragon Age: Origins, you would get an achievement just by having sex. I am playing Dragon Age 2 now and I had sex with Isabella (who hasn't) and achievement. I don't understand. Do I have to wine her and dine her too and get her to the alter? On one side I am glad Bioware has advanced their thinking to not just think sex is the end of the relationship, but how do I get this achievement? Also, is the achievement attainable in Act 2 or does it happen later? Please give as much detail as possible. Thanks for your help.

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Mass Effect 2 on 360? Relationship with assistant Kelly?

    I know this is way after the fact since the game came out a year ago, but I never got around to playing Mass Effect 2 until now. A friend of mine indicates he had heard you can have a romantic relationship with Sheppard's assistant Kelly. Please let me know if this is true, as well as what steps are necessary to take it to the next level with Kelly. I have not been able to find this information anywhere else. Thanks.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Question on movie run time?

    I am looking at movies on-line and it has run times (ex. 94 minutes), but does that include opening and end credits? Also, if it is a theatre listing that 94 minutes, does it account for the previews before the movie? I have always wondered about this.

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Public restroom poll...which stall would you choose?

    I was just curious how the rest of the world thought, but here is the question...if you go into a public restroom to use the facilities and there is a line of stalls all empty, which one do you pick? Do you take the first one available? The last one? Just a random one in the middle? Have you ever even given it a thought? I usually take the farthest from the door and I was just wondering if this was weird or if anyone had ever contemplated this question.

    11 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Xbox Live on two different 360's in same house?

    I have a 360 upstairs and a 360 downstairs and both have wireless connection to Xbox live. The thing that I hate though is if I am playing a game on the downstairs 360, when I last played on the upstairs 360, I have to download my gamer tag each and every time. Is there a way to copy the gamer tag to both machines so it will just know it is me regardless of which one I am on?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Question about Kung Fu Panda movie?

    First of all I really enjoyed this movie, even though I am an adult. My question is about the end when Po is holding Tai-Lung's finger and he says something to the effect that he figured it out and then there is this gold colored wind that blows throughout the valley. What was the wind? Did Po make him explode and this wind was Tai-Lung's spirit or something? We know Po defeated Tai-Lung, but doesn't that seem a little rough for a cartoon that he killed him. Just wondering if anyone else that thoughts on this because we don't see Tai-Lung after the gold wind.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Ladies only: What is the definition of an "emotional affair"?

    I was having a conversation with my wife recently and the term "emotional affair" came up. We were talking about how Brad Pitt had betrayed Jennifer Aniston before leaving for Angelina Jolee...which they both alleged they were not having sex. I had not heard the term "emotional affair" before and was interested on what you would define as an "emotional affair". I work with mostly women and want to make sure I don't do this because my wife said she felt this would be more hurtful to her than an actual affair.

    24 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What advice would you give your sister in this situation?

    My sister has been married for 22 years with three sons and out of the blue her husband tells her he has been cheating on her...with guys! Now he had decided he is in love with one of the guys and is leaving his family for him. I know it sounds like something right out of Jerry Springer, but it really happened. I feel she needs to get out of the tiny little town (less than 1000 people) they live in or everyone will be in their business and her sons (16, 13, 10) will be teased like crazy. Do you think she needs the support of her friends or is starting over somewhere else the best thing for her and her boys?

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Connecting to Xbox Live?

    I have recently come into possession of two Xbox 360s and wanted to know if it was possible to hook them both up to Xbox Live using the same account number. In other words, I would like to access Xbox live from either of them but don't want to pay for two different this possible.

    5 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • Ladies, what is the most romantic thing a man has ever done for your birthday or in general?

    My wife's birthday is coming up and I have done so many traditional gifts (flowers, jewelry, etc) and was looking for something new to blow my wife's mind. I am not talking sexual at all, just something so that my wife would go "wow, that is SO thoughtful". I was thinking perhaps a list clues to gifts which I would hide throughout the house (we have a pretty big house and lots of hiding places) but not sure how well that would go over. What are your thoughts?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Rent from buildings and businesses on Fable 2?

    On Fable 2 (love this game by the way) the instructions indicate you will get rent from rental properties and income from business you own "every few minutes". How many minutes is this and does it alternate or is this a set number of minutes? It just seems like sometimes it is longer than others. Thanks.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Of all the cast of Heroes, who do you feel will go on to the most success outside of this show?

    The dude who plays Sylar (Zachary) is going to be Spock on an upcoming Star Trek movie, Claire (Hayden) has already done some other projects and the dude who plays Peter (Milo) has done other movies too. I think the entire cast has great potential of future success, but who of the cast do you see "becoming the next big thing" and why do you feel that way?

    4 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Question about hanging drywall?

    I have researched on line and also in a home repairs book I have and in each case they show drywall being hung horizontally. I have a friend who did his basement and hung the drywall vertically instead and you cannot tell the difference. I have also talked to a couple of friends in the construction industry and they said the industry standard is to hang it horizontally as well, but they had no logical explanation why. We are getting ready to hang drywall tomorrow in our basement (repairs after the June flood) and it does seem like it would be much easier to hang it vertically, but I wanted to know if there is a reason the industry standard is to hang it horizontally and if we hang it vertically will this be some kind of code violation? Thanks.

    4 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago