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Lv 31,427 points

Alex B.

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  • a fair question to all...?

    Atheists & anti-theists...

    We can only be absolutely certain that there was a beginning of this universe. We do not know for certain, what is its cause, whether it be an intelligent designer or not.

    With that in mind, is it possible that there can be an intelligent designer?

    (Not looking for confirmation of creationism or anything, just asking if it is possible. No need to include any specific religious figure in this answer)


    We can only be absolutely certain that there was a beginning of this universe. We do not know for certain, what is its cause, whether it be an intelligent designer or not.

    Is it then possible that an intelligent designer was not required for the beginning of everything?

    (Not looking for confirmation of any specific religious figure in this answer. Just a yes or no will do.)

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What day is it - biblically?

    We must be near the beginning of the "7th day" and at the conclusion of the "6h day".

    The reason I say this, is that on the 7th day, all things were made "Holy", which we know what means. If we look around us, nothing is exactly "holy". However, through Christ, he declared


    - Mark 2:28 "Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath.”

    - John 5:16 “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.”

    The Sabbath

    -Genesis 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. 2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.

    Start of the Sabbath

    -Rev 21:5 Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." And He said to me, "Write, for these words are true and faithful."

    -Rev 21:6 And He said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts.

    I know... cherry picking, but from the beginning, to the end, and in the middle of it all, that same message appears but on some cases, in parts.

    Therefore, where do we stand today among this?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Who prays to/with the rosary in the bible?

    I've always wondered this and question why it is done today. Is it that in the catholic faith, the spiritual leaders dictate how God is to be worshiped, or does the Bible dictate how to worship?

    Not trolling, and dont mean to offend, I just want to know why its done? What is the root source of this practice?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • A question concerning life forms?

    I am no scientist of any kind, just looking for a serious answer to this question. Please, no "goddidit", no bashing, just looking for serious answers pls. Thanks in advance.

    I am not trying to be funny by this or impose any theistic thoughts. I am trying to get solid answers.

    Which came first, plants or “animals”. And do they share the same common ancestor?

    Meaning, is there a single organism that over time divided to plants and other creatures? Or did plants get here through another method?

    Also, is it only possible that life can come from already living things, and not possible to emerge on its own from non living things? Meaning, inorganic material able to sprout life?

    Not trying to be funny on the 2nd question, as I am lost and just looking for an explanation. I seek education. Even links are welcome.

    And again, thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersBiology9 years ago
  • A few questions, for non theists... pls?

    I only ask this here because it seems that non theists/atheists are abundant here.

    I am not trying to be funny by this or impose any theistic thoughts. I am trying to get solid answers.

    Which came first, plants or “animals”. And do they share the same common ancestor?

    Meaning, is there a single organism that over time divided to plants and other creatures? Or did plants get here through another method?

    Also, is it only possible that life can come from already living things, and not possible to emerge on its own from non living things?

    Not trying to be funny on the 2nd question, as I am lost and just looking for an explanation. I seek education. Even links are welcome.

    And also, thanks in advance.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • A Logical Question for Christians?

    So, sin = sin, regardless of nature, unless you, per se, insult the holy spirit, which is the only unforgivable sin. Regardless if any of that is 100% factual or accurate is irrelevant... the point is, in concept, sin = sin...

    So, practicing uncleanliness is sin, in all forms, amirite?

    And, it is easily identified that judgment is sin, as well as sexual immorality, and so on...

    So, likewise, living a homosexual lifestyle, or simply put, man laying with a man, as like a man with a woman, is equally as bad as, man having sexual intercourse outside of marriage, which is equally as bad as, not loving one another, which also, being judgmental, are all equally bad... correct?

    So, instead of pointing fingers at what the wrong doers are doing, should we not first remove the thorn from our own eye? Meaning, the one that is innocent, cast the first stone...

    but if all have fallen into sin, then no one is capable of judging any one...

    so why not leave one another alone?

    Seriously, isn't it hypocrisy to judge the nature of someone else, or their acts, when you yourself aren't innocent?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Singular or Oneness of God?

    Question is for believers, theologians, and those who have done extensive study. I dont care to see anti-theism or atheism here, as it isnt relevant. This question is inquiring on the nature of the God figure biblically.

    Ok, so lately I have been placing A TON of study on God/Yahweh as the individual creator via Hebrew scripture, and also some paleo-hebrew. I would like to list my findings and try to come to a conclusion on the theory of the trinity vs the theory of a singular and separate God entity.

    Elohim/Alhim – Used in a plural form during the creation account. Can be translated as “the mighty ones/gods”. Also, in other parts of scripture, for example, in psalms, used as a singular God, where context provides necessary clarity.

    So, would it be accurate, for example, to assume that Genesis 1:1 really means “In the beginning, the mighty ones created the heavens and the earth”?

    Additionally, when God, singular, Yahweh/Jehovah speaks to Mosah/Moses, he is both identified and self recognized as a singularity. For example, when God covered Moses with “his” hand before he revealed “my glory” and not “their” hand before they revealed “our glory”. Or also where he says “I am that I am” in some translations rather than saying “We are that we are”.

    Under those cases, would it be safe to assume that God is a singular individual, and not a collection of individuals and powers, as where Genesis shows the contrary?

    Now, in the New Testament, right off bat, we are introduced to Y’shua/Jesus. If we jump to John 1:1, it reads “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was(or is, or is in oneness with, or is in one nature or, like – depending on translation) God” It seems that, to me, it identified that God/Yahweh was not alone, meaning that there had to be more than just one person.

    If I wanted to distinguish something as being the same entity, or, if I was that entity, and wanted it to be revealed that I am a combination of 3 persons or 3 natures, would I not make it more evident in some method of context, and not make it a mystery?

    For example, wouldn’t God, say “We are that we are” in the same context of Jesus, rather than saying “Father, why have you forsaken me”, would he say “We, we have forsaken us”.

    So with this in mind, is it safe to conclude that, Yahweh/Jehovah/God is a single individual, separate from the Christ, or as used in the old testament, “An angel from God”?


    Is it logically reflecting that Yah, Y’shua are one creature?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is polygamy prohibited?

    For christianity, I dont recall anything that says it is condemned or prohibited. However, I also dont see where it was supported either. Any hints from scripture in the NT?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Intelligent design doesnt exsist?

    If barbers exsisted, then there would be no such thing as men with long hair and long beards.

    Hair stylists dont exsist either, because if they did, then all women would never have a bad hairstyle.

    Nail techs dont exsist also... nails have cells that emit color pigments, which then grows into random patterns of designs.

    I dont care what you say or what you think you can show me. None of the above exsist.

    Engineers dont exsist. Buildings, houses, cars, boats, etc all evolved into their current structures. No intelligent design involved. I dont care if you can show me a place where people go to educate them self to become an engineer, that is just a cult. Homework doesnt exsist.

    Hot water evolved from cold water into a pipe that evolved from a previous structure in which we have yet to find. We now have hot water because of this. No, it wasnt an engineer, that stuff is fairy tale and myth. When I came to my house, behold, we have hot water, and light, and so many other things. I dont see where people get the idea of intelligent design, it is not possible for this stuff to have been designed. Just because all these things are complex, doesnt mean that they had to be designed to exist. There is nothing you can say or do to prove me wrong.

    But if you can, then you accept that there is a possibility of an intelligent designer for our universe, though you didnt witness him create it, it doesnt dismiss that it was created.

    Just saying.

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago