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Xbox Live on two different 360's in same house?

I have a 360 upstairs and a 360 downstairs and both have wireless connection to Xbox live. The thing that I hate though is if I am playing a game on the downstairs 360, when I last played on the upstairs 360, I have to download my gamer tag each and every time. Is there a way to copy the gamer tag to both machines so it will just know it is me regardless of which one I am on?


You are all in agreement that it cannot be copied to both and are recommending transporting the hard follow up question to that is, can the gamer tag be saved on a memory chip and just transport that from one machine to the other?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The easiest thing to do...move the hard drive from one machine to another...

    I have yet to find something better that allows all your data on any machine at anytime without recovering the tag....

  • 1 decade ago

    No you will have to have two separate gamer tags when you have two separate Xbox 360's on live. Either that or you're stuck with downloading your same gamertag each time.

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