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  • Are Barbies biodegradeable?

    Are there any (any or all) Barbies that were made biodegradeable?

    2 AnswersToys10 years ago
  • Recipe for a different manicotti ?

    I'm looking for a recipe ^^ for manicotti ...NOT the regular cheese manicotti with red sauce but something different like crab or chicken in it. My hubby does not like spinach so no recipes for spinach manicotti (which I have tried and is very good)

    Id appreciate any that you could recommend :) Thanks so much

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • painful nipple blisters?

    Im breastfeeding a 7month old...I became engorged but changed the direction I feed her and she drained it thank goodness. but since then i have had a milk blister I cant get rid of...but now there are a couple of clear blisters on the nipple and it hurts whether I am feeding or not. I now have red circles on the breast that I thought were bug bites altho they dont itch. but now Im wondering if it is all connected. Does anybody have any information on this .. Im in the process of getting an appointment with the Dr but any help before then would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What's your favorite online free MMORPG?

    If your a player of online mmo's what is your favorite game to play that is free?

    I'm a Fiesta and Rohan player myself but what do you like?

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • "Spies Like Us" What was the movie in the movie?

    In the hilarious comedy "Spies Like Us", (which Ive seen so many times I have it practically memorized) there's a scene where Chevy Chase is happily watching an old movie with Ronald Reagan in it. The actors are singing a song "Ill be loving you...when...cloudy days are sunny. loving you..." etc ...

    Does anybody know the name of that movie?

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Had baby 5 weeks i having my period already?

    I just had my adorably squishy uber nooblet 5 weeks ago. My bleeding had pretty much stopped but then a couple days later Im bleeding again (not like gushing or heavy but more like a lowflow period)

    I dont have an appointment with my dr until next week. But could I be possibly having my period already? I was told women who are breastfeeding dont generally get their periods. >.> And I am breastfeeding. I didnt pick up anything too heavy or overdo myself while recovering from the childbirth.

    Am i confused about this? or is my period a possibility?

    Anyone have input? or experience this themselves?

    Thanks for your answers :)

    7 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • due in 2 weeks and feet are soooo

    I know its normal for your feet and ankles to swell especially during last trimester of pregnancy...but my feet and ankles are just about to pop lol and very uncomfortable.

    Can anyone suggest some comfort for this BESIDES keeping my feet up? would a heating pad or ice pack work for the discomfort?

    Thank you for your answers =)

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Outspark Fiesta server down...anybody know why?

    online rpg fiesta server has been down SEVERAL hours...we addicts want to know what's going on? cant even get onto website for forums... do u play?

    3 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • Do u know any diabetic friendly dessert recipes?

    My father just found out he is diabetic a few months ago. And I usually send out goodies and sweets for xmas every year, so now I need to find something suitable for him as well....I have no you? I need dessert recipes for him.

    thanks so much!

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Can you believe he got fired on Thanksgiving? by his uncle...??

    He worked for his uncle....who constantly changed paydates and expected him to just deal with it....he was constantly lied to by uncle....when he was finally fed up and didn't talk to him for a couple days (but still worked and did his job well) he got fired...

    To top it off, he heard about it from his cousin and his mother before he was even told himself....

    And everybody else got told that he was insubordinate and HAD to be fired....

    During the holidays????????

    What kind of crock is that? Can you blame him for wanting to disown his uncle? His family says, basically, he should just suck it up because its excuse me? His uncle sure wasn't thinking about it being family when he fired him....

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Sesame Street (the earlier years) not appropriate for kids anymore??

    I read this article yesterday. What are your thoughts?

    NEW YORK, Nov. 20 (UPI) -- Volumes 1 and 2 of "Sesame Street: Old School" come with a warning stating the first episodes of the beloved U.S. series may not be appropriate for children.

    "These early 'Sesame Street' episodes are intended for grown-ups and may not suit the needs of today's preschool child," the statement said.

    The long-running series began in 1969.

    Asked by The New York Times why the warning was necessary, Carol-Lynn Parente, the show's executive producer, mentioned one installment that depicted Cookie Monster chewing on, then eating a pipe during the parody "Monsterpiece Theater."

    "That modeled the wrong behavior, so we reshot those scenes without the pipe and then we dropped the parody altogether," Parente told the Times.

    She noted that Oscar the Grouch's extreme grouchiness in early episodes doesn't set a great example, either.

    "We might not be able to create a character like Oscar now,"

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Do you think the old Sesame Street is not appropriate for children today?

    This is the article I read : THOUGHTS?

    NEW YORK, Nov. 20 (UPI) -- Volumes 1 and 2 of "Sesame Street: Old School" come with a warning stating the first episodes of the beloved U.S. series may not be appropriate for children.

    "These early 'Sesame Street' episodes are intended for grown-ups and may not suit the needs of today's preschool child," the statement said.

    The long-running series began in 1969.

    Asked by The New York Times why the warning was necessary, Carol-Lynn Parente, the show's executive producer, mentioned one installment that depicted Cookie Monster chewing on, then eating a pipe during the parody "Monsterpiece Theater."

    "That modeled the wrong behavior, so we reshot those scenes without the pipe and then we dropped the parody altogether," Parente told the Times.

    She noted that Oscar the Grouch's extreme grouchiness in early episodes doesn't set a great example, either.

    "We might not be able to create a character like Oscar now," Parente said.

    4 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Can u finish this line? Never go in against the Sicilian, when death is on the line...?

    Can u finish this line?

    Never go in against the Sicilian, when death is on the line...?

    Polls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Plz, what can I cook with curry powder? I already...?

    I have already used curry in breadings for chicken and pork, and on potatoes...and I love the flavor.

    Do you have any recipes with curry? Any types...meat, veg, pasta dishes, whatever...

    Thanks a lot and Blessed be!

    10 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • What should I put in my Pita Pocket ?

    We're having Pita Pockets tonight. What should I put in them?

    I was thinking cajun turkey (and sandwich fixings) but I think I'd rather have something different. Any suggestions?? Thanks.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Hot drink recipes for a cold night? alcohol or non?


    could ya'll help me out by giving a recipe for a nice hot (steamy not spicy) drink?


    12 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • What's your best Hot Chocolate recipe?

    Do you have a recipe for some good ol' hot cocoa? It's so cold and rainy right now...

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • How would you write the 7th and final Harry Potter book?

    How would you end it all? Don't forget the smaller points...

    students, teachers, death eaters, muggles, heroes, villains...

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • If you've read all of the Harry Potter books...?

    What do you think about the possibility that Neville could be the one who is supposed to fulfill the prophecy?

    If so...could Harry (or Neville for that matter) actually die?

    Would Rowlings let Lord V live to reign terror to witches and muggles alike and kill off the hero(s)?

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Prince halftime..oh yeah..poll who liked or not?

    Oh Prince. Rock on! How many enjoyed it and how many didn't? (Prince fans or not)

    10 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago