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  • help with a song, please!?

    I don't know why, but this song just popped into my head tonight & I cannot figure out what it is!! The only lyrics I can remember are 'I didn't know what I was looking for 'til I didn't have to look anymore..' I know that's not much but I am hoping someone else knows this song! I googled the lyrics & still can't find it. Please help, if you can! Thanks in advance! =)

    2 AnswersLyrics8 years ago
  • Help solving an inequality, please!!?

    This problem has been driving me crazy for the past few days!! It's just a practice test so it really doesn't count but I like to go over the ones I got wrong and see what I did wrong so I can be more prepared for the actual test.


    I already know the answer is z<9 (from the back of the book) But can someone please show me step by step how to solve it. I had no problems with any of the other ones and this one is just driving me crazy!! lol Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Question about installing Windows XP..?

    I'm not too good with all this stuff so I really hope someone can help me..I've been at this for a few days now lol! I have a HP computer that came installed with Windows XP Media Center Edition. I don't have any disks for the computer though because I bought it from someone..and he didn't give me anything except the computer. Anyway, to make a long story short something happened and I had to install XP again. I am downloading Media Center Edition right now..but my question is will I be able to use the product key that's on a sticker on the side of my computer? Will it work with a downloaded copy of Media Center Edition? I was trying it with XP Home Edition and it was saying it wasn't a valid key..that's when I realized it was Media Center it work with a downloaded copy of MCE?? Thanks so much in advance!!

    4 AnswersOther - Computers10 years ago
  • I have a question about AT&T prepaid plans...?

    I was wondering about their $2 a day deal. It's unlimited talk & text..which is great..imo. But is it $2 a day even if I just text for that day..not use any talk time? The only reason I ask is because Verizon prepaid has a similar deal..$1.99 a day only on days you use it..but that was just for talk never took off $1.99 when all I did was text for that day.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • no dial tone on phone, but dsl works..?

    We had a thunder storm and the electricity went out for like 20 seconds and came back on, Since then I've had no dial tone on my landline, but my dsl is working normally! Is it possible that the dsl filters got hit by the lightning? I'm not sure if I get a dial tone from the box outside because it is still raining pretty hard, so I don't want to go check that right now. Also, I don't know how much of a difference it makes, but usually when the phone is knocked out during a storm, you can still push buttons on the phone and hear the tones..but it doesn't even do that. It's as if the phone isn't even plugged in. So I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if it's possible the dsl filters have gone bad now??

    Thanks in advance for your responses!

    3 AnswersLand Phones1 decade ago
  • My dogs anal gland ruptured!!?

    First of all, let me say I AM going to get professional help for my Lucky. It just happened at the WORST time..the weekend. I've done extensive research online about this and learned a lot actually. Before this happened, I had never heard of anal glands so I was scared to death when it ruptured. This happened Friday night and he hasn't pooped since Friday during the day. I know loss of appetite is a symptom..he hasn't really been eating. If I get a handful of food and show him, he will eat it from my hand. And he also has been eating his doggie treats. He doesn't seem to be in intolerable pain..although I KNOW this has to hurt him. He still wags his tail when I talk to him and love on him and he still loves going for his walks. He pees normal, just won't poop..and I guess because his butt is hurting him..?? My question it better if he does go to the bathroom..because if so I can feed him by hand to try to get him to poop. I emailed the vet but I am assuming no one checks it over the weekend because I've not heard anything from them. Anyone who has dealt with this can you please help me out here? I hate that he has to go through this and if there is something I can do for him until he can get help, I would love to know! Thank you all in advance!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Convert FLV to DVD...?

    I've tried a couple converters so far, and for some reason they don't work lol So, does anyone know of a FREE FLV to DVD converter..that works..and converts the whole video, not just half? I would prefer one that converts basically any format to DVD..but if it's just FLV to DVD that's fine. And I also don't mind the watermark as long as it's not through the center of the video! Thanks in advance!

    7 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Question about burning a DVD..?

    What type of video can I burn onto a DVD to be able to watch it in my standard home DVD player? I've heard it has to be WMV, then from someone else that it has to be I am SO confused! =( Any help is appreciated..thank you in advance!!

    13 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • What format do I save videos as to watch them...?

    Hopefully someone who answers this has a dvd player (standard home dvd player) with a USB port built in. I've been downloading youtube videos with a firefox add on *DownloadHelper*, saving them to my flash drive, and then I can just plug it into the dvd player and watch them on my tv..but recently download helper has stopped working. So I tried a few other programs and I was able to dl the videos, but when I plugged the flash drive in, it said video codec not supported..the screen was just the bg screen that shows when your dvd player is idle..but the sound was working. And btw, the files that didn't work were saved as AVI. So what format do I need to save the video in?? Thanks in advance..and sorry for the long explanation..just trying to cover everything! lol

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Vampire Diaries (series) question..?

    I've watched the clips of the upcoming series 'Vampire Diaries'. I've never read the books though, so I was wondering..would I have to read them first to know what's going on in the show..or does the series go along with the a movie that's based on a book..?? Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Question about a movie...?

    Ok, there is just this one part of the movie that I keep thinking about..this guy, he works at a country club or something like that, he parks cars *valet* and he steals one of the cars and looks through the glove box, finds the address to the house where the car owner lives. He goes to the house and uses their bathroom and stuff lol I am thinking it's Bad Santa..but then again I don't really remember it in the movie..and idea??

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Need help with an older movie..?

    Ok, this question will probably never be answered..correctly anyway lol but I have to try b/c it is really driving me crazy!!! I remember watching this movie with my dad when I was was early 90's..about a group of guys *3 i think* in prehistoric times..I do not know how they got there..but I do know that they didn't belong..they were some kinda scientist ppl or something..anyway, there were dinosaurs well as women..and the only scene I can really remember from the movie is the guys in a hot tub thingy with the women and one of the guys' glasses steam up from the water. Anyone have ANY idea at all?? Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • What kind of dogs...?

    these pictures are not very clear, but they are the best I have right now..anyone have any ideas as to what breeds these dogs are? A lot of ppl have told me that Boomer *the biggest* has mountain cur in him, I have also heard part chow and German shepherd! And Lucky, the smallest, a few ppl have told me that he is probably some kind of terrier. Anyway, just wondering if anyone else has any ideas..thanks for your help!



    Oh also, Boomer is approximately 2 and a half years old, and Lucky..approximately 5 months...

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can I connect my stereo to TV...?

    Ok, I have a stereo that has a USB port in it, and I can plug in my flash drive and listen to the music that's on there through my stereo speakers. But I was wondering if there was a way to connect my stereo to my TV and watch movies that I have saved on my flash drive. I know how to connect it to where I can hear DVD movie sound through my stereo speakers...but I am guessing it won't work that does anyone this even possible?! Thanks!

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • Need help finding a song...?

    Ok, I'm not really expecting any answers because I have only very little info to provide..but I am hoping it helps anyway! lol Ok..I think the song is called Blowing Kisses In *or on* the Wind..I know it's not the one by Paula Abdul..and I do not know any other words from the song. I just remember hearing it alot when I was's from the early early nineties..but I know for sure it's not the one from Paula Abdul...anyone have ANY clue???

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Question about my slave drive...?

    Ok..yet another question about my slave drive. lol So I have like no room left on my main drive..less than 1 gig..but I have no virus protection..and I was wondering if I install a virus protection program on my slave..will it protect my main drive as well??

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Can I save FireFox to my slave drive?

    Ok, I hate IE7...I want to use FireFox, but only if I can save it to my slave drive. If I do, will it work properly?? Or do I HAVE to save it to my main hard drive??

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • need help with service pack 2 firewall?

    Ok, I am trying to explain to my sister over the phone how to turn on the firewall that comes with sp2, but I dont have it anymore so I cant tell her exactly what to do. But she needs to know how to turn it on...can anyone help me out with step by step instructions with this? thanks in advance everyone who answers!!

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • need help to remove a worm from my computer!!?

    Ok, I will try to explain this the best I can. lol I use AVG Free Edition Anti Virus thingy..and it works great, I had no viruses/worms at all since I started using it. But I had a problem with my comp and had to do a system recovery..after doing so I lost AVG...and on my way to download it, I got a worm!! After I downloaded AVG again and scanned..I had a worm and it was in like..2000 files..the worm was worm/allaple.b and I healed all the I thought everything was ok. Then today I did another scan and I have worm/allaple.a now...I heal the files as they are infected..but it keeps reproducing in other files. Does anyone know of any free GOOD worm removers? or anyone know anything about this worm?? any help is greatly appreciated!!

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago