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  • Any website where you can asking and giving answers just similar as this yahoo?

    After this get shut down. Where can I go for asking questions and giving answers? Where you can give out your opinion answers?

    Know any different website? Or even apps that I can upload into my phone?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers23 hours ago
  • Why GPS tracker doesn't give police rights to make arrest and search?

    Thinking if I reported car stolen. They put it on database nation wide. So if police see this stolen vehicle, they can pull them over, arrest driver search inside vehicle.

    But if stolen vehicle has GPS tracker placed inside vehicle. And this vehicle is inside one of semi truck hauling trailer that cannot be seen from outside. Police can't pull them over, make arrest then search inside trailer to recover stolen vehicle.

    So why GPS tracker aren't legal for police to use as probable cause?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics2 days ago
  • How police helping me get my stolen item back if already know where?

    Let supposed I left phone in my car. By time I get back to my car, car get break in and my cell phone got stolen.

    I call police to make a crime report. After made police report, I asked police to use computer to traced GPS inside my phone. 

    The map showed my phone is heading south on highway 2 miles from us in greyhound bus. Will police go on road to chase this greyhound to pull them over? Even is phone is hidden somewhere. Will police go ahead searching every 50 passengers and drivers? Also searching at bottom of greyhound bus every luggage?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 days ago
  • Do police have a right to searching somebody's home without warrant if cell phone reported stolen then GPS located to this address?

    I'm wondering supposed somebody stole your phone. You went to police department to make a crime report. Yet you asked police to use their computer to locate your phone. By time police found the phone, it's at somebody's home address.

    Now can I tell police to go to that address to get phone return to me? Even if this person did not answer the door when police knock their door. Or person deny say no phone in that address.

    Don't have to be at home address but in any vehicle.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 days ago
  • How can you tell if somebody received and read your messengers from Facebook?

    One thing I noticed when I send comments to friend on messenger. There is three hole next to messengers. First is check mark in blank, or check mark in fill in bold or check mark is gone and now this person picture profile now fill in that hole.

    Often when that check mark is gone but profile picture then I get reply from them.

    So what about check mark in empty or in fill in bold?

    So how can I tell if they receive my message or didn't read my message?

    1 AnswerFacebook3 days ago
  • What's appropriate way of using Facebook as first step when found old friends?

    Facebook is great to reconnect both of new and old friends.

    However suppose you found very old friend you knew long ago.

    What's first thing appropriate way without causing shock or discomfort or unnecessary fears to another human being?

    What's first step should I do to person?

    Send messengers first to introduce yourself? Or send friend request? Or do nothing until I met them by accident somewhere first?

    Ya know doesn't want to violate Facebook rules or doing unethical to people.

    1 AnswerFacebook4 days ago
  • Why people often don't bother willing to sweet talk/manipulation to cop?

    Ya know when any situation where there is conflicts. Like argue disagreement with issues. 

    When somebody say police is on way, they often left. Not bother to wait for cops then talk cop out of it so you end up right if you can get police agree and say you're right.

    I mean it made me felt good if police agreed and I end up right and other whoever I argue with is wrong.

    But why most don't think like how I think?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics4 weeks ago
  • Why most people mentally intending to escape when heard cop is on way?

    Last nite I saw two teenagers girl got into argue at one of big supermarket parking lot. I believed they both might've go to same high school. Don't know what they yelling at each other about. Could be over boys jealousy or something.

    There is several witnesses, the store manager came outside and told those two girls that police is on the way they better leave. Next those two girls ran into their vehicle and drive off from parking lot.

    I asked manager how he called police that fast, he say he don't but just try scare them away because don't want problems on their property.

    Turned out police is coming because one of witnesses at parking lot got scared and call 911 without telling anybody.

    I just thought if you can sweet talk or made a good fast talker then police might follow you and do you a favor at the end. You win and everything goes your way.

    Just thought if can sweet talk to store manager and cops, maybe they will be on your side and go against other.

    Often when there is conflict and cops show up, it made me felt proud and brave and gonna say police is on my side because I know I am 100 percent right and you're totally wrong.

    4 AnswersMental Health4 weeks ago
  • How long it takes before I able to see my old vehicle up for sale online?

    Last month I traded in my old Honda for brand new one. It's 2008 black coupe with mileages close to 100,000 on it.

    I keep checking online ever since to see if my car is up on market for sale by dealer or any used car dealer. I even check carfax and still it's not the one it was once mine.

    I searching and searching specific model year and make, mileage and trim level. Still not at any online. and still not on list for sale. It been a month and still my old car not anywhere for sale.

    Is it possible my car was crashed by one of Honda dealer employee after I trade in and it end up at junkyard? Or one of employee at dealer decided to buy it without ever up on market?

    Or dealer could just leave it at warehouse and leave it there for 6 or 9 months before send it to auction?

    1 AnswerHonda4 weeks ago
  • Jesus never committed sin, is it because he is also a God who own everything including 10 commandments?

    I remembered when I was little kid. My Mom and Dad made a house rules. I get punished if broke their rule.

    One day I witnessed parent themselves broke the rule. I said to them you broke the rule you should get punishment like I get for break the rule. Parent say they make the rule which mean they own the rule and they can rewrite the rule anytime they want. And they can do thing I can't because I don't own and make a rule.

    So is this apply to Jesus too? So meaning Jesus did and can do all kind of things and yet not commit a sin, us we commit sin, we let Jesus pay for our sons 

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 weeks ago
  • How long do police kept suspects identify being storage inside Automatic Number Plate Recognition database?

    Just wondering how long information of crime report stay in system before it already taken care of before being erased?

    Example: let supposed somebody see him with big boxes of cocaine bring into his vehicle. This person call police giving them information mention what witness saw.

    Next the police dispatcher might put it on computer informing all Automatic Number Plate Recognition. That way let say another police department spotted this car 20 minutes later at 10 miles later. Can pull this guy over and searching arrest him for possession of cocaine.

    Let supposed so how long it will be in system? Just ya know let say police see this vehicle a week later in different state. By that time cocaine not in vehicle anymore.

    Maybe not week but months or years later?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 month ago
  • How do police able to spot specific single vehicle out of crowds of automobile?

    Do police have computerized screener which automatically alerting officers in every police car? Alerting go on without officers even looking outside to look for right car? Or police has GPS which can see every car by having secrets black box inside every vehicle so police knowing where vehicles is at anytime anywhere?

    Cuz once I saw someone open cans beer drinking and drive in highway. I called police to informed them. Description of vehicle with license plate numbers. It's on highway many other vehicles looks alike. It was nigh time impossible to find it that quick.

    Then 4 miles later the police was parking off the freeway at one of business property. While I was behind that car, police got on ramp right when that car passed the ramp. Police pulled them over right away.

    Now question is how police find this that quick? Impossible checking everybody license plates because too many car go fast they all like alike and police was parking right opposite from where you can read the plate number.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 month ago
  • The religion interpretation causing conflicts of interests for believers?

    Kinda like don't do this or that because it's sin. But also asking for forgiveness if already committed sin. 

    Mention only God decides when or what happening to you. The more you pray the more good will come to you as a gifts from God.

    So it leading anybody keep praying and still not get gift, instead committed sins to get something then asking for forgiveness afterwards as short cut.

    Example: I praying God will give me a bike, keep praying still haven't got bike. Instead keep praying, steal the bike. Ask for forgiveness at end.

    So how it apply to Human instincts for survival?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 month ago
  • What piglets color results if crossbreed two different parent of pigs?

    I searching on line, there is several popular kind of pigs farmers used for meats products to sell, white, black, red and spots.

    Can't find any piglets in between like hybrids.

    What baby will be look like if mate male red pig with folded ear with white sharp pointed ear female?

    Or spotted female with sharp pointed ear mate with all black male folded ear pig?

    Can't find any piglets in between like mixed genes.

    2 AnswersBiology1 month ago
  • What piglets color results if crossbreed two different parent of pigs?

    I searching on line, there is several popular kind of pigs farmers used for meats products to sell, white, black, red and spots.

    Can't find any piglets in between like hybrids.

    What baby will be look like if mate male red pig with folded ear with white sharp pointed ear female?

    Or spotted female with sharp pointed ear mate with all black male folded ear pig?

    Can't find any piglets in between like mixed genes.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 month ago
  • Do you believe it's okay to misleading people if it's gonna save everybody's trouble in long run?

    One thing I noticed is often people want things that are not realistic. Sometime people pursuing unrealistic goal hurts everyone, friends and family.

    So we often trying leading them to choose things they don't want for everyone's stakes. If keep telling truth then it get worse because they don't want to hear truth hurts.

    Example: two guys got angry at each other and ready to get in fight, I lies and say hey police is here already stop it now. I mean they maybe found out I lied but by then both of two guys not fight anymore but aparts from each other.

    Example 2: old man age 90 who losing memory and never want to live in nursing home or assisted living. However if we don't misleading him then he end up burning his own home. So we first say we found a place for him to live and he gonna have roommate. We mislead him believing it's not nursing home when we bring him there.

    2 AnswersMental Health2 months ago
  • Why most prefer standard size bed when buying new Toyota Tundra ?

    I mean long bed, you got more room to carry and can bring standard construction materials because materials come in 8 feet long and sheet comes in 4 by 8.

    Even pickup lovers who aren't in construction still can get 8 feet bed just ya know big more space better than not enough.

    I mean sales of pickup truck, most is 6 and half feet. Like 80 percents buy standard, only 10 percent choose either long bed or shorter 5 feet long bed.

    Only time I see needed short bed needed is if you live in city like New York City, traffic and parking lot spaces is problems which I can understand why. 

    But most doesn't live in city or work at downtown. Most people live in small town, small city or country farm where parking and space are not the problems.

    But still why most doesn't choose long bed?

    5 AnswersToyota2 months ago
  • Do car dealer salesman lose commission if new car end up returned to their lot?

    Sometime dealer almost sure loan will be approved but haven't yet. They let customer take car home as "spot delivery". Assuming loan will be approve in next few days/week.

    Turned out it failed and customer has to return new car back to dealership. A brand new car with some mileage on it already.

    Now do salespeople lose their commissions because car officially not sold yet?

    Or most dealer won't pay salespersons any amounts until loan got approved even if it's 3 weeks after customer finished all signatures and took car home?

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling2 months ago
  • Why car dealer willing do spot delivery when possibly lose money and vehicle?

    When somebody come in, no/bad credit, salesperson don't care but willing to make a sale. When this person had no money salesperson doesn't care just want all signatures make it final sale.

    Let say this person never return car, you may ask how, well this person may just drive this car all the way to South America and stay in South America to live there now on with new car.

    I mean dealer can report to police for thief but too late by then, likely won't be any police involved in South America to help return the vehicle.

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling2 months ago
  • How do car dealer can keep car officially still brand new if letting customer drove car home with rejected loan?

    It called spot delivery. Dealer knew customer has bad credit and won't get loan. But go ahead do all paper works with loan applications. And allowing customer drive new car home. Maybe few days later they will call customer's home telling them loan is rejected and need get different loan. And say has to return car back to dealer because of rejected loan.

    Now customer return car but what about mileage and wear and tear?

    Example: 2021 Ford Explorer! Salesperson allowing them take it home on Saturday morning. Then all loan go through bank on Monday, found out rejected, call customer's home on Wednesday request return car.

    By then, it might have 2,000 miles on it already with some spills of soda and pizza stains inside because they had vacation somewhere far away for Saturday and Sunday.

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance2 months ago