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Lv 44,278 points


Favorite Answers25%

Male;age 80 (as of Dec. 22,2007); born on the cusp of Capricorn/Sagittarius (makes for an interest split/personality) Movie interests: any movie that these people are a part of - Nicholas Cage, Kevin Costner, Tom Hanks, Clint Eastwood,Peter Falk, Ron Howard, M. Streep, Jody Foster. Book Genre's: SciFi, Autobiog/biog, Travel, Space exploration, extrasensory perception, TV Shows I favor: Are you smarter than a 5th grader; Deal or No Deal; The History Channel offerings, SciFi channel, travel channel, animal kingdom, Turner movie channel, many of the shows original and spin offs from Law and Order. TV I enjoy in rerun mode (classics from the Golden age of TV) M.A.S.H., I Love Lucy, the Carol Burnett Show, Mama's Family, Outer Limits, Twilight Zone, Combat, Rawhide, Bonanza, Lost in Space. Andy Giffin-Mayberry

  • What do you think are Obama's chance of being re-elected in 2012?

    No Chance // A Fair Chance // A 49/51 Chance //

    A 75% Chance // One Hundred % Chance.

    You may defend your choice for a chance at the 10 point best answer.

    9 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • for anti-theists and theists; why is it impossible to accept the concept of a "force"?

    The force (or source) if you prefer got the whole thing started. the planet we now call Earth, our Solar System, our Universe and the many millions of other Universes that probably exist that some scientists say was started by the Big Bang. Why is a "force or source" so impossible to accept??

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Who would make the better President of the USA, Obama or Fitts Patrick?

    Well, it depends on who will be the best tax collector on the money that the really rich familiies who

    control this country should be paying; but are not!!

    3 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • If men and dogs originally came from Mars; where did women and cats originally come from?

    It is obvious that men and dogs are not species that originated on Earth, they had to have come from somewhere else. Given the warlike nature of man and dogs, of course, they came from Mars.

    Now, the real question is where did women and cats come from? There is one book out about this subject you will have to find the author and the title as part of your research. However to win the 10 points for "best answer" you have to tell the story of what happened not too long after women and cats came from ..... ((Oops! I almost made a "fraudian" slip there)


    Jim the Fee

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups10 years ago
  • what, to you, is the meaning of "redemption"?

    I have just revisited the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" (released to the theaters in 1994) for my 12th visit. That prompted me to ask the question. Redemption can be defined from many perspectives. I have found 6 or 7 dictionary definitions and you can probably find many more. But,

    definition alone is not sufficient. You can illustrate to me what you think "redemption" is, you can tell me a story, you can let your fertile mind go into flight and "conjure up" what redemption is to you.

    All is fair game as you persue this search. This is not childsplay. You "top contributors" should find this challenging. This is not the place for the children to play the "childs game" It is a challenge that only a very few very adventuresome among you will care to take. So, have at it, all!! I am waiting to bestow 10 points on the best answer!!

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • How do you feel, personally, about using the Answers venue as a place to have a little fun with one another?

    From personal experience, I have often done battle with the questioner just because I recognized that he/sh was practicing a "fun and games" ritual with the rest of us. At other times, I have given rigorous support to an obvious "attempt to play a joke on us" and treated it seriously hoping that someone would catch what I was doing and "call me" on the charade. It would all be in the spirit of fun. Now, you have to figure out what I am doing right now with this question, don't you??

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles10 years ago
  • In your opinion, What is the Mystery about the Bermuda Triangle?

    There are opinions concerning the strange disappearances ships, aircraft, small pleasure craft, the whole flight of Navy aircraft back in the 1940's, specifically the story of the Marie Celeste (a yatch size sailing craft) movies depicting the solution to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

    There is room for further speculation from you in this adventure.

    5 AnswersMythology & Folklore10 years ago
  • A question about Income taxes.?

    Why is it that the 60 richest "families" and approximately 800 multibillionaire individuals do not have to pay any Federal Income Taxes here in the United States?

    5 AnswersUnited States10 years ago
  • The name of the Falls is Niagara Falls - named for the Indian Nia agara. What was his tribe and his language?

    While visiting up at the Falls this past weekend, I ran across the great granite "gateway" with the

    stone portrait of Nia' a gara emblazoned across it. This Indian warrior, with features grimacing in anger, was of a certain tribe, that is the way it was with the Indian peoples were (in tribes) when the

    white man discovered them. And, his tribe has a language. All the Indian peoples had a language

    often varying widely from one to another. So what what was his tribal language. Histories of the Falls will yield the information; so will Wiki - in all probablility.

    Happy hunting ,all!!

    1 AnswerNiagara Falls1 decade ago
  • How are the stories told by the tribes "story tellers" important to welfare of the tribe?

    It is factual that the "story teller" of the early tribal groups was held in high esteem by the tribal folk.

    For instance, the "story teller" of the peoples who came into the territories that later became America

    and Canada ( some accounts say back at least 30,000 years) was held in very high esteem and was direct council to the "leaders" of the tribes. It might be argued that the "story tellers" of the Celtic peoples and later the Germanic peoples were extremely important to the direction that the cultures of these two "peoples" developed.

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • what piece of Classical music became the theme for the old radio show Gangbusters?

    It may be considered as a very well known piece of classical music by music historians. To know about

    the "Gangbusters" radio show you will have to turn to wiki or some other source collection dealing with old "classical radio" shows of the early 1930's. It is out there for a searcher to find if you wish to make the effort.


    Jim the Fee

    2 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • Who played the Joker in the most recent revisit of Batman - the films.?

    This most recent Batman offering brings to the screen the most evil and nastiest Joker ever to be created, in my estimation. Everything about the version of the Joker makes your flesh crawl! Yet, there is something lurking there that cries for understanding and forgiveness???

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Who was it that said "Who knows what EVIL lurkes in the hearts of man?"?

    This character's name is abbreviated as L......C...... The character was a crime fighter of great renown back in the golden days of radio broadcasting. This character was revived in more recent times as a

    Movie star. And that is all you are going to get from me!!!! HHHHAAAAAAHHHHHHHA!

    4 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • who, among you all, are certain that you KNOW where Persuasion takes place?

    There are several options; and going back to the very first one


    The speaker (sender) of the message is the Persuader.

    (ancient Greek and Roman Rhetorical specialists)

    The message it self does the Persuading, ergo, the

    message is the persuader (Medieval into the early

    modern teachers and preacher who were rhetoricians)

    When modern radio boradcasting was invented and into

    its prime , the medium (the newspaper, radio, early tv)

    was the Persuader.

    You can choose any one of those responses and you would be partially correct.

    You have another option, figure out where PERSUASION

    really takes place, do it first, and you have 10 points.

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Is hypnosis a safe and sure method of probing the unconscious mind to get an answer to lost memories?

    I have no recall of a particular individual who should stand out very clearly in my conscious memory. That individual is a

    complete "blank" from the time I was involved in a car wreck

    with that person when I was 6. The person was 33 when she died in the car wreck in 1933.

    Jim the Fee

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Is it possible for your (soul, life force, spirit, spark of god) - to come back to Earth Plane again?

    I have a theory on this one that can be summed up in the

    concept of "reincarnation" A particular kind of reincarnation

    that is not be confused with the East Indian concept with

    the same title. We'll be interested to see if you discover the theory based on how you answer this question. It is not a simple question - there is no Yes or No answer to it.

    Taking complete concepts from Wikipedia is not the way to

    answer it either. You would better serve yourself to go to the works of Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, to get part of the answer.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Hello, Jim the Fee here. What do you know about Jacalopes?

    The are found in the wilds of Wyoming. Some have been

    sighted in norther Colorado. None, to my knowledge, have

    been reported in Montana. About the rest of the lower 48 states, I have no knowledge of a sighting. They used to have

    a "stuffed" Jacalope in the Longhorn Resaurante in Cuyahoga

    Falls, OH. I have not seen it recently. So I can't verify that "sighting"

    Let me know what you know, the best answer, of course, gets

    the 10 points!!!

    5 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • what can you tell me about the Celtic myth - the Gnarly Man?

    The mythology deals with a terrible creature which visit the tribal grounds and brings misfortune, plagues, general discontent and ultimately death. The Gnarly Man is a

    death bringer when he comes to an unvisted tribal village.

    He is used as a "boogyman" to frighten unruly children.

    He is such a "feared figure" that death from fright often is the result of his appearance. That figure is often described as

    a horror with matted hair covering his who body even almost obscuring his eyes. His body is horrably twisted and oddly bent.

    He does not speak but makes gastly noises. Most fearful is

    the great knobby stick that he carries as a weapon. When

    he appears in the proximity of a cave dwelling or a village;

    strong men grow weak, all run and hide in their dwellings,even the priests of the village go to their abode and start casting counter spells against the power of THE GNARy Man !!

    You will have to know your Celtic ledgends to do well with this one!!!

    3 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Where do you think they will find the "lost continent of Atlantis"? this best fits under culture/societies

    Speculation about Atlantis and what happened to it goes back at least to the Greek - Plato. His description, he claimed, was given to him by certain Egyptian scholars who had been instructed by ancient scholars of note in the Pharohs

    courts over a long stretch of year. The location touted by Plato, westward over the ocean thousands of leagues to the last great Island - Poesidon - which was destroyed by a cataclismic war which spawned strange and horrific weapons that were not know to any other men than the Atlantians. The refugees escaped in on-the-water ships, in under-the-water crafts (submarines??), in airborne craft (balloons??, airplanes??) The appearance of other reports from other learned men appeared from time to time in other epochs.....Right down to the present! I am quite certain that there is a fairly adequate amount of material available on Wikipedia; but I have not consulted it. I am concerned about the validity of the myth that reports escape westward thru caves

    9 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago